Correct on all points**. The fact remains he implied that the OP poster was "turned on" by women who looked like children. It clearly implied pedophilia.
Legion clearly laid a trap and he snared Nordberg. Yes, ill-intent by the cocksucking slimebag troll who posted the OP, but Nordberg knew the rules and he violated them willfully or stupidly.
Look at Spaz; he's a fucking retard and he got an instant permban to your applause. Why the difference here? Rulez is rulez.
OTOH, if you want to discuss rule changes, both APL and I have threads on them in the Complaint Dept.
**BTW, I've found several short, "flat" women to be highly enthusiastic compared to the average. I've also found that about 90% of all women think they look a lot worse than most men see at least 50%, but many times over 75%, as learned from being an adult male working with both men and women.
Most women are a lot more desirable than they see themselves to be. Like this forum, most men talk a lot more shit than they are capable of doing so women shouldn't put a lot of stock in what empty suits or drugstore cowboys have to say. LOL