I hate this place

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Ah, somewhere with mountains. That would be nice. I want to see mountains one day. That's the main reason I was so excited about Alaska, Anchorage is right next to some of the best mountains in the US.
If you like mountains you'd like Ashville, NC. Has a population of around 60,000 and it's pretty upscale. Nice area.
More 14'ers in CO than any other state. I can't live where I can't see the mountains, I would go crazy. I learned that during my time in the Navy. All I wanted was some mountain time, and those hills they call mountains out east suck rat butt.
That aint true at all. They may not be as impressive and majestic as the Rockies....but there's a quiet and ancient rhythm and beauty to the Appalachians. They may be many things but suck they do not.
So fucking what? As long as they pay you than get exploited by them. In the mean time you will be some place where there's a shit ton of good jobs where you could be looking for high paying work while you currently make an acceptable standard of living. I mean Cbus is booming. Lots of good jobs here.

If this job can pay you enough to live on for 6 months then in 6 months you shouldn't have too much trouble finding a much better job in this town. You would also have Dolly and I to look after you. :)

Not only that but there's a large youth population in....lots of people your age. If they make you the offer. Grow a pair and take it. It's gotta be better than just sitting around and letting your education atrophy because you can't find a perfect fit.

Gotta go where the jobs are dude.

Just some things about them initially struck me as weird. Let's say, I've been hit up by shady employment agencies that don't actually offer a job, even by what turned out to be multi-level marketing scams, and such. Turns out this company is just really, really small though. If they give me some experience to slap on my resume, and an actual job, that's all I care about.
We're all impressed with your effort [/sarcasm]

Some companies make applying for them a backbreaking effort. Usually the larger, more bureaucratic ones have a paintstaking application process (the main exception to this was google, all you had to do was submit your resume, it was almost like a small company).

This one turned out to be fairly simple, though.
I've been using Dice a lot lately. I do have a LinkedIn profile, but only a few friends, mostly dudes I met in college and haven't talked to in years. Do they have job postings there?

You are such a fucking loser. If all Millennials are like you, I weep for this nation
Sometimes Skidmark it's where you live more than what you do for a living. You might find some place so congenial it's worth living there even if it's as a barista.

Well, I've gotta make at least $12-$15 an hour to live on my own in a low cost city. I don't want to be stuck in manual labor, and that pretty much leaves exploiting the skills I got in college. Plus, employers start looking at your resume funny if you haven't had any experience in the area you're applying for in a few years, if I want to be a programmer I've got to go out and get a job immediately. Otherwise I may as well just start working at the plywood mill until I die like my father.
Well, I've gotta make at least $12-$15 an hour to live on my own in a low cost city. I don't want to be stuck in manual labor, and that pretty much leaves exploiting the skills I got in college. Plus, employers start looking at your resume funny if you haven't had any experience in the area you're applying for in a few years, if I want to be a programmer I've got to go out and get a job immediately. Otherwise I may as well just start working at the plywood mill until I die like my father.

You should just die now. Commit suicide. I will pay you to let me watch
With your computer skills and your love for gaming, have you thought of trying to get a job with companies similar to Plarium or such.
This way you could work on the next generation of role playing games.
I've been using Dice a lot lately. I do have a LinkedIn profile, but only a few friends, mostly dudes I met in college and haven't talked to in years. Do they have job postings there?

Have you tried hired.com, my youngest son got his latest job through them! They even give you a $1000 bonus.
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