
I love it when you prove you aren't man enough to stand by yourself. You always need reinforcements when it comes to confronting me. :rofl2:

Yeah,....because you know,....its not like there arent HUNDREDS of examples of me confronting a dickless little coward in here over the last couple of years that EVERYONE has seen for themselves. :rolleyes: There you go again with that silly little tactic of yours of just making shit up and PRETENDING its true. :laugh:
I feel sorry for her because IMO she has some kind of psych issues. One of my CNAs was a similar person. She was as fair and red-headed as I am. Her BF was Black. She dyed her hair black and if you heard her speaking in the next room, you would have assumed you were hearing a Black woman speaking. They didn't have squat for money so they lived with his mother and a couple of younger siblings, in a predominantly Black area. Maybe she just wanted to fit in? She was a sweetheart and an excellence care-giver, just not happy with how she was born, I guess.
I see that a lot in the last two decades, but I think that's a little different. Rap music made it very fashionable to be Black, which ultimately was a positive for society.

If you're in a mixed race relationship it's common to take on some of the appearances and dialects. Way back in the 70's we had mixed race neighbors. He was a keyboard player in a band and she was a blond haired blue eyed housewife who sounded exactly like the woman you describe above.

Back then it was unusual. Today it's common.

On the flip side, black people who enunciate, and sound 'white' are criticized in much the same fashion in their own community.
I feel sorry for her because IMO she has some kind of psych issues. One of my CNAs was a similar person. She was as fair and red-headed as I am. Her BF was Black. She dyed her hair black and if you heard her speaking in the next room, you would have assumed you were hearing a Black woman speaking. They didn't have squat for money so they lived with his mother and a couple of younger siblings, in a predominantly Black area. Maybe she just wanted to fit in? She was a sweetheart and an excellence care-giver, just not happy with how she was born, I guess.
Good point. There's two parts to this story: Dolezal's mental health and the reactions of American society.

IMO, the main line to draw when analyzing a person is "Did they intend to do harm?" Dolezal didn't. She may be batshit crazy but she was trying to help. Now look at Stone and his RW clique; does he intend to do harm? What about all the other RWers on JPP? Do they seek to harm or help?

How many death threats have been posted on JPP and who is behind them? What ideology?

I, too, feel sorry for Dolezal, but her heart was in the right place. People like Stone and Althea, not so much.
To be clear,.....its NOT that the right on this board will follow my suggestions on Dutch because Im some kind of party BOSS around here.....LOL,....Not at all. It is because down to the last person they all see Dutch as a Cancer, a weed that needs to be cut down. They will do it because they will enjoy watching him fry and the aftermath that ensues. He did this to himself...;)

IOW he makes you all pee your pants. :laugh:
That is because he hasnt posted to the left in here the way he has to to the right the last couple of years. But he will, can bet on that...LOL
Disagree. It's just that many on the Left don't point out the flaws in his claims the way I do.

Which doesn't automatically have to create a slugfest, but it typically does.
Yeah,....because you know,....its not like there arent HUNDREDS of examples of me confronting a dickless little coward in here over the last couple of years that EVERYONE has seen for themselves. :rolleyes: There you go again with that silly little tactic of yours of just making shit up and PRETENDING its true. :laugh:
Yet you still resort to "us" and "we". Why, Fatboy?
And the glaring flaw in the comparison ignores the fact that Obama enjoyed some aspects of being sheltered by a white grandmother, while being discriminated against for his outward appearance.

I never got the impression he 'identified' in any particular way, even though some of his speeches did indeed have that spicy Southern Black flavor. Which is why he was the coolest POTUS since Clinton played the sax on national t.v..

On two separate occassions, Obama showed us his soul when he showed off his singing.

He was and is a complex, fascinating, brilliant, and outstanding man. IMO he was also one of our finest presidents, and one who raised our standing and admiration in the eyes of the world.
NO stupid. Its because If ALL RWers do not eventually ignore you it wont work. NOBODY could do that alone. Are you REALLY this dumb that you cant understand simple little concepts?

Who elected you leader of the JPP RWers and empowered you to speak for them? Answer: no one. You post words like "all", "we", "us" as a shield to protect your fragile, albeit fat, ego.
Good point. There's two parts to this story: Dolezal's mental health and the reactions of American society.

IMO, the main line to draw when analyzing a person is "Did they intend to do harm?" Dolezal didn't. She may be batshit crazy but she was trying to help. Now look at Stone and his RW clique; does he intend to do harm? What about all the other RWers on JPP? Do they seek to harm or help?

How many death threats have been posted on JPP and who is behind them? What ideology?

I, too, feel sorry for Dolezal, but her heart was in the right place. People like Stone and Althea, not so much.

Classic example of sandwiching here. ALWAYS sneak in the lie between a few truths. Trained eyes know what thats all about Dutch. :laugh:
IOW he makes you all pee your pants. :laugh:


Mainly, while no one likes to be called stupid, cowardly or a loser, when someone proves it, then someone like Stone really does pee his pants over it.

Why do you think he's so dead set on banishing me from JPP? Because he appreciates alternative POVs? Because he's a staunch Constitutionalist who supports Free Speech? LOL

He's an oath-breaking bully and coward who is pissed off at me for repeatedly proving it on JPP in front of his friends.
He was and is a complex, fascinating, brilliant, and outstanding man. IMO he was also one of our finest presidents, and one who raised our standing and admiration in the eyes of the world.
Agree. And as we see in this thread, he constantly had to fight inane battles. In reality, he was one of the most balanced humans to ever grace the White House.

And the Right hated that. Also easy to forget, is that after Dubyah anyone who spoke in complete sentences was a giant step forward in American politics.

How can such a well spoken, intelligent individial be sandwiched between two of the stupidest, least competent leaders in American history?
Why do you say he's a racist?

IMO, anyone who supports the "one drop of blood" theory is a racist. Althea does support the premise.

I support the scientific POV that there's no such thing as race. Skin tone and varying facial characteristics aren't enough to subdivide human beings into different races or breeds.

There's more genetic variance between people of the same region than between different regions.
I decided a long time ago that Stone is rarely trying to be serious.

It makes his material a lot more palatable!

Bingo. Just as I decided long ago that arguing/debating politics is about as fruitful as planting a garden in the desert. RARELY if EVER do you ever see anyone flip to the other side. NOBODY is changing any minds in here.