
Why cant I identify as Hispanic if I want to? Ive always loved Santana and of course Taco's and burrito's. If I want to be Hispanic ts MY business isnt it?
You can.

Do you like cellulite on your women? ;)
Yeah, they really are. But unlike the males, they don't tend to have violent thoughts towards those who reject them. They tend to turn it inwardly. Wish I could tell all the young ppl who feel bad about themselves because they don't have dates: Just be yourself. Find stuff you love and do that. Be a good listener but have interesting things to talk about too. Be a good friend first.
Agreed. Although it's not exclusive, males tend to be more violent than females. Part of this is genetic, but part is also cultural since males are encouraged to "man up" and "fight". Same for females; they are encouraged to be more docile and introspective but the genetic component shouldn't be ignored.
To be clear,.....its NOT that the right on this board will follow my suggestions on Dutch because Im some kind of party BOSS around here.....LOL,....Not at all. It is because down to the last person they all see Dutch as a Cancer, a weed that needs to be cut down. They will do it because they will enjoy watching him fry and the aftermath that ensues. He did this to himself...;)
That's a good question. Why does it matter to anyone what a mixed-race person decides to most identify with?
And the glaring flaw in the comparison ignores the fact that Obama enjoyed some aspects of being sheltered by a white grandmother, while being discriminated against for his outward appearance.

I never got the impression he 'identified' in any particular way, even though some of his speeches did indeed have that spicy Southern Black flavor. Which is why he was the coolest POTUS since Clinton played the sax on national t.v..

On two separate occassions, Obama showed us his soul when he showed off his singing.
What does that mean?

As for the rest, I see no reason to respond as it makes no sense w/respect to your flawed comparison between Obama/Dolezal.

You're a racist who supports the "one drop of blood" ideology.

..The prevailing criterion for deciding who is black is of course the principle of hypodescent. This ‘one drop rule’ has meant that anyone with a visually discernable trace of African, or what used to be called ‘Negro,’ ancestry is, simply, black. Comparativists have long noted the peculiar ordinance this mixture-denying principle has exercised over the history of the United States. Although it no longer has the legal status it held in many states during the Jim Crow era, this principle was reinforced in the civil rights era as a basis for antidiscrimination remedies. Today it remains in place as a formidable convention in many settings and dominates debates about the categories appropriate for the federal census. The movement for recognition of ‘mixed race’ identity has made some headway, including for people with a fraction of African ancestry, but most governments, private agencies, educational institutions, and advocacy organizations that classify and count people by ethnoracial categories at all continue to perpetuate hypodescent racialization when they talk about African Americans.1...

You're free to be a racist and a bigot, Althea. All the JPP Trumpers are racists so why not you too?
HELL NO! Luckily Im pretty sure that not ALL Hispanic men like woman with fat asses cause I sure dont. :laugh: ain't in the club then. I forget which female comedian did a bit about how she loves Spanish men because they love cellulite.
I have indeed seen this more than once when it comes to he and I. It's actually fascinating because it seems as if there are two different people posting under his one account.

I just write it off as the taint from all of the trolls he chases, rubbing off on him.

Swimming in the sewer, as it were.

Nope. Its who he is. He HAS TO cause disruption where ever he goes. Like I say. As we continue to shut him down his attacks on the left will increase. He has no choice really,...he HAS TO do it. Sick stuff, I know,...but its who he is.
To be clear,.....its NOT that the right on this board will follow my suggestions on Dutch because Im some kind of party BOSS around here.....LOL,....Not at all. It is because down to the last person they all see Dutch as a Cancer, a weed that needs to be cut down. They will do it because they will enjoy watching him fry and the aftermath that ensues. He did this to himself...;)
Can't speak for the group you align with, but cancer is a bit strong.

Your previous description was spot on, though. Reminds me of a couple of crazy brothers in my pool league. On nights when they couldn't start fights with opposing teams, they would literally start beating the crap out of each other. ain't in the club then. I forget which female comedian did a bit about how she loves Spanish men because they love cellulite.

