I've decided how I want to die

Actually I know quite a bit about cancer pain. I know quite a bit about the psychology of treating pain.

Now here is a news flash sparky. There is no maximum dose of morphine. You can keep titrating a patients dosage until their pain is controlled or the side effects are intolerable. You are ignorant of the ways of pain management and unfortunately many physicians are as well.

Do you actually read what you write? You state "There is no maximum dose of morphine." and then your very next sentence defines a maximum dosage of morphine.

Derp, derp.
OK I was wrong. He is a complete idiot.

Oh please Mr. Biology major let's get into a discussion about pain therapy. This should be fun.

It is a medical fact that there is no maximum dose of morphine. Now there is a caveat. A cancer patient requiring 400 mg/hour infusion of morphine sulfate is quite different than giving 400 mg/hour of morphine sulfate to YOU
Actually I know quite a bit about cancer pain. I know quite a bit about the psychology of treating pain.

Do you? You've experienced it first-hand, have you? You've had the kind of pain from cancer that on a 24-hour basis makes you want to kill yourself? You've writhed and flailed around in bed, groaning and screaming because the pain was so great? That's what I'm talking about. That's what my step-father dealt with because he couldn't take his own life.

Unless one has experienced that first-hand one can't know a damned thing about cancer pain no matter how many books one reads or how much time one spends in the company of someone who's experiencing it, and I hope to never get that intimate with the pain, myself.

So unless you've had that pain yourself, you don't know jack, as the saying goes.

Now here is a news flash sparky. There is no maximum dose of morphine. You can keep titrating a patients dosage until their pain is controlled or the side effects are intolerable.

Oh, wait. There's no maximum dose, but you have to stop if the side effects become intolerable? THAT point is your maximum dose, moron. More than that and you risk overdose and killing the patient. Or are you truly so stupid you don't understand that simple concept?

You stupid idiot. There is in fact a maximum dose of morphine, and that is what the body can tolerate before an overdose occurs.

But let's drill that down a little further, shall we? People can die with a dose of 200mg or greater while 60mg is enough to kill someone that's hypersensitive. Statistical data on morphine mortality is difficult to ascertain because it's a metabolite of heroin, so if someone OD's on either, it's often not possible to tell if it was heroin or morphine that did the job. But people die from morphine overdose all the time.


You are also apparently ignorant of the fact, despite knowing "quite a bit" about bugger all, that at some point the use of morphine is not efficacious, and the prescribing doctor cannot go any higher without facing a charge of malpractice or murder for administering enough morphine to cause an overdose and death.

And hey, you know what? I'm opioid-resistant. The pain-killing effects of opiod drugs don't work on me and they never have. So would you continue to administer an unhelpful drug until its other, less desirable, effects killed me? What do you do in that situation? Just let the patient writhe in pain? Go on, DO tell us why in that situation I shouldn't be able to ask for someone to assist me in easing my terminal suffering.

So tell us again how much you know, because by being selective with your information you're full of shit. Go on. Tell us how you can't kill someone with morphine or any drug by just giving them more of it because it's not handling their pain.
I will lend you a gun. Go into the woods and blow your brains out. There I assisted your suicide.

If you can get Deshatrd and Skidmark to stand directly behind you and blow their heads off too, that would be a bonus.

You're such an adult.

By the way? Lending someone a gun? Illegal.

So where do you draw the line in your moral compass? You don't seem to like murder but you have just stated you are more than willing to break the law about not loaning guns to someone.

So which side of the hypocrisy fence are you sitting on today?
Do you actually read what you write? You state "There is no maximum dose of morphine." and then your very next sentence defines a maximum dosage of morphine.

Derp, derp.

Nope. I am correct. I know more about this than you do. Go look it up. You can keep titrating doses of morphine until pain is controlled. Of course you must administer an anti-emetic and other drugs to mitigate the side effects, but there is NO MAXIMUM dose of morphine. You just keep titrating upwards until you relieve the pain. The key to treating pain is to avoid "PRN" or as needed treatment and give round the clock dosing.

