How was the speech?

It's official, because I gleaned it from CNN. There are two possibilities, with Biden's candidacy, or lack thereof, being completely incidental to the reality behind the scenes.

1. the DNC has determined that Biden is to go, and that will happen, with Biden being portrayed as being pensive and considering what is best for the party, ...

2. the DNC has determined that Biden is still their guy because, after all, he was installed in the first place because he can be completely controlled; competency has never even been desired.

I don't know what the DNC has decided but I bet the decision is based on their level of confidence that they can steal the election. If the DNC believes that stealing the election is not an option, then Biden is out and they struggle to save Congressional seats that Biden is putting in great jeopardy. If, however, the DNC sees a path to successful election theft, then Biden is who they want in the Oval Office, especially if they can have four years of Weekend at Bernie's.

The DNC does not control a President, your scenarios are useless unless Biden himself decides to withdraw, it is his decision, not the DNC

And regurgitating the Big Lie is idiocy, makes one wonder why you think we even should have an election, in your view Trump can not lose, and if he did, the election was crooked, so why we even having an election, we should just name Trump King
It's official, because I gleaned it from CNN. There are two possibilities, with Biden's candidacy, or lack thereof, being completely incidental to the reality behind the scenes.

1. the DNC has determined that Biden is to go, and that will happen, with Biden being portrayed as being pensive and considering what is best for the party, ...

2. the DNC has determined that Biden is still their guy because, after all, he was installed in the first place because he can be completely controlled; competency has never even been desired.

I don't know what the DNC has decided but I bet the decision is based on their level of confidence that they can steal the election. If the DNC believes that stealing the election is not an option, then Biden is out and they struggle to save Congressional seats that Biden is putting in great jeopardy. If, however, the DNC sees a path to successful election theft, then Biden is who they want in the Oval Office, especially if they can have four years of Weekend at Bernie's.
number 2 is happening.

some high profile dems are pretending 1 and that they want o1, because that seems like genuinely believing that the presidency matters. and they need to keep up appearances.

so schumer and schiff and jefferies and pelosi pretend they care. but they dont.

Biden will stay.
Ah,”earl,” if Biden steps down he releases his delegates, and most likely will endorse another candidate, amazing how little you cultist understand about anything


Who do you see not being destroyed by Trump? Are you still fantasizing about a "Great Marxist Hope" coming to save you?

Run Michelle, or Gavin - nothing will stop Trump from a landslide.

You fucked up when you tried to kill him.

The DNC does not control a President, your scenarios are useless unless Biden himself decides to withdraw, it is his decision, not the DNC

And regurgitating the Big Lie is idiocy, makes one wonder why you think we even should have an election, in your view Trump can not lose, and if he did, the election was crooked, so why we even having an election, we should just name Trump King
His wife controls the turnip, she has to lead him off the stage. .

You are a hoot, Anchovies.
Even your spin doesn't take away from the creepiness factor of those pictures.

A picture of Ivanka fondling her father's chin. A picture of father and daughter next to fornicating parrots. A picture of trump patting his daughter's butt on national TV. A picture of Ivanka kissing her father in bed with her dress up to her vajayjay.

What's creepy is you - perverse.

I saw this earlier:

That was MORE legitimate than the egene fraud.

Congratulations, 2/3rds of America has ZERO faith in our courts - for good reason.

Who do you see not being destroyed by Trump? Are you still fantasizing about a "Great Marxist Hope" coming to save you?

Run Michelle, or Gavin - nothing will stop Trump from a landslide.

You fucked up when you tried to kill him.
Any “other than Trump” candidate

Appears you haven’t been paying attention, America doesn’t like Trump, for now, polls show, due to Biden’s age, Trump is favored to win, but eliminate Biden from the equation and you have a whole new ballgame
Any “other than Trump” candidate

Right, you are bursting with hate.

The question is who you fantasize could BE AT Trump.

