
I see that a lot in the last two decades, but I think that's a little different. Rap music made it very fashionable to be Black, which ultimately was a positive for society.

If you're in a mixed race relationship it's common to take on some of the appearances and dialects. Way back in the 70's we had mixed race neighbors. He was a keyboard player in a band and she was a blond haired blue eyed housewife who sounded exactly like the woman you describe above.

Back then it was unusual. Today it's common.

On the flip side, black people who enunciate, and sound 'white' are criticized in much the same fashion in their own community.

Very much so. My DIL has fretted on her social media page about that. She is Black, well-educated (she has a masters in business and a BS in industrial engineering). She typically "sounds White." Apparently she's had comments from Black friends/acquaintances criticizing her for that. It's interesting that my g-son, who is now 22, used to sound like a typical White kid. But since his early teens, he sounds like a typical Black kid. His gf and most of his friends are Black. He has decided where he wants to be in his world of White and Black, and is happy there. Good for him!!

Mainly, while no one likes to be called stupid, cowardly or a loser, when someone proves it, then someone like Stone really does pee his pants over it.

Why do you think he's so dead set on banishing me from JPP? Because he appreciates alternative POVs? Because he's a staunch Constitutionalist who supports Free Speech? LOL

He's an oath-breaking bully and coward who is pissed off at me for repeatedly proving it on JPP in front of his friends.

He's also a racist who has made numerous disparaging comments about Native Americans. Oh, and a misogynist to boot. So carry on. lol
Bye bye dutch. "The PLAN"
is indeed coming together quite nicely. It ALWAYS does...;) :cool:
Bingo. Just as I decided long ago that arguing/debating politics is about as fruitful as planting a garden in the desert. RARELY if EVER do you ever see anyone flip to the other side. NOBODY is changing any minds in here.
If you come here to change minds, then you will be disappointed.

Over the decades, debating issues on these boards has made me a better person.

Especially during Obama's tenure, when the lies were abundant.

I would say that being forced to research the lies told by others has made me a much more educated individual.

Specifically, the lie that 'the blacks' caused the financial crash of '08 because of CRA loans.

That's a fascinating topic that I had never really pondered. In the end, I came to realize that I got my first mortgage as a 24 year old due to CRA regulations, and now have access to all the loan money I could possibly need.
Agree. And as we see in this thread, he constantly had to fight inane battles. In reality, he was one of the most balanced humans to ever grace the White House.

And the Right hated that. Also easy to forget, is that after Dubyah anyone who spoke in complete sentences was a giant step forward in American politics.

How can such a well spoken, intelligent individial be sandwiched between two of the stupidest, least competent leaders in American history?

Because Republicans cannot abide anyone who appears more intelligent and better educated than they are, particularly if they are a (D). Hence their constant focus on promoting hatred and fear of "elitism."
IMO, anyone who supports the "one drop of blood" theory is a racist. Althea does support the premise.

I support the scientific POV that there's no such thing as race. Skin tone and varying facial characteristics aren't enough to subdivide human beings into different races or breeds.

There's more genetic variance between people of the same region than between different regions.

The last two sentences are true IMO. Why do you think anyone here is into the "one drop" theory?
He's also a racist who has made numerous disparaging comments about Native Americans. Oh, and a misogynist to boot. So carry on. lol

YOU have made many disparaging comments about white people,........fake Rachel Dolezel Indian. Luckily,....they know who and what you are ;)
You reinforced and supported the One Drop of Blood theory.
Notwithstanding the bullshit you spew, when are you going to tell us what the acronym QED specifically stands for?

You use it all the time. It must mean something special to you
I decided a long time ago that Stone is rarely trying to be serious.

It makes his material a lot more palatable!

He tries to be humorous but underneath is hate and bullying.

Did Dolezal intend harm? No she didn't. Does Stone intend harm? Decide for yourself, but IMO his posts often reflect a desire to harm others. This thread is no exception.

Bye bye dutch. "The PLAN"
is indeed coming together quite nicely. It ALWAYS does...;) :cool:

YOU have made many disparaging comments about white people,........fake Rachel Dolezel Indian. Luckily,....they know who and what you are ;)

I'm sure that you can link us up to prove your bullshit. I'll wait. And wait. And wait. And wait.

