I’m 22 & stuck in the body of an 8-year-old – only creeps want to date me

Did you set him up?

He was trolling and caught an idiot who should have known better. Not exactly like spilling oil on a curve in the road, but certainly a trap for the stupid and/or overly emotional.

Still, he set a trap in hopes of snaring a victim. He got one and now he's happy. That's the type of person Legion is; a cruel little person who loves to torture as long as there's no risk to himself.

NSFW graphic of "Lesion":

It’s not illegal to want to fuck short flat women

It not illegal to want to fuck underage girls or boys even

The rule here is it’s foreboded to accuse someone of wanting to fuck children

She is not a child

Correct on all points**. The fact remains he implied that the OP poster was "turned on" by women who looked like children. It clearly implied pedophilia.

Legion clearly laid a trap and he snared Nordberg. Yes, ill-intent by the cocksucking slimebag troll who posted the OP, but Nordberg knew the rules and he violated them willfully or stupidly.

Look at Spaz; he's a fucking retard and he got an instant permban to your applause. Why the difference here? Rulez is rulez.

OTOH, if you want to discuss rule changes, both APL and I have threads on them in the Complaint Dept.

**BTW, I've found several short, "flat" women to be highly enthusiastic compared to the average. I've also found that about 90% of all women think they look a lot worse than most men see them....by at least 50%, but many times over 75%, as learned from being an adult male working with both men and women.

Most women are a lot more desirable than they see themselves to be. Like this forum, most men talk a lot more shit than they are capable of doing so women shouldn't put a lot of stock in what empty suits or drugstore cowboys have to say. LOL
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It’s damos site

But this one is pretty thin

Agreed on owner's rights. His choice to run his business how he sees fit. Our right to complain. His right to throw us out.

While I think the "porn" definition needs clarity as suggested here, everyone has the same option to post recommendations in the Complaint section.

While a pardon or reduction of sentence can be requested, something both APL and I did for Spaz, the fact remains, with mandatory sentencing, Nordberg, IMO, violated 12b and, being his 4th offense **, the year long sentence is mandated. IMO, 6 months max would be enough. Anyone who comes back then immediately does it again would earn a permban.

Segue: 12b is quickly punished, but how many 12c's have seen equal treatment? I think most women on this forum would, on a secret ballot, say "no". Would you?

12(c) - Language that is sexually violent (e.g. rape/incest/graphic sex details that simply go 'too far') and/or is used in a manner to harass other users may be removed at moderator discretion without notice or apology, and could end up resulting in a ban if we get tired of repeatedly having to edit posts made by the same individuals over and over.

PS Although I can't find it, isn't there a list of penalties for repeat offenses? Where did 1 year come from?

**IIRC, a JPP record! I wanted Jack to win it.
Correct on all points**. The fact remains he implied that the OP poster was "turned on" by women who looked like children. It clearly implied pedophilia.

Legion clearly laid a trap and he snared Nordberg. Yes, ill-intent by the cocksucking slimebag troll who posted the OP, but Nordberg knew the rules and he violated them willfully or stupidly.

Look at Spaz; he's a fucking retard and he got an instant permban to your applause. Why the difference here? Rulez is rulez.

OTOH, if you want to discuss rule changes, both APL and I have threads on them in the Complaint Dept.

**BTW, I've found several short, "flat" women to be highly enthusiastic compared to the average. I've also found that about 90% of all women think they look a lot worse than most men see them....by at least 50%, but many times over 75%, as learned from being an adult male working with both men and women.

Most women are a lot more desirable than they see themselves to be. Like this forum, most men talk a lot more shit than they are capable of doing so women shouldn't put a lot of stock in what empty suits or drugstore cowboys have to say. LOL

Know what's funny? It is entirely possible that Nordberg posted the OP himself then accused himself of being a pedophile.
LOL True, but I think Damo would recognize the IP address or Nordberg could provide the one he used as proof of identity.

Is the IP address associated with a The Anonymous post stored? And wouldn't that defeat the purpose of the account? :laugh:

That is assuming that he didn't use VPN.

Hey... as per 12b, can you be banned for accusing yourself of you know what?
Is the IP address associated with a The Anonymous post stored? And wouldn't that defeat the purpose of the account? :laugh:

That is assuming that he didn't use VPN.

Hey... as per 12b, can you be banned for accusing yourself of you know what?

Maybe. I always thought of it as a forum sock account. Unless socks have a VPN, Damo and the mods know who they are too. All it takes is once. LOL.

Yes, IMO. Not just the "with yourself and another poster's child" comment but this part:

"WE WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF IT. Do not try to approach the line to test us to see what one can get away with, if you approach the line, chances are you will not receive the benefit of the doubt."
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Maybe. I always thought of it as a forum sock account. Unless socks have a VPN, Damo and the mods know who they are too. All it takes is once. LOL.

If one with a VPN uses The Anonymous account to accuse The Anonymous for you know what, will The Anonymous be banned forever? :laugh:

It's like dividing by zero meme.
Correct on all points**. The fact remains he implied that the OP poster was "turned on" by women who looked like children. It clearly implied pedophilia.

Totally disagree.
The young lady who's the subject of this thread could provide somebody with a fetish that's unacceptable to actually act upon
with a really nice time, totally legally, provided that there was also something in it for her as well.
Her decision, but if he accepts the offerred opportinity, nobody should have anything to say about it.
Totally disagree.
The young lady who's the subject of this thread could provide somebody with a fetish that's unacceptable to actually act upon
with a really nice time, totally legally, provided that there was also something in it for her as well.
Her decision, but if he accepts the offerred opportinity, nobody should have anything to say about it.

Exactly. It's the same argument about those, uh, type of dolls and cartoons.
If one with a VPN uses The Anonymous account to accuse The Anonymous for you know what, will The Anonymous be banned forever? :laugh:

It's like dividing by zero meme.
That WAS a real thing. Good luck finding what the Integer divide by zero screen looked like on the internet.
Screenshots were not gonna get it at that point. :whoa:

One of the things he enjoys the most about this forum is getting ppl banned. Rumor has it that he reports more than anyone else. A shrink might say that he has no power in his real world life so compensates here. lol

That would make sense. He's an especially cruel and petty person. It's possible he's crippled somehow such as heavily disfigured and crippled from an auto accident so his entire world consists of his bed and computer.

He's certainly mentally crippled for some reason. Anyone as sadistic and malicious as Legion isn't normal and would be easily identified as such in person.