Here is what I think isgoing on guys

you don't even make fucking sense you fool.

Now tell me was it wrong for the world to ban chemical weapons nearly 100 years ago?

No, of course the banning of any weapons is not wrong. But once again, your attempts to make it out that chemical weapons are more of an egregious crime against humanity than the 'real' US Weapons of Mass Destruction is being seen as a scam to support your own politics.

And now once again for the real issue. Is there proof that is acceptable to the rest of the world that Assad's regime actually 'did' use gas on it's enemies. I say there is ample reason to believe otherwise. And for what it's worth, I was also right in saying that the WMD's never did exist in Iraq too. Weren't you? Why is this so different for you?

the world did not ban guns or bombs or war huh?

They banned chemical weapons nearly 100 years ago though.

did they think they were worse than conventional weapons when they did that?

jesus your fucking stupid
what makes you think ASS SAD is going to control this country forever and keeping them secure?

will bombing Syria make it more likely or less likely that they can be about negotiating a deal whereby Russia takes over their security.....

from your link....
In Washington, White House press secretary Jay Carney said the United States was working with the French and other allies as well as the Syrian opposition to determine those answers.

"We need to expand the evidence we have," he told reporters Tuesday. "We need to make it reviewable; we need to have it corroborated before we make any decisions based on the clear violation that use of chemical weapons would represent by the Syrian regime. So, we will continue in that effort."

Carney wants evidence but Desh already has it.....
why do you prefer to believe the Russian report over our own declassified material?

Part of the reason why people believe the Russians and not the US is obvious. The WMD lies for an Iraq war! Which should make it at least mandatory that solid proof be furnished before any new war and that hasn't been done. When credible investigators from the UN sign on to your theory then and only then will it be right to have a closer look at the possibility of war.

But even then, the motives for war will still remain questionable even if it turned out that Assad's side used the gas to kill it's enemies. That is because a war with US bombing will inevitably slaughter more people than are now being slaughtered in this civil war.

And also because the US has shown time after time that the lives of the supposed victims they are intent on saving is never proven to be the real concern.

Nobody can just shrug off all the facts we know about ME meddling by the US, all the way back to the overthrow of Iran's duly elected government which was replaced with the Shah, a US puppet dictator.

No, Obama hate being the motivation or not on the antiwar side, this all doesn't add up as credible evidence for war by the US. And with the best of luck Obama's initiative will be defeated by the US congress.

And that could just be exactly the end result Obama has worked for all along!