I am a professional ghost hunter

As a Christian I believe in the supernatural which includes demons or the fallen angels.

Since that realm exists other things like ghosts could also manifest.

Now if you are not a believer then there is nothing that will ever convince you of their existence other than experiencing it yourself but I doubt you put yourself in positions where you may experience something.

Revelation 12:7 = 12/7/1941
I’ve heard from second hand sources that they have video of actual levitation and wall walking.

However I cannot get access to verify that yet
Sweetie; if there were anything to it then the fucking CIA, KGB, Mossad, MSS, MI6 and every other intelligence agency on the planet would have a division devoted to it. Same goes for internal security and law enforcement agencies.

There’d be major US corporations investing in exploiting the phenomenon.

Guess what, sweetie? There ain’t none. They all know it’s bullshit unless used as a ruse or con.
Sweetie; if there were anything to it then the fucking CIA, KGB, Mossad, MSS, MI6 and every other intelligence agency on the planet would have a division devoted to it. Same goes for internal security and law enforcement agencies.

There’d be major US corporations investing in exploiting the phenomenon.

Guess what, sweetie? There ain’t none. They all know it’s bullshit unless used as a ruse or con.

Not necessarily since demonic possession is under the realm of God and if God lets proof out to the world that it’s verifiable then there would be no point in faith.

Another thing is that the intelligence agencies do not and never have taken it seriously so they never bother to research it.

The third option is that they are aware of it but hide it because can you imagine the firestorm if they showed the public it actually exists?
Not necessarily since demonic possession is under the realm of God and if God lets proof out to the world that it’s verifiable then there would be no point in faith.

Another thing is that the intelligence agencies do not and never have taken it seriously so they never bother to research it.

The third option is that they are aware of it but hide it because can you imagine the firestorm if they showed the public it actually exists?
Duh. You just shot down your own argument, Stretch…again.

Sweetie, now you are acting addle-headed.

Another thought you aren’t thinking through, dear. We have 21 year olds posting US secrets on the Internet. Trump had access to all of this stuff. If he could exploit it, he would. The problem for you is that it doesn’t exist.

FWIW, I tend to agree with your first statement; if God fucked with the world or allowed Satan, his helper, fuck with the world by breaking the very rules God-created, then what’s the point of Free Will?
Duh. You just shot down your own argument, Stretch…again.

Sweetie, now you are acting addle-headed.

Another thought you aren’t thinking through, dear. We have 21 year olds posting US secrets on the Internet. Trump had access to all of this stuff. If he could exploit it, he would. The problem for you is that it doesn’t exist.

FWIW, I tend to agree with your first statement; if God fucked with the world or allowed Satan, his helper, fuck with the world by breaking the very rules God-created, then what’s the point of Free Will?

I know there is no proof which is why I’m a ghost hunter.

Deer hunters don’t always get a deer but that doesn’t mean they stop trying.

If I never find proof then so be it but according to my research there is enough evidence to qualify the search.
I know there is no proof which is why I’m a ghost hunter.

Deer hunters don’t always get a deer but that doesn’t mean they stop trying.

If I never find proof then so be it but according to my research there is enough evidence to qualify the search.
What do you call a person who thinks they are smarter than all the world’’s military and intelligence agencies? I call them mentally ill. Specifically schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur.

Deer have been proven to exist, Stretch. Ghosts, telekinesis or any other supernatural phenomena haven’t.

You’re free to follow your delusions, dear. I find it interesting because it helps explain why you’d follow a delusional pedophile, rapist, liar, conman and traitor.

Delusional disorder is a serious mental illness where you can’t tell the difference between what’s real and what’s not. Delusions, or false beliefs, comes in several types. Delusions of grandeur are one of the more common ones. It’s when you believe that you have more power, wealth, smarts, or other grand traits than is true.
All priests are taught a rite of exorcism but it doesn't mean all exorcisms have a supernatural component.

Actually before an exorcism can occur there needs to be a professional mental health and medical examination of the patient.

The exorcism can only begin if there are no scientific explanations for what is occurring so yes, they are always supernatural events
What do you call a person who thinks they are smarter than all the world’’s military and intelligence agencies? I call them mentally ill. Specifically schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur.

Deer have been proven to exist, Stretch. Ghosts, telekinesis or any other supernatural phenomena haven’t.

You’re free to follow your delusions, dear. I find it interesting because it helps explain why you’d follow a delusional pedophile, rapist, liar, conman and traitor.


What is delusional is that you think the government tells you everything it knows
Not necessarily since demonic possession is under the realm of God and if God lets proof out to the world that it’s verifiable then there would be no point in faith.

Another thing is that the intelligence agencies do not and never have taken it seriously so they never bother to research it.

The third option is that they are aware of it but hide it because can you imagine the firestorm if they showed the public it actually exists?

It’s called faith because there is no proof

Why would that be part of “gods” plan to have people believe WITHOUT proof?

What would that do to benefit the religion?
All priests are taught a rite of exorcism but it doesn't mean all exorcisms have a supernatural component.

There is a valid psychological component to such rites. It depends upon the faith of the victim. The human mind truly is a beautiful thing. Not perfect, but amazingly powerful. No magic required.

Consider the movie “A Beautiful Mind” about John Nash. He was a schizophrenic who “saw” other people. A more accurate portrayal is the 55 minute documentary on youtube: A Brilliant Madness.

Once aware of his condition, Nash was able to struggle through it by knowing what was real and what was illusion. Stretch clearly doesn’t know the difference.

Nash’s research into game theory and his long struggle with paranoid schizophrenia became well known to the general public because of the Academy Award-winning motion picture A Beautiful Mind (2001), which was based on Sylvia Nasar’s 1998 biography of the same name. A more factually accurate exploration of Nash’s struggle with mental illness was offered by the public television documentary A Brilliant Madness (2002).

What is delusional is that you think the government tells you everything it knows

More of your delusions, sweetie, since I’m fully aware governments have secrets. I’m also aware of the problems involved in maintaining those secrets.

Obviously you’re unaware of people like Ellsberg, Manning, Snowden and Teixeira.

You’re free to live in your dreamworld, Stretch. Your claim that your “retired” at age 42 now makes a lot more sense. It wasn’t by choice, was it? A mutual decision? Your employer didn’t want you around and you didn’t want to stay?
Actually before an exorcism can occur there needs to be a professional mental health and medical examination of the patient.

The exorcism can only begin if there are no scientific explanations for what is occurring so yes, they are always supernatural events

I don't believe that's accurate. When young kids are receiving their First Holy Communion both they and the priest recite words that are minor exorcisms, for lack of a better word.

The same goes for baptism, except the words are recited by the priest and the godparents.
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