How was the speech?

Trump was given a speech that made an attempt at unification. Daffy was uncomfortable with it, It is against his unevolved nature. He had to go into crazy land. Trump talking about god is blasphemy. He is a lifetime rule breaker, regulation scoffer and crook. He is not a believer in god. He sees people as useful. He does not feel your pain. Once he gets your vote, he is through with you.
funny how moral relatvists and realpolitik warmonger mass murderers become the arbiters of morality on a whim, when they're losing.


I see that you were presented with an opportunity to add relevant commentary to the thread topic ... but you didn't allow yourself to get sucked into that trap. You immediately dove right into "pure, needless ad hominem" mode and hurled unprovoked insults. You valiantly kept your value-added quotient at zero while maintaining impressive virtue-signaling percentages.

They won't be getting any pertinent information out of you anytime soon! Great job!
I am here to just tell the truth Sir!
number 2 is happening.

some high profile dems are pretending 1 and that they want o1, because that seems like genuinely believing that the presidency matters. and they need to keep up appearances.

so schumer and schiff and jefferies and pelosi pretend they care. but they dont.

Biden will stay.
Brandon will not be their candidate.
We'll just assume that you have been asleep these past four years.

The DNC will decide. Of course, if the DNC has decided that Biden is out, they will ask nicely at first, and will gradually ramp up the pressure until Biden is simply no longer the DNC's candidate, if that is what it has to come down to.

Otherwise, if the DNC has decided that Biden is in, because the DNC is confident that it can steal this election as well, then all of this public "pressure" for Biden to step down is merely a side show that the DNC permits so that they can portray Biden as staunchly displaying his fiery independence and his raging resolve to claim the Presidency. Of course, this imagery won't jibe with Biden's meek babbling and his need to be told to stop talking to his imaginary friends, but at such a point in time, Biden's handlers won't give a shit about any of that.

We have to follow the law, and that is what is spelled out in the Constitution.

Trump cannot lose if it is a free and fair election. That last part is what is in question.

That will be how any rational adult will be able to tell if the DNC was successful in stealing the election.

Don't worry; I have you listed as one of the seventeen people who are going to be actually be voting for Biden. I was, of course, exaggerating when I said that nobody was going to be voting for Biden.

The Constitution outlaws nobility, and Trump is running for the Presidency which is spelled out in Article 2.
The funniest part of that ^ rambling is the “we have to follow the law,” since when?

And forget the bullshit “free and fair election,” in your cultist logic, Trump can not lose, and if he does, it is automatically not a “free and fair election.” The election itself is immaterial, Trump will never say he lost it, never, and therefore you will always believe it was not a “fair and free election.” The actual election, the event, the facts means little to the cult
Trying to figure out what chatroom a half dozen malcontent leftes gather at every morning to see which of them can exhibit the lowest IQ.
Today, between jerad and the cat lady it is a tossup but the day is still young.

Amend to include poor anchovies and the little lizard
Too bad I'm not on your side, huh. We'd be a powerhouse. ;):LOL:
That is not hate,
You are seething with HATE, of the TDS flavor in this case.

reality, America doesn’t like Trump,
America elected Trump in 2020 by an historic margin for any US President.

and is open to any “other than Trump” candidate
Nobody has a hope in H-E-double-hockey-sticks against Trump, assuming a free and fair election. The DNC is weighing every option to steal this one too; if they are unsuccessful in stealing the election, well, they were going to lose anyway. So, the DNC has no reason to not give it a shot. Anyone who isn't directly looking for the DNC to steal this election is a moron.

And the rest of your post is reminiscent of the guaranteed ... Biden was going to be easily impeached
Leftists keep saying this. This was pure leftist fabrication for the consumption of leftists. You can verify this by noticing that only leftists ever "learned" about this.
The more salient question, what do the far left Democratic Socialist loons think of the attempt to destroy Democracy by urging the turnip to withdraw from the presidential race?

Run Joe, please run.

What kind of democracy killers try to remove the person who won the primaries by millions of votes?


Run, Joe, run.
Yeah the self proclaimed "guardians of democracy" are trying to force out a guy that 15 MILLION of their own party voted for. Does not seem very Democratic to me. :dunno:
Trying to figure out what chatroom a half dozen malcontent leftes gather at every morning to see which of them can exhibit the lowest IQ.
Today, between jerad and the cat lady it is a tossup but the day is still young.

Amend to include poor anchovies and the little lizard
You Trumptards are mentally SICK!
Brandon will not be their candidate.
I say he will.

democrats all know their candidates are merely deep state puppets, and that they cheat to win.

there's nothing to worry about from that cynical perspective.

pelosi, schumer, schiff, jeffries et al are ony pretending to believe the system works for appearances.

who do you think it will be?
The funniest part of that ^ rambling is the “we have to follow the law,” since when?
That's what Conservatives do, i.e. follow the law. Leftists, on the other hand, break every law to maximize their cheating like mo-fos.

And forget the bullshit “free and fair election,”
Nope. That is what I expect. I will not legitimize leftist cheating and law-breaking.

The election itself is immaterial, Trump will never say he lost it,
... says the guy who is hoping and praying for a successful steal. The moment the DNC steals the election, you'll claim that everybody obviously voted for Biden, not just the seventeen who actually did.

never, and therefore you will always believe it was not a “fair and free election.”
ZenMode already tried this angle. It won't work.

The actual election, the event, the facts means little to the cult
The actual election means nothing to those who are planning to steal it.
I say he will.

democrats all know their candidates are merely deep state puppets, and that they cheat to win.

there's nothing to worry about from that cynical perspective.

pelosi, schumer, schiff, jeffries et al are ony pretending to believe the system works for appearances.

who do you think it will be?
We shal see. Brandon is a turnip and any fool can tell him what to do but the major concern for the democrats is the down ticket.
To use a metaphor, this weeks RNC was nothing more than an EVIL Public Verbal Crucifixion of Joe Biden, and a Barbaric Thunderdome of liars stepping up to the podium to lie about their political opposition, while worshiping and lying about the accomplishments of their False Prophet and Cult Leader.

If there was a TRUTH METER at the convention center, it would have went to a FULL TILT!

All I saw was a bunch of hateful people there swimming in their own runny shit, trite, and vitriol!


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The funniest part of that ^ rambling is the “we have to follow the law,” since when?

And forget the bullshit “free and fair election,” in your cultist logic, Trump can not lose, and if he does, it is automatically not a “free and fair election.” The election itself is immaterial, Trump will never say he lost it, never, and therefore you will always believe it was not a “fair and free election.” The actual election, the event, the facts means little to the cult
the facts of the election are "dems cheated".