
Disagree wholeheartedly. There are myriad differences between races that can easily be proven by science. Unless it's the term that isn't accepted, and we're talking about nation of origin, or geography of ancestors?

Asian people are not built the same was as Europeans, who are not built the same way as Mexicans, etc.

Scientifically speaking, race is an artificial cultural construct based on phenotype. Genetically we are all one species with phenotypical variations -- eye and lip and nose shape, height, melanin content of our skin, hair texture, etc.

There is no such thing as race, genetically.
Depends. With dementia patients, it is. With non-dementia people, every one is different.

If someone prefers to identify as a different gender, race, etc. and harms no one, it's none of your business. Nor mine.

so boys hurting girls on the girls team is ok? wtf is wrong with you.

see how idiotic you have become?

you're so doctrinnaire, yet so fucking stupid and clueless.
Agreed. Stone wears the mask of a friendly person, but it doesn't take much to see him drop the mask.

Everyone trolls on online. Some more than others and, yes, I confess to provoking a reaction to see what's behind a person's mask. Note that my comments, as barbed as they are, are strongly true. Why else would a bullying racist like Stone seek to have me banned or shunned? Notice he doesn't go after Into the Night, TDAK, Hawkeye, Truth Detector, etc, etc, etc. Just me. Why?

IMO, it's because I'm so good at revealing what the true Stone looks like under his fake persona.

Why do you think he's so pissed off at me that I'm the only one on JPP he seeks to seek destroyed with his "PLAN"?

His "plan" has about as much chance of fruition as Toxic's oft-repeated "we're going to clean up around here" does -- which she's been saying for over a decade now. Notice how both insecure trolls use the royal "we" to make it seem as though they're part of a large group? As if. :rofl2:
so boys hurting girls on the girls team is ok? wtf is wrong with you.

see how idiotic you have become?

you're so doctrinnaire, yet so fucking stupid and clueless.
Hurting each other? I guess you didn’t play much sports, that’s not the goal when you participate. Injuries happen in the course of play, but it’s not suppose to be intentional.
Notwithstanding the bullshit you spew, when are you going to tell us what the acronym QED specifically stands for?

You use it all the time. It must mean something special to you

Sorry, I thought you knew: Q.E.D. or QED is an initialism of the Latin phrase quod erat demonstrandum, meaning "which was to be demonstrated".

In short, if I accuse you or Stone of being racists then you or Stone post something racist, posting QED or quod erat demonstrandum means that you've demonstrated the accusation is correct.
His "plan" has about as much chance of fruition as Toxic's oft-repeated "we're going to clean up around here" does -- which she's been saying for over a decade now. Notice how both insecure trolls use the royal "we" to make it seem as though they're part of a large group? As if. :rofl2:

Just keep telling yourself that. But was ME that brought this joint to a standstill and had the mods and owner dealing with you for your attempted Doxing of Top last year. Remember? When you went into a bit of hiding to lick your wounds after you were publicly ORDERED to stop the bullshit. :cool: I told them that if you were not publicly addressed then the RW of this board would leave which would cause the board to die. were dealt with,....just like that. ;)
Just keep telling yourself that. But was ME that brought this joint to a standstill and had the mods and owner dealing with you for your attempted Doxing of top last year. Remember? When you went into a bit of hiding to lick your wounds after you were publicly ORDERED to stop the bullshit. :cool:
A standstill? :laugh:
His "plan" has about as much chance of fruition as Toxic's oft-repeated "we're going to clean up around here" does -- which she's been saying for over a decade now. Notice how both insecure trolls use the royal "we" to make it seem as though they're part of a large group? As if. :rofl2:

Agreed on all points. It's a bully tactic from behind the safety of an anonymous name. The royal "we" is used by lame, cowardly people.
Hurting each other? I guess you didn’t play much sports, that’s not the goal when you participate. Injuries happen in the course of play, but it’s not suppose to be intentional.

were title IX programs a good thing for women and girls?

say goodbye to all that.

Is jk rowling a "phobe" of some kind?
Same goes for those promoting "cultural appropriation".

I'm curious... how are you defining that term?

To Native Americans, it means non-natives using native art, spiritual practices, and other purely-theirs things to make money or otherwise take from their culture w/o understanding the meaning that underlies them. My own spirituality has a lot in common with some native nations' spirituality and thus might be considered appropriation. The difference though is that I understand and grok the meaning beneath and feel its truth. At least this is what my mentors have told me. If I chose to start wearing ribbon skirts though, that would definitely be cultural appropriation: pretending to be someone that I am not.

Is a Black woman who straightens her hair and dyes it blond appropriating White culture, trying to "look White," or just trying to be daring and fashionable?
Obama, like Rachel Dolezal, whom both of whom were more "white" than "black" chose to embrace Black Culture. Their choice. Obama was praised for it, both Democrats and Republicans alike raked Dolezal over the coals for it in a public lynching. Why the difference?

Did Dolezal intend harm? No she didn't.
Dolezal didn't 'embrace black culture'. She pretended to have black ancestors.

Obama is 'more white than black'?

Is that a 'one drop' thing?
Why cant I identify as Hispanic if I want to?

You can do whatever you want, but most people think being fake and disingenuous is a serious character flaw. It might be different if you purposely became fluent in Spanish, demostrated a lifelong affinity for Latin culture, and maybe even married into a Latin family.

I have an in-law without a drop of Slavic blood, but she majored in Slavic studies in College, learned to speak Russian like a native, converted religiously to Russian Orthodoxy, traveled extensively to the former Soviet republics, and married into a Russian immigrant family, is very familiar with Russian literature, cuisine, culture. She's basically a Russophile.

She doesn't claim to be Russian, but I think she is accepted as a fellow traveller within the Slavic circle.
so boys hurting girls on the girls team is ok? wtf is wrong with you.

see how idiotic you have become?

you're so doctrinnaire, yet so fucking stupid and clueless.

Okay then, Jessie. Whatever you say. This nonsense ^ is why I seldom respond to you. I'll be doing even less of that in the future. Good luck with your psychosis and anger management issues.
Okay then, Jessie. Whatever you say. This nonsense ^ is why I seldom respond to you. I'll be doing even less of that in the future. Good luck with your psychosis and anger management issues.

You can't take the heat because you know you're stupid and your positions are idiotic.

Was she publicly dealt with? Yep......SURE WAS. And everyone saw it....:laugh:
Here’s the definition of standstill

Learn to pronounce


  • a situation or condition in which there is no movement or activity at all.

    The board did not come to a “standstill”, posters continued to post.
    The event did not stop traffic on the forum.

Just keep telling yourself that. But was ME that brought this joint to a standstill and had the mods and owner dealing with you for your attempted Doxing of Top last year. Remember? When you went into a bit of hiding to lick your wounds after you were publicly ORDERED to stop the bullshit. :cool: I told them that if you were not publicly addressed then the RW of this board would leave which would cause the board to die. were dealt with,....just like that. ;)

Yes, I recall your little band of crybullies whining to Damo. Did you know that Tox doxed herself last year? Yep. She posted a link to some other forum where there was a link to pics of her hovel, her ugly mug, her address, her phone number, etc. Then she tried to get everyone who remarked on it banned. Now we all know her real name, what she looks like (ugh), that she isn't wealthy as claimed, or an actual teacher.

But yeah, you're such a hero. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: