How was the speech?

  • Finger!

That's what Conservatives do, i.e. follow the law. Leftists, on the other hand, break every law to maximize their cheating like mo-fos.

Nope. That is what I expect. I will not legitimize leftist cheating and law-breaking.

... says the guy who is hoping and praying for a successful steal. The moment the DNC steals the election, you'll claim that everybody obviously voted for Biden, not just the seventeen who actually did.

ZenMode already tried this angle. It won't work.

The actual election means nothing to those who are planning to steal it.
Just proved my point, thanks, neither you nor Trump will accept any election he loses, the actual election means nothing to you
The more salient question, what do the far left Democratic Socialist loons think of the attempt to destroy Democracy by urging the turnip to withdraw from the presidential race?

Run Joe, please run.

What kind of democracy killers try to remove the person who won the primaries by millions of votes?


Run, Joe, run.
Poor ole' Joe can't run. He can barely walk!