Enceladus, Saturn's ocean world

I can’t even remember the wrong spelling I used for deshrubinator

I had a good reason to change my name huh

And it wasn’t even that misspelling that I told you NOT TO CORRECT

Can you remember the reason I told you not to correct it?

Do you remember that?

The real Damo would remember that reason
No, I don't accept that. There's many different kinds of intelligence, and I feel like your emotional intelligence is superior to mine.

Thanks dude

I love and admire you too

After knowing someone for twenty years and still having great respect for them

You are in a very tight group

Even including the people I know in real life

Kudos my friend
I can’t even remember the wrong spelling I used for deshrubinator

I had a good reason to change my name huh

And it wasn’t even that misspelling that I told you NOT TO CORRECT

Can you remember the reason I told you not to correct it?

Do you remember that?

Desrubinator was your misspelling. And no I don't remember why you told me "not to correct" it. I do know I called you shrubs for a long time though.
Because you are not Damo

Because I don't remember why you didn't want me to fix how you misspelled Desrubinator. But whatever you want to believe, really. At some point your memory fails. You have some weird idea that I had different opinions than I do.
Everyone remembers my miss spelling

And I allowed them that silly joy

This is the second time you had NO MEMORY of pm contacts with Damo that made us dear friends at the time

The real Damo would have remembered both
Because I don't remember why you didn't want me to fix how you misspelled Desrubinator. But whatever you want to believe, really. At some point your memory fails. You have some weird idea that I had different opinions than I do.

He was my friend

We discussed our friendship

He was a really good and decent man

He would have remembered

Sorry you lose
I think the assumption that life as we know it is ubiquitous in the presence of water and organic molecules is part optimistic thinking, and part bias from watching to much Star Trek as kids. : )
The idea existed long before Roddenberry's "Wagon Train to the Stars". Remember the seas on the Moon? Canals on Mars? H. G. Wells' "War of the Worlds" (1898)? Edgar Rice Burroughs' "John Carter of Mars" (1911)?

In part, I think the idea of space aliens is a product of the Age of Enlightenment as a means to remove God and superstition from the equation. While most believed in a Creator, like the Founders, many enlightened people believed in a Watchmaker God, not a deity that interferes in the lives of mankind or grants bicycles to those who pray hard enough.

Lunar maria are the dark topographical features that can be observed on the lunar surface, covering about 15% of the Moon's crust, and which have dazzled astronomers and moon-gazers for centuries.

The maria, or ‘seas’, were named by early astronomers who mistook them for actual oceans on the Moon, but of course today we know that no such large bodies of liquid water exist on the lunar surface.

The Italian astronomer and statesman Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli reported observing about 100 of these markings, beginning in 1877, and described them as canali (Italian: “channels”), a neutral term that implied nothing about their origin. Other observers had earlier noted similar markings, but Schiaparelli’s writings first drew wide attention to the subject. About the turn of the 20th century the American astronomer Percival Lowell became the champion of those who believed the markings to be bands of vegetation, kilometres wide, bordering irrigation ditches, or canals, dug by intelligent beings to carry water from the polar caps. Lowell and others described canal networks studded with dark intersections called oases and covering much of the surface of the planet. Occasionally the lines were perceived as doubled; i.e., two parallel lines became visible where only a single canal had been seen before.
Because I don't remember why you didn't want me to fix how you misspelled Desrubinator. But whatever you want to believe, really. At some point your memory fails. You have some weird idea that I had different opinions than I do.

Here’s a hint

Something I did on purpose to tease people?

And the hook was what?

Do you remember?
I met ladyT in a Vegas casino

A very good looking gal

It was so weird to just look each other in the face for real
Lady T was my nickname for Tianabautre, she took LadyT when she became a member here. Lady Saoirse was how I addressed Saoirse. I did not add Lady to Shrubs though... I don't know why. Anyway, time to let this thread go back to its original topic.