Appears you haven’t been paying attention, America doesn’t like Trump, for now, polls show, due to Biden’s age, Trump is favored to win, but eliminate Biden from the equation and you have a whole new ballgame


Pretend all you like. Your fraud machine is too little, to late to steal this one.

Trump wins, and he'll have long coat tails.

Nothing you, the little Goebbels of the press, or your traitorous party can do to overcome this;

It was perfect... He took the opportunity to get up there and express everything he's been thinking and feeling... Great end to an amazing convention...
You are nuttier than a Porto-Potty at a peanut festival- and crazier than an outhouse fly!
Amazing The DNC does not control a President,
We'll just assume that you have been asleep these past four years.

your scenarios are useless unless Biden himself decides to withdraw, it is his decision, not the DNC
The DNC will decide. Of course, if the DNC has decided that Biden is out, they will ask nicely at first, and will gradually ramp up the pressure until Biden is simply no longer the DNC's candidate, if that is what it has to come down to.

Otherwise, if the DNC has decided that Biden is in, because the DNC is confident that it can steal this election as well, then all of this public "pressure" for Biden to step down is merely a side show that the DNC permits so that they can portray Biden as staunchly displaying his fiery independence and his raging resolve to claim the Presidency. Of course, this imagery won't jibe with Biden's meek babbling and his need to be told to stop talking to his imaginary friends, but at such a point in time, Biden's handlers won't give a shit about any of that.

makes one wonder why you think we even should have an election,
We have to follow the law, and that is what is spelled out in the Constitution.

in your view Trump can not lose,
Trump cannot lose if it is a free and fair election. That last part is what is in question.

and if he did, the election was crooked,
That will be how any rational adult will be able to tell if the DNC was successful in stealing the election.

Don't worry; I have you listed as one of the seventeen people who are going to be actually be voting for Biden. I was, of course, exaggerating when I said that nobody was going to be voting for Biden.

so why we even having an election, we should just name Trump King
The Constitution outlaws nobility, and Trump is running for the Presidency which is spelled out in Article 2.
Trying to figure out what chatroom a half dozen malcontent leftes gather at every morning to see which of them can exhibit the lowest IQ.
Today, between jerad and the cat lady it is a tossup but the day is still young.

Amend to include poor anchovies and the little lizard
Right, you are bursting with hate.

The question is who you fantasize could BE AT Trump.


Pretend all you like. Your fraud machine is too little, to late to steal this one.

Trump wins, and he'll have long coat tails.

Nothing you, the little Goebbels of the press, or your traitorous party can do to overcome this;

View attachment 28145
That is not hate, reality, America doesn’t like Trump, and is open to any “other than Trump” candidate

And the rest of your post is reminiscent of the guaranteed Red Tsunami of 2022, promises the GOP was going to win a historical majority in both houses of Congress and Biden was going to be easily impeached
That is not hate, reality, America doesn’t like Trump, and is open to any “other than Trump” candidate

And the rest of your post is reminiscent of the guaranteed Red Tsunami of 2022, promises the GOP was going to win a historical majority in both houses of Congress and Biden was going to be easily impeached
Poor anchovies, you tell em"
You are nuttier than a Porto-Potty at a peanut festival- and crazier than an outhouse fly!
I see that you were presented with an opportunity to add relevant commentary to the thread topic ... but you didn't allow yourself to get sucked into that trap. You immediately dove right into "pure, needless ad hominem" mode and hurled unprovoked insults. You valiantly kept your value-added quotient at zero while maintaining impressive virtue-signaling percentages.

They won't be getting any pertinent information out of you anytime soon! Great job!
That is not hate, reality, America doesn’t like Trump, and is open to any “other than Trump” candidate

And the rest of your post is reminiscent of the guaranteed Red Tsunami of 2022, promises the GOP was going to win a historical majority in both houses of Congress and Biden was going to be easily impeached

Trump has literally double the approval rating of Bought and Paid for Joe.

Joke Bribem is the most hated president in history. More than Nixon, more than Carter.
