I think I figured out why I'm such a "square peg"

Oh hells yeah

I’ve been doing this for at least a decade

I was nice as hell when I first came on the internets

I thought people just needed the facts and they would come arround

Then I realized who the Republican Party really is

A violent, racist asspack who were set on destroying democracy

But I do realize we got the most extreme here on both sides. It's just important to keep track of what the moon bats are planning!
They are not people

They, are, I am afraid. The SAME people. The barely functional idiot uses his goat to lure people into the "no troll zone" then trolls them, then his "Hawkeye" comes in and joins in. He thinks he's going to generate more "buzz" that way.

Also you notice how angry the "zen" guy gets when people don't think he's as awesome as he does? Pretty pathetic, compulsive behavior.
I mean, all these slobbering morons do is stay up all night spamming threads. Its so sad.

Most are not people

On 24/7

Never learn from the arguments we give them (bots only KNOW the information they are programmed with)

Are confused by creative insults

Repeat lies that have been fully debunked

These are not people

They are Russo bot holes programmed to spread lies that back the attempt to Destroy democracy

They are not people

Ask the FBI
I am right, they told me so, I had earned through great content the right to go on my own, but I was certainly leaving. There have been others that this has happened to, they told me before they left or were banished on points.

I am a Progressive (non-utopian).

No you are not

You are right wing big time liar
lol.. im sure you pushed your own buttons -Red just sets them up and their heads explode

I hold no ill will to Red. He gave me a choice. It was my decision. I knew what I was doing. Do you know what you're doing? Who are you? Really.