Here is what I think isgoing on guys

This is the world O-BOMB-YA and Desh are campaigning for right now:



closing your eyes and pretending no dictator will see inaction as an invitation to "clean up" a problem is the height of denial

This is what happens when a "smart bomb" goes off, Desh:


Closing your eyes and pretending it wont happen in Syria too is blindness.
The history of our world has shown just this.

we STOOD FIRM as a world body after WWI gassings and said NO.

that stood for decades until the sixties when Egypt used it and the world didn't react much.

Now its becoming more and more common in this messed up middle east.

That is a fact.

Inaction caused Bush to use chemical weapons in fallughia.

he wasn't the only one.

My theory is already showing its true
You keep acting like we have some moral ground since not using gas after WWI?
It's completely false
Have you watched film of Japan post nuking
You keep acting like we have some moral ground since not using gas after WWI?
It's completely false
Have you watched film of Japan post nuking

heres an Idea.

everyone who was alive during the bombing of japan will be kept out of the voting.

Only those born after that decision are clean huh.

or does the sins of the fathers taint them too?
heres an Idea.

everyone who was alive during the bombing of japan will be kept out of the voting.
Zero people are stopping you from going to help them

Only those born after that decision are clean huh.

or does the sins of the fathers taint them too?
Wait you want someone else to go to today's Vietnam
so you claim that bombing syrias delivery system will create a vietnam ?

On what facts?

You have no "facts" to show what will happen if we bomb Syria. ZERO. All you have are predictions and projections. So please spare us stating for the one thousandth time that you have "facts".