The money removed from workers' paychecks now for FICA would be used instead for a national healthcare plan. Employers would also be off the hook for providing company-paid health care insurance; instead we would tax them a bit more to cover the cost -- and they would still save $$. We can still have insurance companies because 1) we don't want to shut down an entire industry and throw thousands out of their careers, and 2) many will want to purchase supplemental plans much like we do now with Medicare.
E pluribus unum used to be a motto we respected. We also used to have a national mindset of "We're all in this together". It's that mindset that built the interstate highway system and maintains it, funds free public education, provided electricity (and modern living) to millions in the South, promotes R&D and science, makes sure that our food/water/medications/etc are safe, and so on.
Trump is a disgusting human being and a self-serving king. I don't hate him, but I recognize what he is.