Enceladus, Saturn's ocean world

You spent your entire Memorial Day enraged and lashing out at people on this thread.

In all reality I'm mostly just annoyed with you. You are a prick of the highest order but you are one of those mealy mouthed whiny bastards. You think yourself so fucking smart but you really are just a frantic googler. JUST LIKE YOU ACCUSE EVERYONE ELSE OF BEING.

You were shown up and you lied about it. So here we are.
You spent your entire Memorial Day enraged and lashing out at people on this thread.

Remember when you called me an antisemite? Yeah, you deserve all the opprobrium I can heap on you you LYING FUCK.

You sicken me with your mealy mouthed bullshit fake ass intellectualism.
Scientists caught Saturn's icy moon Enceladus spraying a "huge plume" of watery vapor far into space — and that plume likely contains many of the chemical ingredients for life.

Scientists first learned of Enceladus' watery blasts in 2005, when NASA's Cassini spacecraft caught icy particles shooting up through large lunar cracks called "tiger stripes." The blasts are so powerful that their material forms one of Saturn's rings, according to NASA.

Analysis revealed that the jets contained methane, carbon dioxide and ammonia — organic molecules containing chemical building blocks necessary for the development of life. It's even possible that some of these gases were produced by life itself, burping out methane deep beneath the surface of Enceladus, an international team of researchers posited in research published last year in The Planetary Science Journal.


THIS IS A QUOTE...it should have quotation marks around it so people don't think it's your intellectualism. You are a moron so you ONLY ever quote other people.

Thanks for putting the reference at the bottom so we know you aren't just plagiarizing. But remember quotation marks when you are frantically googling.
Cypress is so lost up his own ass he couldn't find daylight if he had the runs.

Are all GeoChem PhDs as juvenile and insecure as you or are you "special", Perry PhD?

It's not a rhetorical question, Perry. You don't have to answer, but if you don't, in a mature, PhD way, then I know you are a fraud..or sick. I suspect the latter. That you are under a lot of stress and it's breaking you...if what you claim is true.

If you're just another Internet liar, then all bets are off. :)
Are all GeoChem PhDs as juvenile and insecure as you or are you "special", Perry PhD?

It's not a rhetorical question, Perry. You don't have to answer, but if you don't, in a mature, PhD way, then I know you are a fraud..or sick. I suspect the latter. That you are under a lot of stress and it's breaking you...if what you claim is true.

If you're just another Internet liar, then all bets are off. :)
All the science debate sites are hardcore. Their insults cut deep but are so quick and funny that it's hard to get butthurt over.
Isn't Saturn a bit on the cool side for sustaining life?

It was my impression that life would need to be on a planet situated very similarly to our earth in another solar system,
but then again, my exposure to the subject has been limited.

It's a gas giant. Not conducive to sustaining life as we know it.

Also a gas giant: donald trump.
If memory serves me, Voltaire was even speculating about aliens on Jupiter. He imagined they had sailing ships,, because it was impossible for someone from the 18th century to imagine UFO technology

Knowing the tech is different than imagining the tech. Star Trek imagined doors that opened automatically. The tech came later. Same for travel to the Moon.

Mankind has long imagined superior beings from above. The reality of modern science makes Space Aliens unlikely due to distance and time required. Still, most legends and myths seem to have a factual basis of origin.
All the science debate sites are hardcore. Their insults cut deep but are so quick and funny that it's hard to get butthurt over.

Just the idiot ones. The immature wannabes....unless you have something specific in mind, COgoat?
I have at least high school chemistry. I actually have a lot more, but we were talking about the lowest bar. And yes, I do have more chemistry. STARTING with high school chemistry.

That's pretty much all anyone would need to know that water can, indeed, be liquid below 0degC. Unlike Cypress who didn't know that.
So you keep claiming.

In a previous post you claimed to be in polar waters “30 years ago”. At what age did you earn your “PhD”, Perry?
Knowing the tech is different than imagining the tech. Star Trek imagined doors that opened automatically. The tech came later. Same for travel to the Moon.

Mankind has long imagined superior beings from above. The reality of modern science makes Space Aliens unlikely due to distance and time required. Still, most legends and myths seem to have a factual basis of origin.

Not only does faster than light travel by matter defy the laws of physics, but I am dubious that intelligence capable of advanced technology is neccesarily a preordained outcome of evolution anywhere life gets a toe hold. Homo sapiens might be an evolutionary fluke, and the Earth got along just fine without us for four billion years.
And you spent yours posting WRONG science and then lying about it.
Addressed ad nauseam.
--> https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...e-a-quantum-fluctuation&p=5644947#post5644947

You spent your entire Memorial Day on my thread screaming about seawater, and indulging your petty resentment about me.

That is more than just a little weird.

If it's that important for you to parade around trying to convince posters you know more about chemistry than me, that's fine with me. I didn't major in chemistry, whereas as you have been quick to announce you have been awarded a glorious biogeochem PhD