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So, a half-million members and 15 convictions for registration fraud? I'm not sure what's meant by members but on a strict number basis we're talking
[h=2]15 / 500 000 = 3.0 × 10[SUP]-5[/SUP][/h]

On a strict numbers basis we are talking of 15 convictions for ONE organization's members in ONE year.

Amazing how many on the left want to continue apologizing for them. Not even Saint Obama stood up for them.
Not in the manner you switched to. I compared them statistically as you keep trying to do with ACORN. In terms of number of employees convicted/total employees. Then you switched to talking about the economic impact of the two and pretending that I tried to equate them in that manner, which is complete bullshit on your part.

Good lord Simplefreak, just give it up. Even I am starting to feel embarassed for you.
I recommend this article from HuffPo from 2009, it is very fair minded recognising that ACORN was poorly run yet also pointing out that there was a witchhunt to get it for allegedly getting Obama elected. I was also fascinated to find out the huge sums that ACORN was supposedly getting from government amounts to just $53 million over the last 15 years over around $3 million a year!!


That article is hardly fair minded. It is mostly nonsense. While they do admit the real reason it was defunded... that is very poorly run, which includes the 15 convictions, the embezzlement of funds etc... the author once again tries to focus on Fox news, Glenn Beck etc...

The article does also state another very simple fact... ACORN did not receive that much in federal funding... yet no one on the left stepped up to take the place of a few million a year that ACORN got??? Why?

If you want the real reason ACORN funding was taken away... look no further than logic... a very poorly run organization that would have had access to billions in the federal 'mortgage relief' effort that Obama and the Dem supermajorities passed.
Good lord Simplefreak, just give it up. Even I am starting to feel embarassed for you.

LMAO... be embarrassed for yourself. What I stated was 100% accurate. You tried to switch methods of judging. Period. Or are you going to pretend you didn't?

(keep in mind... we can all see the posts on the board)
That article is hardly fair minded. It is mostly nonsense. While they do admit the real reason it was defunded... that is very poorly run, which includes the 15 convictions, the embezzlement of funds etc... the author once again tries to focus on Fox news, Glenn Beck etc...

The article does also state another very simple fact... ACORN did not receive that much in federal funding... yet no one on the left stepped up to take the place of a few million a year that ACORN got??? Why?

If you want the real reason ACORN funding was taken away... look no further than logic... a very poorly run organization that would have had access to billions in the federal 'mortgage relief' effort that Obama and the Dem supermajorities passed.

You keep asking why, when the answer is very simple. The brand had been tainted by all the bullshit from Fox and Co. and if they had continued to fund it then it would have been used as over and over by swivel eyed loonies like Beck. I suspect you know all that already and are attempting to play devil's advocate.
LMAO... be embarrassed for yourself. What I stated was 100% accurate. You tried to switch methods of judging. Period. Or are you going to pretend you didn't?

(keep in mind... we can all see the posts on the board)

Actually, you are the one, just like Beck, who should be embarrassed for making this more of an issue than it ever deserved to be. If he had gone after Wall Street like he did ACORN, we would have been far better served, in my opinion.
You keep asking why, when the answer is very simple. The brand had been tainted by all the bullshit from Fox and Co. and if they had continued to fund it then it would have been used as over and over by swivel eyed loonies like Beck. I suspect you know all that already and are attempting to play devil's advocate.

LMAO... right...

Couldn't be the convictions or the fact that embezzlement doesn't tend to sit well with donors. Nah... it must be Fox news and Beck.

Amazing how much power you think they have. Does Fox news intimidate Dems that badly?
Actually, you are the one, just like Beck, who should be embarrassed for making this more of an issue than it ever deserved to be. If he had gone after Wall Street like he did ACORN, we would have been far better served, in my opinion.

LMAO... how am I making this an issue more than any of you that continue apologizing for ACORN?

I would agree that Wall St would have been a far better target.
LMAO... how am I making this an issue more than any of you that continue apologizing for ACORN?

I would agree that Wall St would have been a far better target.

Really? The cow you need to have over ACORN now dominates two threads? Jesus fucking christ, what a pathetic little drama queen.... :rofl2:
LMAO... how am I making this an issue more than any of you that continue apologizing for ACORN?

I would agree that Wall St would have been a far better target.

No one is apologizing for ACORN, I just do not see this as being a HUGE scandal. It was a case of workers trying to get paid for fraudulent signatures. It wasn't the agency as a whole, just a few rotten apples, which the bench reported.

Are you a Beck mini me?
On a strict numbers basis we are talking of 15 convictions for ONE organization's members in ONE year.

Amazing how many on the left want to continue apologizing for them. Not even Saint Obama stood up for them.

I'm hardly apologizing for them. I expect every employer and employee to be 100% honest and upstanding, just like me. :D But life isn't like that and I do believe every organization (corporation, charity, religion, etc.) has a few bad apples that tarnish the rest. I was disappointed that Obama was so quick to jump on the bandwagon of criticism. Let's be honest, it's not only unfair, it's illogical to punish the entire organization for the actions of a few.
No one is apologizing for ACORN, I just do not see this as being a HUGE scandal. It was a case of workers trying to get paid for fraudulent signatures. It wasn't the agency as a whole, just a few rotten apples, which the bench reported.

Are you a Beck mini me?

Ain't that the truth. Remember back in the '90s when the head of United Way defrauded the group of something like $1 million plus? Now that was a huge scandal. Not a few loafers trying to pad their records with phony signatures.
Really? The cow you need to have over ACORN now dominates two threads? Jesus fucking christ, what a pathetic little drama queen.... :rofl2:

Poor Bijou, I am not the one that started either thread. I have participated. This thread is linked to the other in that Darla ran away because she realized how sad she looked screaming racist on the ACORN thread without cause.

Also Bijou... I am not 'having a cow'... this is a message board. When someone posts a topic, people discuss it. People will have different views to express. Are you expecting people to state what they believe and then everyone else agreeing every time? Is that how it works in your little lemming world?
Front page headlines, today's paper: Watchdog found graft involving 3 at LCB; Fraud suspect Michael Carlow targets prosecutors in case; Defense continues its case in Sandusky trial.

Are all of the organization here corrupt? No. Are some of the people in these organizations corrupt? Yes.

Same with A.C.O.R.N., and the PTB should be embarrassed at their knee-jerk reactions toward it.

Which ones of the above were being funded (partially at least) by Federal taxpayers?
No one is apologizing for ACORN, I just do not see this as being a HUGE scandal. It was a case of workers trying to get paid for fraudulent signatures. It wasn't the agency as a whole, just a few rotten apples, which the bench reported.

Are you a Beck mini me?

I did not state it was a HUGE scandal either. I stated that an organization with the convictions, embezzlement that ACORN had should not be receiving federal tax money. The Democratic Super majority and President Obama agreed.