I understand your ignorance. You are after all a biology major which is one step above a geology major
Do you? You've experienced it first-hand, have you? You've had the kind of pain from cancer that on a 24-hour basis makes you want to kill yourself? You've writhed and flailed around in bed, groaning and screaming because the pain was so great? That's what I'm talking about. That's what my step-father dealt with because he couldn't take his own life.

Unless one has experienced that first-hand one can't know a damned thing about cancer pain no matter how many books one reads or how much time one spends in the company of someone who's experiencing it, and I hope to never get that intimate with the pain, myself.

So unless you've had that pain yourself, you don't know jack, as the saying goes.

Oh, wait. There's no maximum dose, but you have to stop if the side effects become intolerable? THAT point is your maximum dose, moron. More than that and you risk overdose and killing the patient. Or are you truly so stupid you don't understand that simple concept?

You stupid idiot. There is in fact a maximum dose of morphine, and that is what the body can tolerate before an overdose occurs.

But let's drill that down a little further, shall we? People can die with a dose of 200mg or greater while 60mg is enough to kill someone that's hypersensitive. Statistical data on morphine mortality is difficult to ascertain because it's a metabolite of heroin, so if someone OD's on either, it's often not possible to tell if it was heroin or morphine that did the job. But people die from morphine overdose all the time.


You are also apparently ignorant of the fact, despite knowing "quite a bit" about bugger all, that at some point the use of morphine is not efficacious, and the prescribing doctor cannot go any higher without facing a charge of malpractice or murder for administering enough morphine to cause an overdose and death.

And hey, you know what? I'm opioid-resistant. The pain-killing effects of opiod drugs don't work on me and they never have. So would you continue to administer an unhelpful drug until its other, less desirable, effects killed me? What do you do in that situation? Just let the patient writhe in pain? Go on, DO tell us why in that situation I shouldn't be able to ask for someone to assist me in easing my terminal suffering.

So tell us again how much you know, because by being selective with your information you're full of shit. Go on. Tell us how you can't kill someone with morphine or any drug by just giving them more of it because it's not handling their pain.

Your post is nothing but uninformed, emotional clap trap.

You are not "opioid resistant". There is no such thing. People that don't respond to opioids are typically being treated for conditions in which opioids are not effective in treating things like nerve pain or bone pain. Like I said, if you want to kill yourself have at it.

I am sorry that your step dad got poor care. Blame your physician's ignorance about treating cancer pain. You obviously share the same ignorance and your bias clouds your judgement to try to learn something. You are uneducable.
Nope. I am correct. I know more about this than you do. Go look it up. You can keep titrating doses of morphine until pain is controlled. Of course you must administer an anti-emetic and other drugs to mitigate the side effects, but there is NO MAXIMUM dose of morphine. You just keep titrating upwards until you relieve the pain. The key to treating pain is to avoid "PRN" or as needed treatment and give round the clock dosing.

I understand your ignorance. You are after all a biology major which is one step above a geology major

Overdosage with morphine is characterized by respiratory depression (a decrease in respiratory rate and/or tidal volume, Cheyne-Stokes respiration, cyanosis), extreme somnolence progressing to stupor or coma, skeletal muscle flaccidity, cold and clammy skin, and sometimes bradycardia and hypotension. In severe overdosage, apnea, circulatory collapse, cardiac arrest and death may occur.

The Mayo Clinic actually lists the symptoms of morphine overdose as:
Symptoms of overdose

• Bluish lips or skin
• dizziness
• fainting
• irregular heartbeat
• lightheadedness
• low blood pressure or pulse
• slow heartbeat
• unconsciousness

Since "overdose" means "above the maximum tolerable dose," that seems to indicate that there is, in fact, a maximum dose. And I'll take the May Clinic's word over yours.
I am sorry that your step dad got poor care. Blame your physician's ignorance about treating cancer pain.

Memorial Sloan Kettering. The physicians at Memorial Sloan Kettering, which is among the top 5 cancer treatment centers in the country, are ignorant about treating cancer and cancer pain. That's got to be your assertion, since that's where he was.

