Is Webbway a racist who should be banned?

Should Webbway be banned?

  • Unsure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Thanks, btw! :clink:


Dear Lord!

But you have already indicated that the racism I experience here and the racism that you experience are different so I do think there are slightly different aspects. You would not accept that the blatant racism shown towards white people here in Hong Kong is similar to the racism shown towards black people in America. But you also say '.. to 'justify maltreatment AND segregation'. They are different. I suffer (although 'suffer' is the wrong word really) from segregation, both intitutionalised and personal but I do not suffer from maltreatment. Indeed I 'suffer' from the reverse almost. I can always get a seat in a restaurant, but no one will ever give up their seat on a train (even when, a few years ago, I walked with crutches after ripping my achilles tendon). The other day several people on the train preferred to stand rather than sit next to me (and I had showered I promise!), but it doesn't bother me in the slightest.
Once again it must be said that America is NOT a reflection of the world. American politics is nothing like the rest of the world and American racism is, I would submit, nothing like that in the rest of the world. Have you ever lived outside America?

No, I have not. But I am told that racism and bigotry are minimal in European countries, against Westerners. Have you ever lived in America?
No, I have not. But I am told that racism and bigotry are minimal in European countries, against Westerners. Have you ever lived in America?

Racism is endemic here in Hong Kong. Europe includes Norway!!! and the EDL in UK, so not so minimal.
No I haven't lived in America... they probably would not let me in!!!! but there is much more information about America outside America than there is information about Europe and Asia inside America.
Most of the world gets your TV and it is a godsend that one has to pay for Fox so nobody pays it any heed ... except for comedians that is. But in HK we get most major European and American newspapers if we are prepared to pay the extortionate rates.
The result is that while we may not know everything about America we know, on average, a great deal more than Americans know of Europe and Asia.
I have even been asked which part of Japan Hong Kong is in and what is it like living under communist rule!!! Not all Americans are that dumb, I'm sure, but there seems an awful lot who are. Look at bush if you do not believe me!
Racism is endemic here in Hong Kong. Europe includes Norway!!! and the EDL in UK, so not so minimal.
No I haven't lived in America... they probably would not let me in!!!! but there is much more information about America outside America than there is information about Europe and Asia inside America.
Most of the world gets your TV and it is a godsend that one has to pay for Fox so nobody pays it any heed ... except for comedians that is. But in HK we get most major European and American newspapers if we are prepared to pay the extortionate rates.
The result is that while we may not know everything about America we know, on average, a great deal more than Americans know of Europe and Asia.
I have even been asked which part of Japan Hong Kong is in and what is it like living under communist rule!!! Not all Americans are that dumb, I'm sure, but there seems an awful lot who are. Look at bush if you do not believe me!

Hmmmm, I seem to have misread you. I think I like you. Your words ring true. Not all Americans are dumb, but so many of them are. My partner, who is European ( a sunny country) tells me that American tourists would invariably manage to embarrass themselves, insult the natives , and act as if they owned everything, "typically American". The natives would talk amongst themselves and quietly "laugh at them", or secretly "roll their eyes". "You can take them out of the country but you can't take the country out of them." And yes, you know exactly who I'm talking about. Who else has a sense of entitlement and employs "white privilege" at every turn? Not persons of color, as a rule.
And baby did you know? Bush set back foreign relations a hundred years. No wonder when Obama toured Europe and the Middle East, he was so well received, because he apologized for Bush's arrogance (like we don't make mistakes, and are too good to acknowledge when we do), and vowed to be a better world partner. I guess folks want to forget the hundreds of thousands that cheered him in Germany , of all places. He was a "rock star". Or the fact that he received the Nobel Peace Prize. Conservative white America lost their monkey minds at the world popularity of the first black president. That's why they are so willing to risk destroying the American economy (and subsequently, the world economy, because they stupidly don't understand that markets are linked), just to undermine his presidency and get him the hell out of the White House. And the ones here, have the audacity to call me a racist. Denial is so succinct and absolute.
Hmmmm, I seem to have misread you. I think I like you. Your words ring true. Not all Americans are dumb, but so many of them are. My partner, who is European ( a sunny country) tells me that American tourists would invariably manage to embarrass themselves, insult the natives , and act as if they owned everything, "typically American". The natives would talk amongst themselves and quietly "laugh at them", or secretly "roll their eyes". "You can take them out of the country but you can't take the country out of them." And yes, you know exactly who I'm talking about. Who else has a sense of entitlement and employs "white privilege" at every turn? Not persons of color, as a rule.
And baby did you know? Bush set back foreign relations a hundred years. No wonder when Obama toured Europe and the Middle East, he was so well received, because he apologized for Bush's arrogance (like we don't make mistakes, and are too good to acknowledge when we do), and vowed to be a better world partner. I guess folks want to forget the hundreds of thousands that cheered him in Germany , of all places. He was a "rock star". Or the fact that he received the Nobel Peace Prize. Conservative white America lost their monkey minds at the world popularity of the first black president. That's why they are so willing to risk destroying the American economy (and subsequently, the world economy, because they stupidly don't understand that markets are linked), just to undermine his presidency and get him the hell out of the White House. And the ones here, have the audacity to call me a racist. Denial is so succinct and absolute.

Hence my throwing of the 'N word' in the Whitehouse jibe. Words are at once beautiful and dangerous. One must always guard against their misuse. So when one of these rednecks (they dont like that) refers to Obama as Barack Hussein Obama, or questions his birthplace of calls him anti American they are, in fact thinking of the 'N' in the Whitehouse. They dont understand that most of us know exactly what evil thoughts rattle around in their empty skulls. Midcan 5 has a good piece on the use of language. If you haven't, you should read it.
Hence my throwing of the 'N word' in the Whitehouse jibe. Words are at once beautiful and dangerous. One must always guard against their misuse. So when one of these rednecks (they dont like that) refers to Obama as Barack Hussein Obama, or questions his birthplace of calls him anti American they are, in fact thinking of the 'N' in the Whitehouse. They dont understand that most of us know exactly what evil thoughts rattle around in their empty skulls. Midcan 5 has a good piece on the use of language. If you haven't, you should read it.

touche' . well-said.
Assuming for a moment that Webway is a racist, why should he be banned yet posters who make baseless racist accusations not be? :)
Hey, Hope, how do you feel about a sexist little dweeb using your name and image to post soft porn on the internet?

Ya think? moron.

I called my congressman today, telling a nice lady on the other end not to vote for anything that would raise the debt.

I told the nice lady on the phone that I want to see cuts.

I told her that I could live without the EPA, Department of Energy, Obamacare, and a few more.
Awwww! How cute. Lulu will be your pal forever! Two assholes in one shell.

Now Lulu. Please try and play nice in there. We know how you feel about homosexuals.

You know absolutely nothing about me except that I do not like you. You have NEVER contributed to ANY worthwhile discussion and spend your miserable existence with your bottom lip curled under and kicking pebbles. Piss off lady, you are are not even good enough to supply transplants.
I called my congressman today, telling a nice lady on the other end not to vote for anything that would raise the debt. I told the nice lady on the phone that I want to see cuts. I told her that I could live without the EPA, Department of Energy, Obamacare, and a few more.

And after she hung up...

