Jade's Recipe Exchange.

Ever try the different kinds of seaweed? The yuppies up my way are catching on an even call them "sea vegetables". I grew up on them, we just called them food!
I love seaweed as do my grandchildren, this land lubber didn’t know there were different kinds!
I love seaweed as do my grandchildren, this land lubber didn’t know there were different kinds!

Thousands upon thousands. Probably more! The most common kinds are Laver, Dulse, Nori, Irish Moss, Kelp, Bladderwrack, Rockweed, Sea Lettuce, Alaria.., the list goes on and on. My favorite happens to be Laver.
They are so delicious, what are your favorites, particularly? I love zucchini, summer squash, eggplant

For roasting Brussels sprouts are my absolute favorite, followed by winter squash, asparagus, broccoli, potatoes, carrots, turnips.

I like mostly all vegetables no matter how they're fixed but I'm not fond of radishes.
Guess I could repost this.

These are the veggies I used for a large pot of stock. You could cut it in half.

1 large sweet potato
1/2 rutabaga
3 rainbow carrots, and their greens. 1 purple, 1 yellow, 1 orange.
1 large sweet onion
2 cipollini onions
1 bulb of garlic separated, and smashed
A handful of snow pea pods
4 stalks of celery
4 radicchio leaves
2-3 baby bok choy leaves
1/2 red bell pepper
1/2 yellow bell pepper
10 dried shiitake mushrooms, submerged in water, and cleaned of dirt.
Parsley stems (cut about inch, and a half off the bottom of an entire bunch)
1 full leaf of this, is what I'll call my special ingredient: These are the veggies I used for a large pot. You could cut it in half.

1 large sweet potato
1/2 rutabaga
3 rainbow carrots, and their greens. 1 purple, 1 yellow, 1 orange.
1 large sweet onion
2 cipollini onions
1 bulb of garlic separated, and smashed
A handful of snow pea pods
4 stalks of celery
4 radicchio leaves
2-3 baby bok choy leaves
1/2 red bell pepper
1/2 yellow bell pepper
10 dried shiitake mushrooms, submerged in water, and cleaned of dirt.
Parsley stems (cut about inch, and a half off the bottom of an entire bunch)
1 full leaf of this, is what I'll call my special ingredient: https://www.amazon.com/Maine-Coast-K...6762K7GW9&th=1

Seasonings 8-15 pink peppercorns, TBSP of both dried rosemary, and dried Marjoram.

It was all cut into large pieces (besides the mushrooms, pea pods, and special ingredient, which were left whole) and simmered on low for 25-30 hours. If you know how to make stocks, I won't get technical on things like straining, etc. Just fill a bowl with the veggies, and refill that same bowl to that line with cold water. Add little bits more if you think it's getting low during cooking. I lid up for overnight.

It was really good, and didn't need any salt. Could probably consume it as is, or you can use it for whatever. The scraps can feed the animals, or be thrown into compost. Can you believe this was my first attempt? Mom did provide input, but this was my recipe.

Seasonings 8-15 pink peppercorns, TBSP of both dried rosemary, and dried Marjoram.

It was all cut into large pieces (besides the mushrooms, pea pods, and special ingredient, which were left whole) and simmered on low for 25-30 hours. If you know how to make stocks, I won't get technical on things like straining, etc. Just fill a bowl with the veggies, and refill that same bowl to that line with cold water. Add little bits more if you think it's getting low during cooking. I lid up for overnight.

It was really good, and didn't need any salt. Could probably consume it as is, or you can use it for whatever. The scraps can feed the animals, or be thrown into compost. Can you believe this was my first attempt? Mom did provide input, but this was my recipe.

Sorry about that, did not see that recipe. Looks really good!
Dang thing got screwed up. I'll repost it.

These are the veggies I used for a large pot of stock. You could cut it in half.

1 large sweet potato
1/2 rutabaga
3 rainbow carrots, and their greens. 1 purple, 1 yellow, 1 orange.
1 large sweet onion
2 cipollini onions
1 bulb of garlic separated, and smashed
A handful of snow pea pods
4 stalks of celery
4 radicchio leaves
2-3 baby bok choy leaves
1/2 red bell pepper
1/2 yellow bell pepper
10 dried shiitake mushrooms, submerged in water, and cleaned of dirt.
Parsley stems (cut about inch, and a half off the bottom of an entire bunch)
1 full leaf of this, is what I'll call my special ingredient: https://www.amazon.com/Maine-Coast-...ncoding=UTF8&refRID=VWG4JSV8A59QYQFYZSX7&th=1

Seasonings 8-15 pink peppercorns, TBSP of both dried rosemary, and dried Marjoram.

It was all cut into large pieces (besides the mushrooms, pea pods, and special ingredient, which were left whole) and simmered on low for 25-30 hours. If you know how to make stocks, I won't get technical on things like straining, etc. Just fill a bowl with the veggies, and refill that same bowl to that line with cold water. Add little bits more if you think it's getting low during cooking. I lid up for overnight.

It was really good, and didn't need any salt. Could probably consume it as is, or you can use it for whatever. The scraps can feed the animals, or be thrown into compost. Can you believe this was my first attempt? Mom did provide input, but this was my recipe.

Seasonings 8-15 pink peppercorns, TBSP of both dried rosemary, and dried Marjoram.

It was all cut into large pieces (besides the mushrooms, pea pods, and special ingredient, which were left whole) and simmered on low for 25-30 hours. If you know how to make stocks, I won't get technical on things like straining, etc. Just fill a bowl with the veggies, and refill that same bowl to that line with cold water. Add little bits more if you think it's getting low during cooking. I lid up for overnight.

It was really good, and didn't need any salt. Could probably consume it as is, or you can use it for whatever. The scraps can feed the animals, or be thrown into compost. Can you believe this was my first attempt? Mom did provide input, but this was my recipe.
These are my NRG bars. Super easy and packed with whatever you wish to add. Great snack to keep you going or a breakfast bar.

NRG Bars

3 eggs
1 TBL vanilla
1/2 cup molasses
1/4 cup syrup (I use agave nectar or dark corn syrup)
1 mashed banana
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 3/4 cup powdered milk
1 apple, chopped
1 cup dried cranberries
1 cup chopped nuts
4 cups oatmeal
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

Mix wet stuff, add dry stuff. Spread evenly on cookie sheet. Bake at 240 for 40-45 minutes or so. When still warm, cut into whatever size bars you like.

One can substitute whatever dried fruit or other nuts (sunflower seeds, ground flax, etc) I’ve added vanilla protein powder for protein bars, etc.
These are my NRG bars. Super easy and packed with whatever you wish to add. Great snack to keep you going or a breakfast bar.

NRG Bars

3 eggs
1 TBL vanilla
1/2 cup molasses
1/4 cup syrup (I use agave nectar or dark corn syrup)
1 mashed banana
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 3/4 cup powdered milk
1 apple, chopped
1 cup dried cranberries
1 cup chopped nuts
4 cups oatmeal
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

Mix wet stuff, add dry stuff. Spread evenly on cookie sheet. Bake at 240 for 40-45 minutes or so. When still warm, cut into whatever size bars you like.

One can substitute whatever dried fruit or other nuts (sunflower seeds, ground flax, etc) I’ve added vanilla protein powder for protein bars, etc.

How long does it keep? It sounds like something great to take hiking, or kayaking on long trips.