I think I figured out why I'm such a "square peg"

You will take your beating like a good little bitch, lick your wounds, then ask permission to go lay in the corner and recover. That is all......:cool:

I'm a hard-left progressing liberal and I have Lurch on ignore for being so stupid and annoying.
But you, Stoner? You're not the one to be making comments like that.
Dumb too. No wonder they booted you.

Weren't you the one convinced even after inaugurated that Biden would not last out his first summer and that your orange asshole would once again be president? That asshole will never again hold public office.
Kitten. Why so angry? Come here, let me give you the hug your parents never did...

Because they hated you!

Well, that would get me close enough to knee you in the nuts. (provided you have any)

(and do other things like box your ears, you turd)

Trust me, you piece of shit, you don't want to get within that range of me.
Trump lost the popular vote, which means more voters dislike him. And it's safe to assume that the half of America that doesn't vote doesn't like him, at least not enough to make the effort to vote for him. It's also understood that all of the developed world also hates him.

The last 2 republican presidents, W. and Trup both lost the popular vote. That's why Republicans need to cheat to win. They can't win with their ideas.. they have none, except, white supremacy.
Who even says "box your ears" anymore? Are you from the past, Heather?

I take it you've never boxed any ears. The day I did I got a felony charge even though 2 separate neighbors had my back.

2 dudes tried to jump me and then called the cops when they got hurt bad. I couldn't believe they arrested me, I had 2-3 separate witnesses on my side at the scene, the dudes were both bigger than me, their stories were bullshit.

But they were both pretty fucked up and bleeding and I wasn't.

Nothing ever came of that. They went to prison the next week. I am not a convicted felon, but I was arrested that day. It was a bad day. The system made some money off of me, that's for sure.

The justice system is all fucked up.

There was just 2 of them and I had 2 different neighbors and spouses backing me up, but the cops arrested me. That caused me to lose some faith in the system. It did.

They tried to jump me and I kicked both of their asses and got arrested.

At one point the one motherfucker had me in a full nelson and the other motherfucker turned his ring to do maximum damage to my face.

That's when I stomped full nelson boy's toe and I think the dog I had at the time bit his ankle. (not a chump dog, a Chow/Pitbull mix)

And I slipped what ring boy had coming for me, then grabbed his arm and did this Puerto-Rican judo rollback thing I learned a long time ago, and their heads clacked together.

I rolled right between that motherfucker's legs and took off into the woods.

That was phase 2 of the incident. There were 3 phases.

Phase 1 was where he was saying he was gonna shoot my dog and beat my ass. He said it once, he didn't make it through saying it twice.

CLACK! Fuck you, buddy! I cut him right off with a killer punch..we wallered, cus I just punched him square in the face, not going for a knockout, and then he grabbed me up in a bear hug and I boxed his fuckin' ears and I know they bled.

I got loose from el huggo and then his big buddy sucker-punched me from behind and got me in a full nelson. The next thing was the ring-turning.

That's phase 1 & 2 of the incident.
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Well, then I will fit right in :)

No you wont. You exude vagina. Maybe you can find some kind of a tranny message board for guys waiting to transition over to the pink team? Much more natural setting for a " guy " like you. :yay:

I take it you've never boxed any ears. The day I did I got a felony charge even though 2 separate neighbors had my back.

2 dudes tried to jump me and then called the cops when they got hurt bad. I couldn't believe they arrested me, I had 2-3 separate witnesses on my side at the scene, the dudes were both bigger than me, their stories were bullshit.

But they were both pretty fucked up and bleeding and I wasn't.

Nothing ever came of that. They went to prison the next week. I am not a convicted felon, but I was arrested that day. It was a bad day. The system made some money off of me, that's for sure.

The justice system is all fucked up.

There was just 2 of them and I had 2 different neighbors and spouses backing me up, but the cops arrested me. That caused me to lose some faith in the system. It did.

No, dude. If everything you just said is factual, you just had a really bad lawyer, or if you didn't you should have gotten one. In some jurisdictions they'll let you expunge your record after some time. Even though you're not a felon, your record will show an arrest and a conviction for a misdemeanor in whatever jurisdiction you were nailed in. If you ever are background checked, until your record is expunged you need to say you've got a conviction for a misdemeanor on your record. This won't mean they'll not hire you - they just want to make sure you're being truthful
they just want to see if your record comes back the same as you reported it. You should look into getting your record expunged.
No you wont. You exude vagina. Maybe you can find some kind of a tranny message board for guys waiting to transition over to the pink team? Much more natural setting for a " guy " like you. :yay:


Wow, you've been around! Tell me about your tranny message board? Do they have good snacks?
Wow, you've been around! Tell me about your tranny message board? Do they have good snacks?

I dont know much about it. One of your fellow Trannies left a link here but I never clicked on,....NO way I wanna see that kinda shit. How long have you been a Tranny BTW? Theres another one here named Dutch and he just may be interested. ;) Maybe you can track him down....:laugh:
I dont know much about it. One of your fellow Trannies left a link here but I never clicked on,....NO way I wanna see that kinda shit. How long have you been a Tranny BTW? Theres another one here named Dutch and he just may be interested. ;) Maybe you can track him down....:laugh:

I obviously, since I'm asking you about your freak show message board I haven't been there yet. Tell me all about your "bolt-ons" bitch... did you get the supersized cans?
I obviously, since I'm asking you about your freak show message board I haven't been there yet. Tell me all about your "bolt-ons" bitch... did you get the supersized cans?

You seem pretty up on all this tranny stuff. Yeah....you and Dutchie are going to get along GREAT. What are "bolt ons" ? Seems kinda sick and perverted to me. Oh well,....what matters most is how you and Dutchie get along.
No you wont. You exude vagina. Maybe you can find some kind of a tranny message board for guys waiting to transition over to the pink team? Much more natural setting for a " guy " like you. :yay:


Erm, trannies do not exude vagina or "synch up" ever.

Oh! DebatePolitics is perfect for that!

Trannies and faggots galore! You cannot criticize them, either.
Oh wait,.....there was another one here,...friend of Dutchies named "Little Rat Face" but I havent seen him around much anymore. Think he is in Sweden getting his "makeover" :laugh:
You seem pretty up on all this tranny stuff. Yeah....you and Dutchie are going to get along GREAT. What are "bolt ons" ? Seems kinda sick and perverted to me. Oh well,....what matters most is how you and Dutchie get along.

So... "b" cups, then? I guess you didn't want back trouble later, bitch.
No, dude. If everything you just said is factual, you just had a really bad lawyer, or if you didn't you should have gotten one. In some jurisdictions they'll let you expunge your record after some time. Even though you're not a felon, your record will show an arrest and a conviction for a misdemeanor in whatever jurisdiction you were nailed in. If you ever are background checked, until your record is expunged you need to say you've got a conviction for a misdemeanor on your record. This won't mean they'll not hire you - they just want to make sure you're being truthful
they just want to see if your record comes back the same as you reported it. You should look into getting your record expunged.

I didn't have to have a lawyer. The DA did not prosecute because the motherfuckers that jumped me went to prison the next week. I surely went through it the week before that happened, though.

Probably no record of it anywhere. That bail was brutal, though. I had 2 dudes depending on me to put dinner on the table for their families the next day..it was bad.

2 separate neighborhood families backing me up saying they saw the whole thing and still the cops arrested me.

That might have been for that one time I did..and they couldn't mess with me..

Still, that wasn't right. Not right at all. I'm jaded.

Btw, STFU with your legal mumbo-jumbo, you don't know a damn thing, punk.
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