Happy insurrection day

I see. History is irrelevant to your historical post. Funny stuff.
The slugs in the Democratic party elected a vegetable, a turnip.

Now, most of the MSM and many Democrats have realized that they will lose, huugly (sic) with a turnip as president.

They are in full scale panic mode and trying desperately, to change the subject to... "fascism."
Yes, they were traitors to England. YOU are a traitor against the United States of America. So no, you are not in good company. You are an unprincipled, undisciplined, whiny little ignorant lout. But go ahead, start your little insurrection. I wish you the best of luck.
like Dutch, you're unable to articulate an exact point, but you are certainly proficient in ambiguity and throwing shit at walls hoping it sticks.
Are you lying or just DumberthanMost?

Lexington and Concord April 19, 1775
Waco burning April 19, 1993
The Oklahoma Federal Building bombing April 19, 1995

DTM, the date is, indeed, significant. The fact you fucked up and mixed up your dates is more funny than significant. The fact you have repeatedly supported the Murrah building bombing is also significant.

ROFL..........a subtle, but irrelevant, distinction. I know that you love your government tyranny, so long as it's implementing policies YOU like, however, others don't. I also know that you'd be begging for UN relief if Trump were to ACTUALLY become tyrannic and start acting like King George did, simply because you don't have the stones to fight for independence.

But if it makes you feel more 'patriotic' to call me a traitor, I am happy for you.
No, it is not subtle and it is not irrelevant. Dozens of countries have revolted against European rule. Those uprisings are not comparable to a Civil War the divides a single country. What states are declaring independence? Oh, wait, they aren't. There are very few people that you are smarter than. I am definitely NOT one of them.
No, it is not subtle and it is not irrelevant. Dozens of countries have revolted against European rule. Those uprisings are not comparable to a Civil War the divides a single country. What states are declaring independence? Oh, wait, they aren't. There are very few people that you are smarter than. I am definitely NOT one of them.
No, it is not subtle and it is not irrelevant. Dozens of countries have revolted against European rule. Those uprisings are not comparable to a Civil War the divides a single country. What states are declaring independence? Oh, wait, they aren't. There are very few people that you are smarter than. I am definitely NOT one of them.
"Those uprisings are not comparable to a Civil War ***the*** divides a single country. What states are declaring independence?"

You write like an eight year old.

The important thing about July 4 is not the insurrection.

The insurrection started 16 months earlier in 1775 at Lexington and Concord.

What's important about July 4 is we declared that humans had a universal natural right to life and liberty, and our independence was being rooted in the principles of natural law
Agreed 100%. The same rights which MAGAts and their WSE supporters seek to reserve only for themselves while stripping rights from those they dislike others having.