
Scientifically speaking, race is an artificial cultural construct based on phenotype. Genetically we are all one species with phenotypical variations -- eye and lip and nose shape, height, melanin content of our skin, hair texture, etc.

There is no such thing as race, genetically.
So the term is incorrect, but the fact remains that there are vast differences in physical makeup of different genotypes, which affect phenotype, which we shorten to 'race'.

To state that there are more differences in genotype within cultures, than outside makes absolutely no sense.
Just keep telling yourself that. But was ME that brought this joint to a standstill and had the mods and owner dealing with you for your attempted Doxing of Top last year. Remember? When you went into a bit of hiding to lick your wounds after you were publicly ORDERED to stop the bullshit. :cool: I told them that if you were not publicly addressed then the RW of this board would leave which would cause the board to die. were dealt with,....just like that. ;)
A standstill? :laugh:
He's provided a partial explanation for being so fat: he's full of himself. LOL
If you come here to change minds, then you will be disappointed....

While it's unlikely that extremists will flip sides...unless they are nuts....those on the fence can be persuaded with reason and facts.

The falsity of the "one drop of blood" theory and it's relationship with racism in America is one of those facts.
Because Republicans cannot abide anyone who appears more intelligent and better educated than they are, particularly if they are a (D). Hence their constant focus on promoting hatred and fear of "elitism."

Especially Trumpers who are often stupid, poorly educated and underemployed.

Their complaints about hating elitism while simultaneously supporting one of the most elitist Presidents in history is especially ironic.

What can be more elite than seeking to install a white supremacist dictator?

So the term is incorrect, but the fact remains that there are vast differences in physical makeup of different genotypes, which affect phenotype, which we shorten to 'race'.

To state that there are more differences in genotype within cultures, than outside makes absolutely no sense.

There are very few differences in human genotype: 0.1% (per Genetics vs. Genomics Fact Sheet ).

That 0.1% contributes to our differing phenotypical appearance. Culturally we refer to the differences as "race," but scientifically speaking there is no such thing.
There are quite a few board members who don’t get involved in the personal interactions on the forum. They have no interest in it.

Too true. The only ones who got a teeny tiny boner from Damo scolding me were the GossipGrrlsGang members. Hmm. I wonder if Minty knows that Stoned is taking all the credit for weeporting? SHE claims that SHE single-handedly put an end to all the doxing here. :rofl2:
Here’s the definition of standstill

svg xml;base64,PHN2ZyB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciIHhtbG5zOnhsaW5rPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8xOTk5L3hsaW5rIiB3aWR0aD0iMzIiIGhlaWdodD0iMzIiIHZpZXdCb3g9IjAgMCAzMiAzMiI CiAgPGRlZnM CiAgICA8cG9seWdvbiBpZD0ic21hbGwtdmlzZW1lLXYzLWEiIHBvaW50cz0iMCAwIDMyIDAgMzIgMzIgMCAzMiIvPgogIDwvZGVmcz4KICA8ZyBmaWxsPSJub25lIiBmaWxsLXJ1bGU9ImV2ZW5vZGQiPgogICAgPG1hc2sgaWQ9InNtYWxsLXZpc2VtZS12My1iIiBmaWxsPSIjZmZmIj4KICAgICAgPHVzZSB4bGluazpocmVmPSIjc21hbGwtdmlzZW1lLXYzLWEiLz4KICAgIDwvbWFzaz4KICAgIDx1c2UgZmlsbD0iIzQyODVGNCIgeGxpbms6aHJlZj0iI3NtYWxsLXZpc2VtZS12My1hIi8 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 CiAgICA8cGF0aCBzdHJva2U9IiM0Mjg1RjQiIHN0cm9rZS1saW5lY2FwPSJzcXVhcmUiIGQ9Ik0yNSwxMyBDMjMsMTUuMzMzMzMzMyAyMCwxNi41IDE2LDE2LjUgQzEyLDE2LjUgOSwxNS4zMzMzMzMzIDcsMTMgTDEzLDEwLjUgTDE5LDEwLjUgTDI1LDEzIFoiIG1hc2s9InVybCgjc21hbGwtdmlzZW1lLXYzLWIpIi8 CiAgICA8cG9seWdvbiBmaWxsPSIjNDI4NUY0IiBmaWxsLXJ1bGU9Im5vbnplcm8iIHBvaW50cz0iOCAxNCA3IDEzIDI1IDEzIDI0IDE0IiBtYXNrPSJ1cmwoI3NtYWxsLXZpc2VtZS12My1iKSIvPgogICAgPHBhdGggc3Ryb2tlPSIjNDI4NUY0IiBzdHJva2UtbGluZWNhcD0icm91bmQiIGQ9Ik0yMCwzIEwxNy43Njc4NzUsNS4yNTg5MjYyMiBDMTYuNzkxNSw2LjI0NzAyNDU5IDE1LjIwODUsNi4yNDcwMjQ1OSAxNC4yMzIxMjUsNS4yNTg5MjYyMiBMMTIsMyIgbWFzaz0idXJsKCNzbWFsbC12aXNlbWUtdjMtYikiLz4KICA8L2c Cjwvc3ZnPgo=
Learn to pronounce


