Here is what I think isgoing on guys

If we turn a blind eye to others does that mean we turn a blind eye to our own uses of it?

You know evince, you can go and join one of these rebel groups if you want.

If it's that big of a deal to you, go on and join them.
Ass sad did this people the facts are there. The world either again turns a blind eye or reacts.
that is our choice

Where's the evidence? Kerry saying "we know"? The world has pretty much declined to back O-BOMB-YA, so I say stay out of it.
This is from the same administration that said a video was the reason for Benghazi.

It have been a factor, IMO, let's remember that O-BOMB-YA also lobbed airstrikes at Libya and killed innocent people. That could have angered some more folks in those parts, too.

Syria's chemical weapons arsenal remains a menacing mystery


Satellite photo shows Syria's Furqlus weapons depot near the city of Homs. The depot is one of five permanent locations where the regime of Bashar Assad stores chemical weapons, according to arms control experts and U.S. officials.

By Richard Engel, Jim Miklaszewski and Robert Windrem, NBC News

As the Obama administration seeks to rally support for a powerful missile attack on key Syrian targets, much about Damascus’ chemical warfare program remains shrouded in secrecy.

Experts agree that the program is the most advanced in the Third World, and that the Syrian government has used the poisonous arms against its own people "multiple times" in recent years.

Based on recent interviews with U.S. officials, allied intelligence officials and arms control experts, here’s what is known – and not known – about Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal and the looming showdown over what the U.S. says is its most recent attack:
this happened folks.

You can pretend to yourselves it didn't happen and that changes none of the reality
Would everyone please remain silent!!!

I am eagerly awaiting the explanation from Desh as to this whole new 'other level' thing...






It have been a factor, IMO, let's remember that O-BOMB-YA also lobbed airstrikes at Libya and killed innocent people. That could have angered some more folks in those parts, too.

Well,,,,,, Obama's been able to stop the media from talking about Boehnercare, and all the scandels he has with this war talk. I'll hand him that.
And you can pretend that airstrikes will not harm any civilians and that changes none of the reality that you are wrong and that people disagree about the efficacy of air strikes and whether the benefits outweigh the harms.
And you can pretend that airstrikes will not harm any civilians and that changes none of the reality that you are wrong and that people disagree about the efficacy of air strikes and whether the benefits outweigh the harms.

how will do nothing effect this situation?

more dictators going "hey I have a free pass".