It IS an indictment of our educational system, isn't it? Kids that ARE bright and educated enough in h.s. to make change and count inventory and other clerical tasks are more likely to go to community college, or trade school, or university. Those who slacked in h.s. are what's left for employers looking for minimum wage employees to choose from. I was laid off from the publishing company where I worked for nine years, in 1999. I applied for countless admin asst type jobs, signed up with temp agencies, etc. One of the first questions I was always asked was did I have a degree. At that point I had taken some college courses but did not have a degree. I could type 100+ wpm, didn't have to use spell check, had years of experience and a track record, knew at least a dozen software programs including Quark, In-Design, Photoshop, Word, Excel, etc. But no degree? No thanks. This is what happens when nearly *everyone* goes to at least community college. Well-qualified but with high school-only employees won't be chosen when there's a large field of less-qualified-but-educated employees to choose from.
I'm glad to see the hiring shortage going on now. Good workers are going to get a chance to get decent jobs whether they have degrees or not.