That sucks. I love me some Carlos Santana and taco's! But I just cant bring myself to give up tight little well proportioned asses on women! :laugh:
Yes, that gal. The RWers had a meltdown over her.
Correct. So did the LWers. Like Comey, she was hated by both sides but for different reasons. RWers saw her as a race traitor nutjob and LWers saw her as a pretender because she didn't fit the "one drop of blood" ideology.

Is there any denying that she was working hard representing the NAACP? That she truly believed in her cause? ....but since she lacked the one drop of required blood, she was booted.
Can't speak for the group you align with, but cancer is a bit strong.

Your previous description was spot on, though. Reminds me of a couple of crazy brothers in my pool league. On nights when they couldn't start fights with opposing teams, they would literally start beating the crap out of each other.

Its the MAKING STUFF UP out of thin air and then acting as if its true thing that gets on everyones nerves. At first its like...oh well...he's just some nut,...but after awhile its like man....just STFU. I do my share of goofies too,....but almost all of it is tongue in cheek humor which by now most people know. Thats the difference.......his INTENT. My intent is to rile and hopefully make people laugh, even if its at me,......his intent is to cause division and hatred. Not good.
Nope. Its who he is. He HAS TO cause disruption where ever he goes. Like I say. As we continue to shut him down his attacks on the left will increase. He has no choice really,...he HAS TO do it. Sick stuff, I know,...but its who he is.
This thread is about to illustrate your point. And I for one end all discussion once he hits the point of delusion.

He attacks anyone who won't eventually agree with his flawed point in any discussion. You believe he's always wrong. I don't. I just cringe when I see him lower himself into the sewer.

But the Right on this board can't quit him, so I don't see the same future for the Left leaning members of this board.

And you ignore the fact that he IS as Right leaning as you. He just happens to hate trump. Everything else is cookie cutter Right Wing talking points.
isn't she ridiculous tho?

I feel sorry for her because IMO she has some kind of psych issues. One of my CNAs was a similar person. She was as fair and red-headed as I am. Her BF was Black. She dyed her hair black and if you heard her speaking in the next room, you would have assumed you were hearing a Black woman speaking. They didn't have squat for money so they lived with his mother and a couple of younger siblings, in a predominantly Black area. Maybe she just wanted to fit in? She was a sweetheart and an excellence care-giver, just not happy with how she was born, I guess.
The less we Righties engage Dutch the more the LW posters in here will be attacked by him. Starting to see that yet? It will eventually progress to the point where he will just totally make shit up about LW posters out of thin air and then act like it is 100% true. Its crazy,....but its what he does. He HAS TO do it,....its who he is. You guys should be thanking us for keeping him off of you for so long....LOL. Thats over now though. I havent decided yet what day but quite soon he will get no more engagement from us AT ALL. He will be totally cut off. Good luck.....
Nope. Its who he is. He HAS TO cause disruption where ever he goes. Like I say. As we continue to shut him down his attacks on the left will increase. He has no choice really,...he HAS TO do it. Sick stuff, I know,...but its who he is.
I love it when you prove you aren't man enough to stand by yourself. You always need reinforcements when it comes to confronting me. :rofl2:
Its the MAKING STUFF UP out of thin air and then acting as if its true thing that gets on everyones nerves. At first its like...oh well...he's just some nut,...but after awhile its like man....just STFU. I do my share of goofies too,....but almost all of it is tongue in cheek humor which by now most people know. Thats the difference.......his INTENT. My intent is to rile and hopefully make people laugh, even if its at me,......his intent is to cause division and hatred. Not good.
You're preaching to the choir. I consider the fabrications to be boilerplate troll tactics.

It's as if someone throws a switch. I just don't see it in all of his posts, the way you seem to
I love it when you prove you aren't man enough to stand by yourself. You always need reinforcements when it comes to confronting me. :rofl2:

NO stupid. Its because If ALL RWers do not eventually ignore you it wont work. NOBODY could do that alone. Are you REALLY this dumb that you cant understand simple little concepts?
You're preaching to the choir. I consider the fabrications to be boilerplate troll tactics.

It's as if someone throws a switch. I just don't see it in all of his posts, the way you seem to

That is because he hasnt posted to the left in here the way he has to to the right the last couple of years. But he will, can bet on that...LOL