
this is true. I told him that it wasn't against the rules to alter a post a bit with a "fixed it for ya" type of post. He decided to make it his mission to change our board to fit the way he wanted it and was willing to break the rules to get there.

so dune lied again. no surprise. ignore is a good place for him.
Rana and Zap Need tp pull that hypocritcal stick that they've got shoved up their ass, out and STFU and then STFD.

Neither of them seemed to mind when two other female posters were being harrassed and talked about in unflattering and demeaning terms.

BUT, BOY-HOWDY, now that the shoes on the other foot; their bitching because it's kicking their ass.

Live with it bitchs (Rana and Zap).
What you sow, so shall you reap.
Enjoy the whirlwind.
Rana and Zap Need tp pull that hypocritcal stick that they've got shoved up their ass, out and STFU and then STFD.

Neither of them seemed to mind when two other female posters were being harrassed and talked about in unflattering and demeaning terms.

BUT, BOY-HOWDY, now that the shoes on the other foot; their bitching because it's kicking their ass.

Live with it bitchs (Rana and Zap).
What you sow, so shall you reap.
Enjoy the whirlwind.

You mean they are not actual victims, but instead victims of their own making?
It doesn't mention anything about harm, it mentions just the act of altering posts, and it is illegal.

He reminds me of Goem on the AOL boards. Remember how he almost single-handedly shut down the BB with his attitude and 24-7 spamming. Goem had that arrogance also, everybody was supposed to change just to accommodate him.
Yes, quote boxes are not posting under your name, they are a part of the post and are made under the name of the person who posts them...

Funny, I could have sworn my name was above the post and it looked like I was the one who made it.
I suggest she report it also, but she won't for reason we won't even go into, like her own guilt associated with the whole ugly matter!

Fuck you, you disingenuous bitch! You have stalked me behind the scenes...you zap and chris, along with that lying cyber sexing whore you hang with. Just so you can say you heard it from me- I made a report- it's there. It was made to show a pattern. Pictures of my caller ID were taken (I have copies) What the stupid bitch never reckoned was that I wouldn't back down like all the others she bullied. You being on here bemoaning how sick you are of it, when I know from past interactions, that you scurry about behind the scenes like the rat you are stirring shit up! I remember the first time someone called you a pot stirrer, they nailed your ass perfectly!
Funny, I could have sworn my name was above the post and it looked like I was the one who made it.

I'm relatively certain you can determine the difference between a quote box and a postbit. It would go by "reasonable person"...

You may want it bad, but you are off the mark here. They did not log in as "you" so the very first qualification is already gone... It's just not a post, it is only a quote box.

I can make them up even...

Jamaramalamabam said:
I don't post here.
I haven't altered your posts, I have hardly engaged you in conversation and you altered my post in a sexually disgusting fashion. That is illegal and there are laws.

Harassment by computer statutes are typically distinct from cyberbullying laws, in that the former usually relate to a person's "use a computer or computer network to communicate obscene, vulgar, profane, lewd, lascivious, or indecent language, or make any suggestion or proposal of an obscene nature, or threaten any illegal or immoral act," while the latter need not involve anything of a sexual nature.

Harassment by computer statutes are typically distinct from cyberbullying laws, in that the former usually relate to a person's "use a computer or computer network to communicate obscene, vulgar, profane, lewd, lascivious, or indecent language, or make any suggestion or proposal of an obscene nature, or threaten any illegal or immoral act," while the latter need not involve anything of a sexual nature.


Thanks christie, but obviously Zappa is the only one who was concerned about it, Damo obviously doesn't see it as a problem.
Evidently, Damo has no control of the board.

don't mistake inaction with inability. We mods wait for critical mass to hit before we do something. Alias for quite a while was a minor nuisance. He crossed the line today to the point where he was put on time out.