I think telling a person to kill themselves should be a bannable offense

where is this coming from??? lol...

Ahhh .. well, they need male oppressors like the flowers need the rain. That's why they call themselves liberal feminists. They are victims and they are a special interest victim group of the Democratic party with a huge lobby in DC and lots of politicians in their hip pockets and lots and lots of governmental social services to pick and choose from.

Like the black activists and the NAACP will always need racists, they will always need male oppressors.

There is very little to no difference (quotas, affirmative action, health abortion benefits, etc) between them and the NAACP, they are both special interest victim groups of the DEM party.

.......... my boys.
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The first step is admitting it.

Now see, here's my personal troll, Sargent Peg Pants of the new Marine Corps Of One.

He trolls me here all the time and I don't put him on ignore. Sargent Peg Pants should serve as an example to all you Marxist female feminist victims out there who don't like what other people say and you want to censor them.

Isn't that right Peggy?
Philly Rabbit is going to defeat you .. soundly.

No quarter .. YOU ARE THE ENEMY! .. period!

You're sitting there whining about putting people on ignore because certain people say things that you don't like which means you have no business spewing out your leftist fluff on a pol board in the first place if you cannot stand opposing opinions. Your political days are numbered, Madame Queen Collectivist, we're going to politically bury you.

You are so wrong. You, everything you stand for and all who stand with you are going down.
And the soft shoe republican just gave you a whittle smooch.

The republicans are another group who have to go and will.

We'll start with the old family patriarch, old lady Bush.

At least you agree Barbara Bush is an evil oligarch. 10 points for Slitheryn
I'm a confederate Yankee who supports Rand Paul, states rights, constitutional republicanism, opposes faggot Christian coalitions, liberal feminists, soft shoe eastern Rockefeller republicans and I support local government and NOT any federal central authority.

Over the top boys!

We don't have to worry much about you then. You will be drone target# 209,156 as soon as Obama legalizes drone strikes against non-supporters of the FED. (during his third term, after he makes a signing statement declaring permanent martial law.
bask in the glory of that which is the current republican base

White male Americans are being discriminated against with inbounding interruption. They are losing their constitutional rights, are being constantly shoved out of the job market by and including liberal feminists with affirmative action and quotas, are discriminated against in the housing market by same, and are immediately targeted for discrimination in divorce and child custody court decisions and have no more privacy rights.

And they have 0 political representation as in republican party representation with your base comment.
Sorry Desh, I disagree with you on this one. Many posters here need to be told to fuck off and die. Fuck off alone just doesn't carry enough weight.

Trying to make this against the rules is the same as trying to ban those who use offensive vernacular.
We don't have to worry much about you then. You will be drone target# 209,156 as soon as Obama legalizes drone strikes against non-supporters of the FED. (during his third term, after he makes a signing statement declaring permanent martial law.

Oh? Is that right?

Non supporters of the fed. That's interesting.
Fuck off and die. :)

sorry to leave you no pain to lick off your poooty screen but Im not suicidal.

there are human beings who we talk to here every day who have suicidal tendencies.

Im not saying I know which ones but the law of averages say it.

If you tell a person on the internets to go kill themselves you have no idea if you have just delivered the last little bit of incentive someone has.

I know some of you relish that power.

some of you are also sociopaths.

that law of averages thingy
We don't have to worry much about you then. You will be drone target# 209,156 as soon as Obama legalizes drone strikes against non-supporters of the FED. (during his third term, after he makes a signing statement declaring permanent martial law.

Damn... If I donate more to Obama's campaign, can we get Philly's number lowered? Would be interesting to hear him screaming "but I'm white" to try to keep the drones off him...

When I went to college, Daddy (whoever he is) gave me a brand new car and Mommy gave me not one but two credit cards! I drove walked around the campus shouting out the window to all my fellow students: SOCIAL JUSTICE! HUMAN RIGHTS!

Only half right.

When I went to college, Daddy (whoever he is) gave me a brand new car and Mommy gave me not one but two credit cards! I drove around the campus shouting out the window to all my fellow students: bomb bomb bomb Iran!

this is far closer to reality