I'll take THEIR word over yours, too.

With your obvious belief that it's impossible to overdose someone on morphine, I think, if you are in fact in the pain management and/or medical profession, that you are quite dangerous. I wonder how long it'd be before you kill someone?
Do you? You've experienced it first-hand, have you? You've had the kind of pain from cancer that on a 24-hour basis makes you want to kill yourself? You've writhed and flailed around in bed, groaning and screaming because the pain was so great? That's what I'm talking about. That's what my step-father dealt with because he couldn't take his own life.

Unless one has experienced that first-hand one can't know a damned thing about cancer pain no matter how many books one reads or how much time one spends in the company of someone who's experiencing it, and I hope to never get that intimate with the pain, myself.

So unless you've had that pain yourself, you don't know jack, as the saying goes.

Oh, wait. There's no maximum dose, but you have to stop if the side effects become intolerable? THAT point is your maximum dose, moron. More than that and you risk overdose and killing the patient. Or are you truly so stupid you don't understand that simple concept?

You stupid idiot. There is in fact a maximum dose of morphine, and that is what the body can tolerate before an overdose occurs.

But let's drill that down a little further, shall we? People can die with a dose of 200mg or greater while 60mg is enough to kill someone that's hypersensitive. Statistical data on morphine mortality is difficult to ascertain because it's a metabolite of heroin, so if someone OD's on either, it's often not possible to tell if it was heroin or morphine that did the job. But people die from morphine overdose all the time.


You are also apparently ignorant of the fact, despite knowing "quite a bit" about bugger all, that at some point the use of morphine is not efficacious, and the prescribing doctor cannot go any higher without facing a charge of malpractice or murder for administering enough morphine to cause an overdose and death.

And hey, you know what? I'm opioid-resistant. The pain-killing effects of opiod drugs don't work on me and they never have. So would you continue to administer an unhelpful drug until its other, less desirable, effects killed me? What do you do in that situation? Just let the patient writhe in pain? Go on, DO tell us why in that situation I shouldn't be able to ask for someone to assist me in easing my terminal suffering.

So tell us again how much you know, because by being selective with your information you're full of shit. Go on. Tell us how you can't kill someone with morphine or any drug by just giving them more of it because it's not handling their pain.

please don't be offended by anything out resident idiot says

he is really really lame in the brain

most of us just coddle him because he is far too stupid to take seriously.
Overdosage with morphine is characterized by respiratory depression (a decrease in respiratory rate and/or tidal volume, Cheyne-Stokes respiration, cyanosis), extreme somnolence progressing to stupor or coma, skeletal muscle flaccidity, cold and clammy skin, and sometimes bradycardia and hypotension. In severe overdosage, apnea, circulatory collapse, cardiac arrest and death may occur.

The Mayo Clinic actually lists the symptoms of morphine overdose as:
Symptoms of overdose

• Bluish lips or skin
• dizziness
• fainting
• irregular heartbeat
• lightheadedness
• low blood pressure or pulse
• slow heartbeat
• unconsciousness

Since "overdose" means "above the maximum tolerable dose," that seems to indicate that there is, in fact, a maximum dose. And I'll take the May Clinic's word over yours.

More uninformed claptrap. There is a difference between an OVERDOSE and a MAXIMUM dose. Of course you can overdose on morphine. I never implied or stated that you couldn't. What I said is that there is not a MAXIMUM dose. You can keep titrating the dose upwards until you get the desired clinical effect.

Obviously if I give you 500 mg of morphine right now (assuming you are opioid naive) it would most assuredly kill you and that would be an overdose.

However, if you are being treated for pain then it is very conceivable to be able to titrate your dose up to 500 mg and it will not kill you.

If you don't get the difference, then there is no helping you. It is why you deserve to be in pain and you should kill yourself now. If you are so intent on being assisted in killing yourself, I suggest you assault George Zimmerman. It will be quick
Actually I know quite a bit about cancer pain. I know quite a bit about the psychology of treating pain.

Now here is a news flash sparky. There is no maximum dose of morphine. You can keep titrating a patients dosage until their pain is controlled or the side effects are intolerable. You are ignorant of the ways of pain management and unfortunately many physicians are as well.

