How was the speech?

He took a bullet a few millimeters from his brain
The skull is more than a few millimeters thick, so to hit a few millimeters from his brain would require trump's skull to be shattered.

A millimeter is less than a 25th of an inch. The way the real world works is if a bullet strikes within a few millimeters of a brain, the person will be spending a lot of time in a hospital. They are not giving hours long speeches at conventions.
The skull is more than a few millimeters thick, so to hit a few millimeters from his brain would require trump's skull to be shattered.

A millimeter is less than a 25th of an inch. The way the real world works is if a bullet strikes within a few millimeters of a brain, the person will be spending a lot of time in a hospital. They are not giving hours long speeches at conventions.
So, Walter, the fact that he wasn’t killed but had a hole shot in his ear is just swell with you.

Poor Walter.
[Trump] is not a believer in god.
You do not get to declare what others believe or do not believe.

[Trump] sees people as useful.
So do you. So does everybody. You have a penchant for wasting bandwidth.

He does not feel your pain.
You do not get to declare the sympathies of others. You only speak for yourself.

Once [Trump] gets your vote, he is through with you.
Trump's track record proves completely otherwise. You, on the other hand, haven't been correct about anything for as long as I can remember so perhaps you aren't the best person to be offering commentary.
The skull is more than a few millimeters thick, so to hit a few millimeters from his brain would require trump's skull to be shattered.

A millimeter is less than a 25th of an inch. The way the real world works is if a bullet strikes within a few millimeters of a brain, the person will be spending a lot of time in a hospital. They are not giving hours long speeches at conventions.
Actually, you are the one celebrating it.
Well, no, Walter.

Are you really that stupid?

Well…Trump is the only hope for those of us who love America. That does not include you, Walter.

You are still supporting a turnip who has destroyed America.

Bad, bad Walter.
I mean this from the bottom of my heart: Donald Trump is a threat to this nation -Joe Biden
It's time to put Trump in a bullseye -Joe Biden
Trump is a threat to Democracy. -Joe Biden
Donald Trump has to be eliminated. -Joe Biden
Trump is a friend of Putin, a wannabe dictator, and Hitler - the Democrat Party and liberal Press - 2015 to 2024
Excuse me, who's the threat to Democracy?
I still watch his rally speeches from time to time, so I'm used to that sort of length. Plus, addressing the assassination attempt adds time to the speech too, so there was just a lot to unpack.

I tried really hard

It was all rambling stupidity and lies delivered by an emotionally broken man
You must have been watching the speech to the NAACP...
Well, no, Walter.

Are you really that stupid?

Well…Trump is the only hope for those of us who love America. That does not include you, Walter.

You are still supporting a turnip who has destroyed America.

Bad, bad Walter.
trump is destroying America, just as we are really about to take off. And he will be helped by this assassination attempt. That is why you are celebrating this assassination attempt.

We all know you and the rest of the alt right are overjoyed by this turn of events, so why are you lying and denying it?

Why do you feel the need to lie about it all? Just say the truth that you are celebrating it, and we can move on.
trump is the one who could not walk 100 feet 6 years ago. Biden is the one who falls off his bike after riding 5 miles.
They had to help Joe in and out of the car just recently... He could barely climb the little short steps to Air Force One...
trump is destroying America, just as we are really about to take off. And he will be helped by this assassination attempt. That is why you are celebrating this assassination attempt.

We all know you and the rest of the alt right are overjoyed by this turn of events, so why are you lying and denying it?

Why do you feel the need to lie about it all? Just say the truth that you are celebrating it, and we can move on.
Well, no, Walter.

We are overjoyed that Trump survived an assassination attempt by a Trump hater, Walter.

Two thirds of democrats do not want the turnip to run.

They had to help Joe in and out of the car just recently... He could barely climb the little short steps to Air Force One...

Now he is hiding in his basement…again.

Do you sense panic and desperation from the far left Democratic Socialist loons…like bad Walter?

They certainly do not appear to be happy campers.

The leaders of China, Russia, and Iran must be laughing their heads off.

Did you see that the shooter, Crooks, had three encrypted overseas accounts? What’s that all about?
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They had to help Joe in and out of the car just recently... He could barely climb the little short steps to Air Force One...
Actually, it was not Biden tripping on the steps of Air Force One. They did have to help Biden out of a car recently, but they have always had to help trump in and out of cars, and up and down steps....

And do not forget trump craps himself every day. he needs to wear adult diapers.

But whatever, you hate America, and want "retribution".... What sort of politician calls out for retribution rather than what is best for everyone?

I know you do not believe that "niggers and fags" being allowed to walk on the streets is best for everyone, but I really do think it is best not just for them, but for everyone.