I've decided how I want to die

ILA choses not to acknowledge qualifiers such as "when appropriately titrated", I would be surprised if he knows what "titrated" means.
I obviously know better than you, you fucking sheep fucking moron. It is what I have been saying all along. But, you want to jump in when clearly you don't know what you are talking about and you keep embarrassing yourself. You are reminding me of Deshtard.
<-----complete idiot status proven.

obviously you don't understand what "When properly titrated" means.
ILA choses not to acknowledge qualifiers such as "when appropriately titrated", I would be surprised if he knows what "titrated" means.

Really counselor?

Maybe you might want to go back to Post #56 and see whether I acknowledge QUALIFIERS or not. I have posted it here for your kind review. You will notice that I am the first person to use the word TITRATED and I qualified my statement with the word TITRATED. You will also notice that I did not go back and edit the post so what you are reading is verbatim what I originally posted. So kindly go fuck yourself.

Actually I know quite a bit about cancer pain. I know quite a bit about the psychology of treating pain.

Now here is a news flash sparky. There is no maximum dose of morphine. You can keep titrating a patients dosage until their pain is controlled or the side effects are intolerable. You are ignorant of the ways of pain management and unfortunately many physicians are as well.

Apparently you libtards just can't bring yourselves to admit I am right.
<-----complete idiot status proven.

obviously you don't understand what "When properly titrated" means.

See post #56 dumbass. I know you are trying to cover your embarrassment. Tell us again how the maximum dose of morphine is 250mg? The FDA would disagree with you. But, I guess you and your little biology major knows more than the FDA?
ILA choses not to acknowledge qualifiers such as "when appropriately titrated", I would be surprised if he knows what "titrated" means.
All I can tell you is that in medical application if you exceed the end point of a titration you are probably in deep, deep trouble! LOL LOL LOL
What is totally hilarious to watch in this thread is the same liberals who fall over themselves to believe Hillary lie to them about her emails are trying to say I didn't use a word I very clearly used. You are all such Orwellian pricks. But, any rational, sentient fair minded person can see that I am correct in my analysis. It just pains you so to see me be right.
See post #56 dumbass. I know you are trying to cover your embarrassment. Tell us again how the maximum dose of morphine is 250mg? The FDA would disagree with you. But, I guess you and your little biology major knows more than the FDA?
Well we established that you don't understand what "titrated" means. Now you have established you don't understand what "ranges" means. LOL LOL LOL

You're a pitbull ILA. I'll give you credit there. You just won't let go! LOL LOL LOL
All I can tell you is that in medical application if you exceed the end point of a titration you are probably in deep, deep trouble! LOL LOL LOL

what are you even talking about? Did you see the Duragesic table? Did you see the dose of morphine being 1124 mg? That is a shit ton of morphine. If I gave that to you today you would drop over in due course. But, if done carefully and appropriately you can get to doses of 1124 mg and HIGHER. It is what I have been saying the entire time. Yet you seem to want to argue that I am not saying it.

OVERDOSAGE and MAXIMUM are not the same things. You are trying to conflate the two.
Well we established that you don't understand what "titrated" means. Now you have established you don't understand what "ranges" means. LOL LOL LOL

You're a pitbull ILA. I'll give you credit there. You just won't let go! LOL LOL LOL

Actually, I have established very clearly that I understand what titrated means. As I clearly proved, I was the first person to bring the concept into this discussion. You have proven nothing except your own ignorance. Just because you were a silly biology major does not make you an expert on pharmacology, of which you are woefully ignorant
I provided you with the FACT that your quote by me in your sig

(Quote Originally Posted by evince View Post

you are lying again

this is not about the democrat party)

was me insulting your for mis spelling the Democratic party name.

you like insulting your self or does this mean you will spell it correctly from now on ILA?
Clearly you are completely ignorant of the kind of pain that cancer can cause, or when "too much morphine" means "Oh, the doctor killed him by overdosing him."

Isn't that what you want to stop? Someone killing something else?

So you suggest that someone in pain should be given more morphine to the point that it kills them. That's your answer.

You complete idiot.

It takes a little longer with some, but sooner or later virtually everyone at JPP comes to the conclusion you just did.
Actually I know quite a bit about cancer pain. I know quite a bit about the psychology of treating pain.

Now here is a news flash sparky. There is no maximum dose of morphine. You can keep titrating a patients dosage until their pain is controlled or the side effects are intolerable. You are ignorant of the ways of pain management and unfortunately many physicians are as well.

"Or the side effects are intolerable..."

Meaning eventually they will KILL you.
Sometimes I wonder why I bother, but here. Don't believe me. Here is a link for you


From the link. Which is EXACTLY what I said. I will accept apologies throughout the day

When using single-agent opioid preparations (noncombination products), there is no maximum dose when appropriately titrated. The dose should be slowly escalated until adequate pain relief is seen or side effects preclude further escalation.

"Or side effects preclude further escalation."

Meaning any further escalation will KILL you.
More uninformed claptrap. There is a difference between an OVERDOSE and a MAXIMUM dose. Of course you can overdose on morphine. I never implied or stated that you couldn't. What I said is that there is not a MAXIMUM dose. You can keep titrating the dose upwards until you get the desired clinical effect.

Obviously if I give you 500 mg of morphine right now (assuming you are opioid naive) it would most assuredly kill you and that would be an overdose.

However, if you are being treated for pain then it is very conceivable to be able to titrate your dose up to 500 mg and it will not kill you.

If you don't get the difference, then there is no helping you. It is why you deserve to be in pain and you should kill yourself now. If you are so intent on being assisted in killing yourself, I suggest you assault George Zimmerman. It will be quick

And now begins the frantic backpedaling and hasty wordsmithing.

Wow, you are an ignorant man. Being ignorant of medicine or an area of knowledge is not uncommon or bad, but when you think you know a lot about something you are ignorant of, it leads to a political ideology such as yours.

Death is the result of exceeding the maximum dose of Morphine.

NOT according to Dr. IHA!