Enceladus, Saturn's ocean world

The problem is that you really haven't proven that you know what you're talking about, and also, having taken chemistry in HS doesn't make you an expert on the subject.

You can google "Freezing Point Depression" like Cypress did. Like I said: it's something they teach in high school chemistry.
Can water stay liquid below zero degrees Celsius?

Can water stay liquid below zero degrees Celsius?


Yes. It's called freezing point depression.

About 30 years ago I was on a research cruise in the North Atlantic in April, just south and west of Greenland. We were measuring certain chemicals in the water as tracers of ocean currents. If you have never handled water that is below 0degC it is a treat. It is painful as anything. Just awful. After a period of time sampling from the Niskin Bottle Rosette using small glass syringes your fingers can no longer feel anything.
The idea existed long before Roddenberry's "Wagon Train to the Stars". Remember the seas on the Moon? Canals on Mars? H. G. Wells' "War of the Worlds" (1898)? Edgar Rice Burroughs' "John Carter of Mars" (1911)?

In part, I think the idea of space aliens is a product of the Age of Enlightenment as a means to remove God and superstition from the equation. While most believed in a Creator, like the Founders, many enlightened people believed in a Watchmaker God, not a deity that interferes in the lives of mankind or grants bicycles to those who pray hard enough.



If memory serves me, Voltaire was even speculating about aliens on Jupiter. He imagined they had sailing ships,, because it was impossible for someone from the 18th century to imagine UFO technology
Yes. It's called freezing point depression.

About 30 years ago I was on a research cruise in the North Atlantic in April, just south and west of Greenland. We were measuring certain chemicals in the water as tracers of ocean currents. If you have never handled water that is below 0degC it is a treat. It is painful as anything. Just awful. After a period of time sampling from the Niskin Bottle Rosette using small glass syringes your fingers can no longer feel anything.

You just told us that you have HS Chemistry, and now you're telling us that you took part in scientific research.
You just told us that you have HS Chemistry, and now you're telling us that you took part in scientific research.

I have at least high school chemistry. I actually have a lot more, but we were talking about the lowest bar. And yes, I do have more chemistry. STARTING with high school chemistry.

That's pretty much all anyone would need to know that water can, indeed, be liquid below 0degC. Unlike Cypress who didn't know that.
I have at least high school chemistry. I actually have a lot more, but we were talking about the lowest bar. And yes, I do have more chemistry. STARTING with high school chemistry.

That's pretty much all anyone would need to know that water can, indeed, be liquid below 0degC. Unlike Cypress who didn't know that.

So what is you area of expertise????
You should see a counselor about your rage and petty grudges.

As should you. You are so thin skinned that anyone who even marginally disagrees with you makes you whiny and sullen.

You are a hypocrite and a liar. That always annoys me. But I'm sure it's how you normally are IRL.
As should you. You are so thin skinned that anyone who even marginally disagrees with you makes you whiny and sullen.

You are a hypocrite and a liar. That always annoys me. But I'm sure it's how you normally are IRL.

You spent your entire Memorial Day enraged and lashing out at people on this thread.
As should you. You are so thin skinned that anyone who even marginally disagrees with you makes you whiny and sullen.

You are a hypocrite and a liar. That always annoys me. But I'm sure it's how you normally are IRL.

Yes. In the end, Cypress is very immature. Impossible to debate ideas with him.