Looks like my arrow hit its mark! <insert "fake Indian" war whoop here> :laugh:
Because Republicans cannot abide anyone who appears more intelligent and better educated than they are, particularly if they are a (D). Hence their constant focus on promoting hatred and fear of "elitism."
I would add that it chapped their asses that Dubyah fucked the nation up so badly, a black man was now in the White House. Had we ever seen such overt, planned obstructionism before?
Another lie....:laugh: The post I quoted in fact shows EXACTLY what I pointed out about you. Silly little boi....:laugh:
Unlike you, I'm content to let others decide for themselves rather than trying to speak for them as you so often do. :)
I feel sorry for her because IMO she has some kind of psych issues. One of my CNAs was a similar person. She was as fair and red-headed as I am. Her BF was Black. She dyed her hair black and if you heard her speaking in the next room, you would have assumed you were hearing a Black woman speaking. They didn't have squat for money so they lived with his mother and a couple of younger siblings, in a predominantly Black area. Maybe she just wanted to fit in? She was a sweetheart and an excellence care-giver, just not happy with how she was born, I guess.

is agreeing with delusional people the best thing for them?
He's also a racist who has made numerous disparaging comments about Native Americans. Oh, and a misogynist to boot. So carry on. lol

Agreed. Stone wears the mask of a friendly person, but it doesn't take much to see him drop the mask.

Everyone trolls on online. Some more than others and, yes, I confess to provoking a reaction to see what's behind a person's mask. Note that my comments, as barbed as they are, are strongly true. Why else would a bullying racist like Stone seek to have me banned or shunned? Notice he doesn't go after Into the Night, TDAK, Hawkeye, Truth Detector, etc, etc, etc. Just me. Why?

IMO, it's because I'm so good at revealing what the true Stone looks like under his fake persona.

Why do you think he's so pissed off at me that I'm the only one on JPP he seeks to seek destroyed with his "PLAN"?

Bye bye dutch. "The PLAN"
is indeed coming together quite nicely. It ALWAYS does...;) :cool:
Very much so. My DIL has fretted on her social media page about that. She is Black, well-educated (she has a masters in business and a BS in industrial engineering). She typically "sounds White." Apparently she's had comments from Black friends/acquaintances criticizing her for that. It's interesting that my g-son, who is now 22, used to sound like a typical White kid. But since his early teens, he sounds like a typical Black kid. His gf and most of his friends are Black. He has decided where he wants to be in his world of White and Black, and is happy there. Good for him!!

Eliminating racism is a tough problem. As the past 58+ years since the Civil Rights Act have proved, institutionalizing racism isn't working out as hoped.

IMO, promoting similarities is better than promoting differences. Those saying a person is too black, too white, not black enough, not white enough, etc are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Same goes for those promoting "cultural appropriation". Isn't it better to blend than accuse and keep separate? Yes, abuse is one thing. Again, it depends upon the intent. If the intent is to harm, including demean or ridicule, it's bad. Remember Katy Perry and her Japanese costume? She was simply embracing Japanese music and cultural but was publicly eviscerated over it by racists like Althea. No one calls out Japanese businessmen for wearing three-piece suits. LOL

Its sad kids have to grow up in this fucked up racist environment. Promoting differences, including the "One Drop of Blood" theory, isn't going to help things get better.
Katy Perry's 'Geisha-Style' Performance Needs to Be Called Out
Her costume at the American Music Awards, and the reactions to it, show why conversations about cultural appropriation are still so important.
Last night Katy Perry, dressed in a modified kimono with her face heavily powdered, opened the American Music Awards with a geisha-inspired performance of her new single, “Unconditionally.” Within minutes, complaints about her get-up as an offensive example of cultural appropriation and stereotyping flooded in on social media, as did reactions to those reactions: virtual eye-rolls, posts predicting the furious arrival of the PC police, and several comments along the lines of “Just wait till Tumblr gets mad at this!”
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The last two sentences are true IMO. Why do you think anyone here is into the "one drop" theory?
Disagree wholeheartedly. There are myriad differences between races that can easily be proven by science. Unless it's the term that isn't accepted, and we're talking about nation of origin, or geography of ancestors?

Asian people are not built the same was as Europeans, who are not built the same way as Mexicans, etc.
is agreeing with delusional people the best thing for them?

Depends. With dementia patients, it is. With non-dementia people, every one is different.

If someone prefers to identify as a different gender, race, etc. and harms no one, it's none of your business. Nor mine.