
Trump definetly fits the profile of sloth, gluttony, avarice, wrath, sexual depravity, pride.

Is that why MAGAs worship him?

The American values are essentially a mash up of the
binding Greco-Roman Stoic ethics and Christian ethics articulated in late antiquity, so they have basically become enshrined as universal values

Yes, because they all share the same values with their leader...who has a psychotic obsession about being seen as a "loser".
Show a post where I’m discussing incels.
If you can’t I understand.

My purpose here is to demonstrate my amazement at how a mindless discussion of incels has managed to continue on its third day now. That after I had to roll my eyes over it when I saw it the first day.

Legion's political forum strategy Rule #15: When unable to post anything intelligent, obfuscate.
I say “jump”, you jump.
I feel powerful.
Dumbass doesn't know the difference between the man and the movement.

Did you have a drug overdose while on vacation?

That feeling of power is your meds....or drugs, as the case may be. :thup:
Wow. I always considered nurse’s aides to have more intelligence. “Shallow “ is an adjective. You never even graduated from h.s. , did you?
So you’re a fake nurse’s aide.

Yes, that's it, Cathy -- I'm a fake nurse's aide. :laugh:

I do wonder why a certain subtype of "males" seem to develop an obsession with me. It's always angry, insecure, braggart ones. Maybe it isn't me. Maybe it's you all. lol
Show a post where I’m discussing incels.
If you can’t I understand.

My purpose here is to demonstrate my amazement at how a mindless discussion of incels has managed to continue on its third day now. That after I had to roll my eyes over it when I saw it the first day.

And again, yet here you are, vomiting all over a thread that you profess to have no interest in. Your total lack of self-awareness is fascinating. lol
RB has a weird theory which doesn't seem to stand scrutiny even at the most cursory level of observation.

At least by the standards of the American presidency, it seems like Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden have better character and morals than Donald J. Trump and Tricky Dick Nixon. Reagan was a Hollywood playboy, so I haven't decided how he fits in to the scale of presidential morality.

About the best I can say about Saint Ronnie is that he at least tried to pretend to be a moral person while serving as POTUS.
H.S. or GED is required for that undervalued profession. You demonstrate time and again your lack of those educational requirements.

I thought legion was entertaining.
Somewhat clever in an odd way. Hope he returns. He’s gone missing before.
He's a coward who hides behind multiple screen-names...and not that bright on average. Compared to JPP RWers, he's smart, but that's like saying he's smarter than demented geezers in a "Memory Lane" ward.
About the best I can say about Saint Ronnie is that he at least tried to pretend to be a moral person while serving as POTUS.

He had a sense of duty to his country. Something lacking in most presidents. GHW Bush had it and Biden has it. Those in between, not so much.
Obama did as well.
Obama is smart and I know it wasn't, and still isn't, on him and his family but he fucked up; he had a choice between being a President who happened to be black and being a Black President. He chose the latter.

This was glaringly seen in his reactions to both Zimmerman-Martin and Ferguson.

You've seen me repeatedly post that there's no such thing as "race", only different cultures. As President, Obama chose to embrace his culture. IMO, this was one component igniting the "Woke" culture. Not the nice, "can't we all get along" culture, but the "Do as we say or else" culture.

As such, his actions deepened the divisions in American politics. Yes, Republicans are fucking authoritarian assholes and clearly have worsened since Newt and the invention of the acronym "RINO". That doesn't absolve Obama from his own actions any more than the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor absolves the US from concentration camps like Manzanar, CA.

Is it understandable why Obama did what he did? Sure, but understanding shouldn't be confused with condoning, much less praising.
Japanese Internment Camps
Japanese-American Incarceration During World War II
He had a sense of duty to his country. Something lacking in most presidents. GHW Bush had it and Biden has it. Those in between, not so much.
Baloney, Trump is the first President in my lifetime that had no sense of duty. Clinton and Obama both had it. GW also loved his country, I didn’t agree with his politics, but the man loved his country.