I think I figured out why I'm such a "square peg"

You know.. that's fine. This is their site and we're guests here. If the owners or admins want us gone, we're gone. That's life. That's why I can't complain about what happened to me. Why hang out in a place you're not wanted?

To be clear you are not wanted
Rune, you've been on ignore for awhile. I need to tell you the reason I do it is when I realize someone has no value as a human being. I mean you can keep quoting me but I promise you I am not and never will again read your shit. So make that sock, motherfucker.
Before I finish you with my trash talk again, I must share with you some of my experience regarding Seattle and Chinese food.

We have our own Chinatown in Seattle. You can get anything there, authentic first world Thai, Szechuan, Mandarin, Vietnamese, whatever you want. Our Chinatown is located right next to both our Stadiums, Lumen (Seahawk) and Safeco (Mariners) fields. So, if you're heading in for a night game, go early and just chow down man. It's a great way to spend a day, then you get to go see the Seahawks lose!

My recollection of FL and it was about 15 year ago.. I was bidding on a project near Orlando. Have you heard of Juniper Springs? It's on the Ocala NF and we almost got the operation it would have been sweet.

But when I was there, I stayed in Orlando and what I remember is how cheap the lobster was! This was like.. early 2000's? You could to to a buffet, pay like $25? and just stuff yourself with lobster!

Ok.. so back to trolling.. I almost called you "convict" today.. but I can't do that.. it's too mean.. even for me and this place.

Cheers, beeeyacch!

Florida lobster sucks, idiot.
Rune, you've been on ignore for awhile. I need to tell you the reason I do it is when I realize someone has no value as a human being. I mean you can keep quoting me but I promise you I am not and never will again read your shit. So make that sock, motherfucker.

Lick my balls Fag
Rune, you've been on ignore for awhile. I need to tell you the reason I do it is when I realize someone has no value as a human being. I mean you can keep quoting me but I promise you I am not and never will again read your shit. So make that sock, motherfucker.

Lick my balls Fag
While I'm coming in late to this discussion, might I offer this? The reason you have difficulty is you base your positions on emotions and feelings rather than mixing in at least some degree of rationality and logic.

Me? I can, and do, curse like a sailor (maybe because I was one) but I try to base my arguments and rebuttals on logic and rationality. It's not that I lack feelings, but I know those won't solve the problem when the ship is burning to the waterline, about to capsize, and sink with me having 1000 miles to swim home. Panic and emotions don't solve that problem, they only get you killed faster.

So, I suppress my emotions in favor of finding a solution that works. It seems you don't want to do likewise. That, in turn, stirs up many here with differing opinions who either mix the two or, like you, are going on emotions and feelings.

My suggestion would be for you to expand your mindset and take in more rational and logical viewpoints of the world.

Stop making sense.
I agree with you.

I have rage issues. I am in therapy. I'm too old now.. I don't see me being to be able to get a handle on that aspect of myself.

What I do like about myself is that I really do care about people. I care about YOU! I care about Hawkeye10, the character I've known for 10 years.

So.. what am I saying? I get angry. When I do that, I sometimes push people away emotionally. I'm not violent. I have never hurt anyone, nor will I ever.

But, getting back to this example of Uvalde. I see people here, unmoved by that horror, not wanting just to score debate points, but seeming to enjoy our anguish.

I'm going to lose my temper again. It might be tomorrow, it might not be for awhile. It's who I am now. That's why I'm here an no longer at DP. Just know that I feel that I am sensitive to other people's feelings.. as much as I can be. I try to understand them. But I can't deal with evil.

I think it's time to log off for a few hours.

Nice chatting :)

Pussified faggot
Holy shit. This fucking troll is throwing a hissy fit. I should probably take mercy on Rune and take him off ignore.......................

Just had to put goat on ignore. He started a thread, labeled it a "troll free" zone. Then all he did to me was troll. What a fucking douche!

Some people are so fucking weird.
goat and Hawkeye are very similar in style. Might be a sock situation. You ask them a direct question, they just begin babbling about something else.

Its some kind of drug-induced Illness. I can't think of any other cause for their psychosis.
goat and Hawkeye are very similar in style. Might be a sock situation. You ask them a direct question, they just begin babbling about something else.

Its some kind of drug-induced Illness. I can't think of any other cause for their psychosis.

Why are you still here? You got banned hoosier.
Guille! What the fuck is wrong with you socks? You all are night-trollers. Nocturnal vermin. The lot of you!
I just got banned from DP. I think, in summary, why I disturb people so much, is that I have extremely social, progressive views, but when people try to troll me, I come off like an "alpha". I think its because the expectation is that progressives are a "gentle, peaceful" people.

Well, I'm sorry to come off as so pugilistic, but I think if it's ok for a Republican to say, "Lets have trial by combat"; or "I'll pay your legal bills if you beat up protestors", or gassing protestors for a fake photo op, can't I say, the word, "bitch" once in awhile?

I think you guys better get used to it. Democrats are learning that the only thing the Republican Taliban understand and do is street fighting.

Expect much more of it, not only from the Republican Taliban from from the Dems. You Repub scum have had it easy for too long. No more Mr. and Mrs. nice guys and gals, bitches!!!!

We're coming for your guns!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Oh hells yeah

I’ve been doing this for at least a decade

I was nice as hell when I first came on the internets

I thought people just needed the facts and they would come arround

Then I realized who the Republican Party really is

A violent, racist asspack who were set on destroying democracy