Enceladus, Saturn's ocean world

On a thread about math, evince admitted to not understanding much. This is who is telling you about their expertise in science.

You don't have to have a slew of college math classes under your belt to participate in a math thread. This is a discussion board.

Half the posters here are participating in threads by frantically googling for tidbits of information and then racing back to the board to pass it off as their own knowledge and thoughts.
That one sure seemed promising

So little of the universe has fallen into our hands

Way too early to really decide what’s out there

Europa seems to be the favored target for landing a probe. When the technology improves, we should have telescopes able to conclusively detect biosignatures in exoplanet atmospheres
Europa seems to be the favored target for landing a probe. When the technology improves, we should have telescopes able to conclusively detect biosignatures in exoplanet atmospheres

But not finding scraps of evidence that falls into our hands is not very conclusive was my point

We will likely find it like your tech example will render
Honest people do

It’s one of my favorite things about internets discussions

I learn so much buy just discussing and thinking of a question and searching

I have found golden information that way so many times

It’s the BEST teacher