Here is what I think isgoing on guys

so your ideas is to not inforce international laws because no matter what we do babies will die?

Besides the smart economic sense of not getting involved, there is also the ability to return to diplomacy, that Obama just walked away from when 'the world would not follow the One they were waiting for." Then there is also the reasonable position of not getting drawn into a very possible wider war.
so your ideas is to not inforce international laws because no matter what we do babies will die?

Actually, she is shooting down your "they gassed babies!" argument. You want us to go to war, alone, because Syria broke and international law. It is not about babies dying, because when that happens by other methods you do not clamor for war.
Chemical weapons were banned nearly 100 years ago by this world.

why do you pretend that is not fact?
Actually, she is shooting down your "they gassed babies!" argument. You want us to go to war, alone, because Syria broke and international law. It is not about babies dying, because when that happens by other methods you do not clamor for war.

dear fucking idiot,

the world got together after the HORRORS of the WWI gassings.

they didn't ban war or guns or even bombs.

They all agreed that chemical weapons were JUST TOO HORRIBLE.

were they assholes for doing so?
So it is all about international law, and not about babies.

Please show me facts that say the United States is responsible for enforcing international law?

who said they were.

BTW you fucking diversionasaurous those lwas were made to PROTECT babies from chem weapons.
The US effort to march to war this time hangs totally on the illusion that chemical weapons are an evil that surpasses all other means of killing people in wars. And that is just not true.

So once that illusion is discarded and put to rest, there is no other justification for war. Just think, if it is put to rest then what will the US need for a new justification? Will it fall back on the idea that Saddam sent all his WMD's to Syria?

That or something akin to that may become necessary for the long planned war against Syria that we were told was coming years ago by Wesley Clarke.

Just don't doubt that the US will get it's war against Syria some way.
dear fucking idiot,

the world got together after the HORRORS of the WWI gassings.

they didn't ban war or guns or even bombs.

They all agreed that chemical weapons were JUST TOO HORRIBLE.

were they assholes for doing so?

Please show me where it is the responsibility of the US to enforce international law?

Our international organization, the United Nations, has said no to war. Why are we above that?
yeap take out their delivery systems

Doesn't secure them at all, so long as Russia is willing to give them rockets. Of course, all I need is an IED to make it disburse. Even better if you can make it so the rebels get the stuff, they make IEDs real good and the US will just pretend that only Assad could possibly do that.

It will take boots on the ground to secure the Chemicals, and according to those in command it will take at least 75K.

Good thing people sent to secure Chemical Weapons are not legally called "Combat Troops" nor are Special Forces otherwise Obama wouldn't get his war on so well. So, we can send in tons of people to secure all that, along with a bunch of Special Forces to train the Islamic Extremist homicidal brutality of the rebel fighters to yet a keener edge and just be "heroes"... They'll all be waiving American Flags and toppling statues!

Supporting bad people who do bad things because somebody else did bad things is still bad... No matter how you write this novel action here only supports the bad guy.
Please show me where it is the responsibility of the US to enforce international law?

Our international organization, the United Nations, has said no to war. Why are we above that?

your kinda early huh?

cant wait for all the evidence for what reason?
who said they were.

BTW you fucking diversionasaurous those lwas were made to PROTECT babies from chem weapons.

BTW, you psychotic warmongering bitch, your attempts to use babies in an emotional plea is transparent as hell. If you cared about babies, you would be clamoring for action when they are slaughtered by any means.
your kinda early huh?

cant wait for all the evidence for what reason?

Because I do not agree with killing people without PROOF and without FACTS.

The politicians have lied before. Now you want to take what they say as FACT without proof? That makes you an idiot.
Doesn't secure them at all, so long as Russia is willing to give them rockets. Of course, all I need is an IED to make it disburse. Even better if you can make it so the rebels get the stuff, they make IEDs real good and the US will just pretend that only Assad could possibly do that.

It will take boots on the ground to secure the Chemicals, and according to those in command it will take at least 75K.

Good thing people sent to secure Chemical Weapons are not legally called "Combat Troops" nor are Special Forces otherwise Obama wouldn't get his war on so well. So, we can send in tons of people to secure all that, along with a bunch of Special Forces to train the homicidal brutality of the rebel fighters and just be "heroes"...

Supporting bad people who do bad things because somebody else did bad things is still bad... No matter how you write this novel action here only supports the bad guy.

what makes you think ASS SAD is going to control this country forever and keeping them secure?

Hes going down no matter what we do.

How about we take out his delievery system so they don't inherit the chems and the delivery system?