Wow, you are an ignorant man. Being ignorant of medicine or an area of knowledge is not uncommon or bad, but when you think you know a lot about something you are ignorant of, it leads to a political ideology such as yours.

Death is the result of exceeding the maximum dose of Morphine.
Sometimes I wonder why I bother, but here. Don't believe me. Here is a link for you


From the link. Which is EXACTLY what I said. I will accept apologies throughout the day

When using single-agent opioid preparations (noncombination products), there is no maximum dose when appropriately titrated. The dose should be slowly escalated until adequate pain relief is seen or side effects preclude further escalation.
Memorial Sloan Kettering. The physicians at Memorial Sloan Kettering, which is among the top 5 cancer treatment centers in the country, are ignorant about treating cancer and cancer pain. That's got to be your assertion, since that's where he was.

I'll take THEIR word over yours, too.

With your obvious belief that it's impossible to overdose someone on morphine, I think, if you are in fact in the pain management and/or medical profession, that you are quite dangerous. I wonder how long it'd be before you kill someone?

Memorial Sloan Kettering like all hospitals has bad physicians. You are misstating what I said. I never said that it is impossible to overdose on morphine. Of course it is. I said there isn't a maximum dose if titrated appropriately. The key is titrating appropriately. If your step daddy died in pain that it is clear he was not receiving appropriate care. It is obvious the issue is causing you pain.
Oh please Mr. Biology major let's get into a discussion about pain therapy. This should be fun.

It is a medical fact that there is no maximum dose of morphine. Now there is a caveat. A cancer patient requiring 400 mg/hour infusion of morphine sulfate is quite different than giving 400 mg/hour of morphine sulfate to YOU
There is no maximum dose of morphine ehh? You don't know what you are talking about All drugs have toxic properties that if you exceed the bodies ability to metabolize you will more than likely die without medical intervention (and even then you may die). Tolerances may vary with some drugs like opiates but they still have toxicities which if you exceed you will die.

Morphine sulfate has a lethal dose of between 125 mg (what would kill and average sized adult woman with no opiate tolerance) and 250 mg which would probably kill an average adult male WITH opiate tolerance. Dosage for an opiate may vary by a persons size and tolerance but variance is not the same as no maximum dose.

Let me ask you this question. If there is no maximum dosages for opiates than why do people die from taking to much of them?
Sometimes I wonder why I bother, but here. Don't believe me. Here is a link for you


From the link. Which is EXACTLY what I said. I will accept apologies throughout the day

When using single-agent opioid preparations (noncombination products), there is no maximum dose when appropriately titrated. The dose should be slowly escalated until adequate pain relief is seen or side effects preclude further escalation.

Do you even know what titrated means?
There is no maximum dose of morphine ehh? You don't know what you are talking about All drugs have toxic properties that if you exceed the bodies ability to metabolize you will more than likely die without medical intervention (and even then you may die). Tolerances may vary with some drugs like opiates but they still have toxicities which if you exceed you will die.

Morphine sulfate has a lethal dose of between 125 mg (what would kill and average sized adult woman with no opiate tolerance) and 250 mg which would probably kill an average adult male WITH opiate tolerance. Dosage for an opiate may vary by a persons size and tolerance but variance is not the same as no maximum dose.

Let me ask you this question. If there is no maximum dosages for opiates than why do people die from taking to much of them?

It is clear that your lack of reading comprehension skills is why you had to be a biology major and didn't pursue something more rigorous.

Now read carefully what I am saying.


That does;t mean you can't overdose on it. Of course you can. You are either don't understand what I am saying or you are being deliberately obtuse. In fact, in your own post you are corroborating what I am saying. But, you would rather choose to be argumentative than admit that I am right. It is your character flaw.

Do you even know what titrated means?

I obviously know better than you, you fucking sheep fucking moron. It is what I have been saying all along. But, you want to jump in when clearly you don't know what you are talking about and you keep embarrassing yourself. You are reminding me of Deshtard.