What is it with you lefties that anyone who disputes anyone who thinks like you is obsessed? But in your mind it is perfectly normal to constantly rag on someone you disagree with. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

Spare me. You've been on this forum for ten minutes while the rest of us have had years of Yayurt's obsessive trolling and stalking. It would be a refreshing change if Yayurt actually posted opinions we could agree or disagree with, instead of having to read about his fixations on a regular basis.
Spare me. You've been on this forum for ten minutes while the rest of us have had years of Yayurt's obsessive trolling and stalking. It would be a refreshing change if Yayurt actually posted opinions we could agree or disagree with, instead of having to read about his fixations on a regular basis.

Damn Christiefan your perception of time is even worse than your politics I have been a member of this forum 200,160 minutes not 10 so answer the question as posed unless you can't. :laugh:
Damn Christiefan your perception of time is even worse than your politics I have been a member of this forum 200,160 minutes not 10 so answer the question as posed unless you can't. :laugh:

I'm not surprised that a conservative can't recognize a tongue-in-cheek comment. You guys are the gold standard of literal thinking.
You're obsessed with Jade. Not only by all the threads you've created but by piling onto comments he's made in other threads. Jade's just your newest obsession, he must be replacing Zappa for now.

What a lame ruse to avoid taking responsibility for your lies and massive two faced hypocrisy.

I'm obsessed, but all Jades threads and posts about "Yurt" and me are just fine and dandy. Congrats on reaching the new low of Zappacrite level of intellectual dishonesty.
Spare me. You've been on this forum for ten minutes while the rest of us have had years of Yayurt's obsessive trolling and stalking. It would be a refreshing change if Yayurt actually posted opinions we could agree or disagree with, instead of having to read about his fixations on a regular basis.

I don't ever post opinions? Who have I stalked?

If you had any morals you would be ashamed of your blatant lies.

Your obsession with Yurt is duly noted.
What a lame ruse to avoid taking responsibility for your lies and massive two faced hypocrisy.

I'm obsessed, but all Jades threads and posts about "Yurt" and me are just fine and dandy. Congrats on reaching the new low of Zappacrite level of intellectual dishonesty.

Wow, talk about proof. Zappa, Jade, Rune, Howey, Thing 1... all objects of your obsessions.

You are the premiere hypocrite here. You're lying about your own identity and all of us who've been here for years know it. You have the same obsession with Jade that you had with numerous others on this forum.

I challenge anyone to check out this link: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/search.php?searchid=2360712&pp= It's a perfect example of the kind of poster you are and have always been.
Wow, talk about proof. Zappa, Jade, Rune, Howey, Thing 1... all objects of your obsessions.

You are the premiere hypocrite here. You're lying about your own identity and all of us who've been here for years know it. You have the same obsession with Jade that you had with numerous others on this forum.

I challenge anyone to check out this link: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/search.php?searchid=2360712&pp= It's a perfect example of the kind of poster you are and have always been.

How am I obsessed with them? Be specific. I want to exactly how you conclude I am obsessed. I bet you won't give examples because it will prove your massive hypocrisy.

Your obsession with Yurt is again noted.
How am I obsessed with them? Be specific. I want to exactly how you conclude I am obsessed. I bet you won't give examples because it will prove your massive hypocrisy.

Your obsession with Yurt is again noted.

I did give an example. The link is the example. The link showing all your threads about people you've been obsessed with over the years.
No matches you lying hypocrite.

Noticed you dodged the questions. Explain how and whom I've stalked. And are are you doubling down that I don't post opinions? You and I have had plenty of political discourse. Your lies are just plain pathetic.

Oh please. The link shows 80 pages of your obsessiveness. Don't blame it on the system.
I did give an example. The link is the example. The link showing all your threads about people you've been obsessed with over the years.

the link did not work.

Okay, so now you're on record that making threads about people makes one obsessed.

Then Rune is obsessed, Jaded is obsessed, Zappacrite is obsessed....

But of course we both know you won't hold them to the same standard.
Oh please. The link shows 80 pages of your obsessiveness. Don't blame it on the system.

I hate to agree with the Titmouse, but nothing came up for me either.

Edited to add:

This is what it displays.


What search term(s) are you using?