How was the speech?

Appeals Court Blocks Student Debt Bailout Plan.

Biden is blocked from violating the Constitution again.
Trump strung out lie after lie. He is still a buffoon. He is a divider because he is only for himself. He could stand in front of people and say me,me,me,me,me. His followers would applaud wildly.
An hour and half?

Trump forgot his audience, he started out fine, then descended into the usual Trump. He was speaking to the cult in front of him, throwing them their red meat, and not the national audience he needed to sway. And at times, looked like a 78 year old man rambling endlessly

Did love the line that immigrants are stealing “109%” of American jobs
Illegal immigrants, Anchovies.
Take him to court, then. I'm looking forward to Reade's testimony if she actually files a case.

There is a good chance your party will kill her.

If not, the party will ensure the case never sees a courtroom.

trump raped E. Jean Carroll,


Of all the vicious lies you Stalinists tell - that's the dumbest. A celebrity at the top of his game who can have any woman he wants is going to force himself on a vile hag in a crowded department store. Trump isn't one to go for the ugliest woman he can find.

Complete idiocy - and demonstration of the contempt you scum have for the rule of law and the American people.

This is nothing more or less than Himmler level demagoguery claiming "Jews make Matzo from the Blood of Aryan babies."

It's pure hate driven demagoguery.

Donald Trump raped E. Jean Carroll even though he was found liable only for 'sexual abuse,' judge rules​

"In May, a jury in Manhattan federal court concluded that Donald Trump sexually abused E. Jean Carroll and defamed her when he called her a liar, awarding Carroll $5 million in damages.

The jury did not, Trump's lawyers trumpeted at the time, find that Trump "raped" Carroll — the central part of her allegations. The judge isn't so persuaded.

In an opinion issued on Wednesday, US District Judge Lewis Kaplan, who presided over the trial, wrote that the trial evidence demonstrated Trump "raped" Carroll in the plain sense of the word.

"The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was 'raped' within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump 'raped' her as many people commonly understand the word 'rape,'" Kaplan wrote. "Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that..."

Ordinary dictionaries, the FBI, the US military code, other state statutes, and the American Psychological Association, and "common modern parlance" all define "rape" in ways that comport with the jury's findings, beyond "the narrow, technical meaning of a particular section of the New York Penal Law," he wrote."

The corrupt "judge" is a dishonorable pile of shit who engaged in a political vendetta against an enemy of the Communist party.

Zero legitimacy to the proceeding of to the Banana Republic of New York - which is devoid of the rule or law. A third world shit hole where loyalty to the party Is the only factor in persecution by the goons who run the Junta.
GOP Convention: Attendees and speakers generally happy, having a good time, yet connecting to the humanity of people. They addressed the problems facing this nation, and they provided hope for the future.

DNC Convention: Will likely have generally angry attendees/speakers and will likely chant about wanting to kill unborn children most of the time (along with championing the Green New Scam). They won't recognize what happened to Trump in a heartfelt way, they won't recognize the man who died and the people who were severely injured on J13, they won't recognize the families whose children died in Biden's botched Afghan withdrawal. They will pretend that you are NOT paying more for gas, for groceries, for energy, for housing, and that the economy is "perfectly fine". They will pretend that the southern border is "secure" instead of porous. All they have are lies and fear mongering.
You don’t go on nationwide TV, have the nation’s attention, to make “attendees and speakers happy,” you do it to influence undecided voters, and although he started out fine, the rest of the speech was just the usual preaching to the choir, “making attendees happy”
The more salient question, what do the far left Democratic Socialist loons think of the attempt to destroy Democracy by urging the turnip to withdraw from the presidential race?
It's official, because I gleaned it from CNN. There are two possibilities, with Biden's candidacy, or lack thereof, being completely incidental to the reality behind the scenes.

1. the DNC has determined that Biden is to go, and that will happen, with Biden being portrayed as being pensive and considering what is best for the party, ...

2. the DNC has determined that Biden is still their guy because, after all, he was installed in the first place because he can be completely controlled; competency has never even been desired.

I don't know what the DNC has decided but I bet the decision is based on their level of confidence that they can steal the election. If the DNC believes that stealing the election is not an option, then Biden is out and they struggle to save Congressional seats that Biden is putting in great jeopardy. If, however, the DNC sees a path to successful election theft, then Biden is who they want in the Oval Office, especially if they can have four years of Weekend at Bernie's.
When two-thirds of your party want you to step aside, it’s over.

It will be interesting how these loons will deny the millions of Democrats who voted for the turnip.

Talk about a threat to democracy!
Ah,”earl,” if Biden steps down he releases his delegates, and most likely will endorse another candidate, amazing how little you cultist understand about anything
Jesus Christ. Call the police. There is a picture of a dad with his daughter. Get a life you idiot.
Even your spin doesn't take away from the creepiness factor of those pictures.

A picture of Ivanka fondling her father's chin. A picture of father and daughter next to fornicating parrots. A picture of trump patting his daughter's butt on national TV. A picture of Ivanka kissing her father in bed with her dress up to her vajayjay.
Yes, liar. His family sent his uniform and helmet to honor him.

It wasn’t a mannequin as you lied about.
Your world is falling apart. I think you are very funny. They set it up so it looked like a mannequin so Trump could kiss it. Cringe.
Trump was given a speech that made an attempt at unification. Daffy was uncomfortable with it, It is against his unevolved nature. He had to go into crazy land. Trump talking about god is blasphemy. He is a lifetime rule breaker, regulation scoffer and crook. He is not a believer in god. He sees people as useful. He does not feel your pain. Once he gets your vote, he is through with you.
Trump was given a speech that made an attempt at unification. Daffy was uncomfortable with it, It is against his unevolved nature. He had to go into crazy land. Trump talking about god is blasphemy. He is a lifetime rule breaker, regulation scoffer and crook. He is not a believer in god. He sees people as useful. He does not feel your pain. Once he gets your vote, he is through with you.
He mocks people who believe in God.