  • a situation or condition in which there is no movement or activity at all.

    The board did not come to a “standstill”, posters continued to post.
    The event did not stop traffic on the forum.


And yes,....the board did come to a brief standstill because everyone was in that thread and wanted to see if she would be dealt with or not,....which she was. :cool: This is also the reason why nobody can lie and say she wasnt.........we ALL saw it. ;) :cool:
The less we Righties engage Dutch the more the LW posters in here will be attacked by him. Starting to see that yet? It will eventually progress to the point where he will just totally make shit up about LW posters out of thin air and then act like it is 100% true. Its crazy,....but its what he does. He HAS TO do it,....its who he is. You guys should be thanking us for keeping him off of you for so long....LOL. Thats over now though. I havent decided yet what day but quite soon he will get no more engagement from us AT ALL.

He will be totally cut off. Good luck.....

I have good discussions with both Dutch and Althea, and anticipate doing so in the future. If we have any political differences, we are civil enough to agree to disagree.

And there are plenty of things to discuss besides politics. Well rounded people here discuss many things besides politics.
Umm...I think the term you were looking for is 'at all'.
Scientifically speaking, race is an artificial cultural construct based on phenotype. Genetically we are all one species with phenotypical variations -- eye and lip and nose shape, height, melanin content of our skin, hair texture, etc.

There is no such thing as race, genetically.
Agreed. Superficial characteristics do not a "race" make.

Also consider that it wasn't that long ago that Brits considered both the Irish and Italians to be a different, and subhuman, "race".

It's one reason why I believe monarchism furthers racist ideology; the idea some people are born superior to others. As if an Irish baby and Brit baby switched at birth wouldn't reflect the cultures in which they were raised over their parental genetics.
I have good discussions with both Dutch and Althea, and anticipate doing so in the future. If we have any political differences, we are civil enough to agree to disagree.

And there are plenty of things to discuss besides politics.

Thats good. I see nothing wrong with that. Others are not able to do that with Dutch. In fact very few are. Althea is totally different. We may disagree a lot politically but he is mostly polite and means no harm. In fact, a lot of ways I like the guy. Its all about INTENT.

And yes,....the board did come to a brief standstill because everyone was in that thread and wanted to see if she would be dealt with or not,....which she was. :cool: This is also the reason why nobody can lie and say she wasnt.........we ALL saw it. ;) :cool:
The board did not come to a standstill, that a fact.

I can’t stop you from having your little ego trip, enjoy the ride.
Thats good. I see nothing wrong with that. Others are not able to do that with Dutch. In fact very few are. Althea is totally different. We may disagree a lot politically but he is mostly polite and means no harm. In fact, a lot of ways I like the guy. Its all about INTENT.

It's nice to know you actually read and understand my posts, Fatboy. :thup:
The board did not come to a standstill, that a fact.

I can’t stop you from having your little ego trip, enjoy the ride.

LMAO!!!!!!!!!! Was she publicly dealt with or not? YES or NO ? You are only making this worse by not answering you know. It might be different if the whole damn board hadnt watched it all play out in real time,.....but they in fact DID. :laugh: