How was the speech?

Actually, it was not Biden tripping on the steps of Air Force One. They did have to help Biden out of a car recently, but they have always had to help trump in and out of cars, and up and down steps....

And do not forget trump craps himself every day. he needs to wear adult diapers.

But whatever, you hate America, and want "retribution".... What sort of politician calls out for retribution rather than what is best for everyone?

I know you do not believe that "niggers and fags" being allowed to walk on the streets is best for everyone, but I really do think it is best not just for them, but for everyone.
Um…Walter, are you alright?

Such racist language, Walter.

Bad, bad Walter.
Actually, it was not Biden tripping on the steps of Air Force One. They did have to help Biden out of a car recently, but they have always had to help trump in and out of cars, and up and down steps....

And do not forget trump craps himself every day. he needs to wear adult diapers.

But whatever, you hate America, and want "retribution".... What sort of politician calls out for retribution rather than what is best for everyone?

I know you do not believe that "niggers and fags" being allowed to walk on the streets is best for everyone, but I really do think it is best not just for them, but for everyone.
Actually he did have trouble climbing the stairs ss he boarded to go home to self isolate with covid... I have no idea What the rest of that mumbo jumbo means...
We are overjoyed that Trump survived an assassination attempt by a Trump hater, Walter.
You are happy about that, but you are truly overjoyed that you have something to hang your internal hatred on. Sure Crooks was not a Democrat, but you can pretend he is. You are hoping to ride this crime into the genocidal retribution you hope for.

Did Hitler start the Reichstag Fire or not? He was definitely the one who profited from it. He got both the Enabling Act, and the destruction of most of a building that symbolized democracy.

Did Hitler kill von Rath? We can be definite that he did not. Again, Hitler profited from it, by losing only a third rate, secretly homosexual diplomat, while gaining an excuse to commit Kristallnacht.

But you know who did not celebrate the Reichstag Fire, and the killing of von Rath? The Jews and the other supporters of democracy. It was a disaster for them.

So here we are again. You think the attempt on trump's life will solidify his power to get retribution, and you might be right. You are celebrating the event, while the rest of us are scared of what will happen next.
No, trump said his success would be retribution. There is a subtle difference.

You never answered the question of where your red line with Putin would be?
Well, no, Walter.

Do you ever get anything right, Walter?

Trump says his 'retribution is going to be success'​

The red line has already been crossed by Putin. The turnip ignored it.
Every post from you fascists is how anybody who disagrees with you is a "stalin-ocrat" who is worse than the Nazis like all Jews...

It is absolutely crazy.
Well, no, Walter,

I have never called anyone a “Stalin-ocrat.”

Are you alright, Walter?

Walter…”No, trump said his success would be retribution. There is a subtle difference.”

Do you ever get anything right, Walter?

Trump says his 'retribution is going to be success'​

The red line has already been crossed by Putin. The turnip ignored it.
So the red line you would send American troops to war with Russia has already been reached? And yet you support trump's offer to surrender Ukraine? You claim Biden is sending too much aid, and also too little?

Does your treason know no limits? Not even logical limits?
Well, no, Walter,

I have never called anyone a “Stalin-ocrat.”

We keep hearing the "I just support the Nazis, I am not one of them" or the modern alternative. You are looking around, and seeing what is happening. And doing nothing about it. Everyone will remember that.
Are you alright, Walter?

I am a Jew who had nothing to do with trump being shot at. But I do know what it means when scumbags like you start pointing the finger at me.

You are making a threat against my family. And Nazis have already taken your "I am just kidding around" excuse.
So the red line you would send American troops to war with Russia has already been reached? And yet you support trump's offer to surrender Ukraine? You claim Biden is sending too much aid, and also too little?

Does your treason know no limits? Not even logical limits?
Well, no, Walter.

I said that the red line has already been crossed by Putin.

The rest of your post was not my quote.

Are you alright, Walter?

I’m worried about you, Walter.
We keep hearing the "I just support the Nazis, I am not one of them" or the modern alternative. You are looking around, and seeing what is happening. And doing nothing about it. Everyone will remember that.

I am a Jew who had nothing to do with trump being shot at. But I do know what it means when scumbags like you start pointing the finger at me.

You are making a threat against my family. And Nazis have already taken your "I am just kidding around" excuse.
Walter, you need to calm down. I made no threat.

Have you been drinking, Walter?