Misconception about Obamacare...

Why did you speak to her out of ignorance? Yes, she is a bit misinformed, but you don't know if she will be able to keep her setup do you?

Does the plan she provides meet the minimum acceptable plan set forth by Obamacare? Do you know that? Did you ask? I bet not. If it doesn't she either has to pay more to meet those standards, or she is going to dump her employees on the exchange.

It is highly ironic that you start a thread about peoples ignorance of Obamacare and go on to highlight your own ignorance. Don't you just love irony? I do.

How have I highlighted my own ignorance? Because I did not tell you what I told her, that makes me ignorant?
No the ignorance of your HR manager is the reason, not Obamacare.
He's the owner of the company. He said Obamacare would be free, which is not true, and he couldn't keep paying the higher, and higher cost. Instead of doing something to make the cost go down, they legislated something much worse than what we had.
He's the owner of the company. He said Obamacare would be free, which is not true, and he couldn't keep paying the higher, and higher cost. Instead of doing something to make the cost go down, they legislated something much worse than what we had.

? Who said it would be free? Who couldn't keep paying what higher and higher cost?
spec·u·la·tion *(spky-lshn)
a. Contemplation or consideration of a subject; meditation.
b. A conclusion, opinion, or theory reached by conjecture.
c. Reasoning based on inconclusive evidence; conjecture or supposition.
a. Engagement in risky business transactions on the chance of quick or considerable profit.
b. A commercial or financial transaction involving speculation.

Precisely...the headline of the article SF cited states:

"Most 2013 job growth is in part-time work, survey suggests"


...no hard facts...just someone's personal OPINION of the data.
not true.....I don't know anyone who had problems with pre-existing conditions and age 26......its just that liberals tried to PRETEND that's what we've been objecting to.......

Really...you don't know anyone who who had problems with what you claim?

How about all those REPUBLICAN CONGRESSMEN trying to repeal ALL of ObamaCare? Including the part about pre-existing conditions and the age cutoff!
He's the owner of the company. He said Obamacare would be free, which is not true, and he couldn't keep paying the higher, and higher cost. Instead of doing something to make the cost go down, they legislated something much worse than what we had.

So your boss lied to you and dumped your insurance and that's Obama's fault?
Then you're like the people Gallup polled who hated Obamacare reflexively until it was broken down into individual sections that they loved.

There are always some parts that you might like as long as that part doesn't affect you adversely....thats like asking people if they support higher taxes on the wealthy...
as long as they think it won't be them, they like it....

Pew poll...shows differently.............http://tinyurl.com/pzbalv4
So your boss lied to you and dumped your insurance and that's Obama's fault?

There are definitely business owners who are so besides themselves and resentful that Obama was reelected, that they punish the pissants they figure mostly voted for him by doing things like this and blaming Obama. Of course, it's also a great excuse to fuck your worker and save money.

You have to be a real dupe to swallow it. And i mean the kind who loves being on their knees to their masters. A smart fuck would get a new job. A dumb fuck nods their heads and says "yes boss I understand boss, I hate that Obama too boss' hoping for some sort of payback, well fools, you already got the only payback you're gonna see.
There are always some parts that you might like as long as that part doesn't affect you adversely....thats like asking people if they support higher taxes on the wealthy...
as long as they think it won't be them, they like it....

Pew poll...shows differently.............http://tinyurl.com/pzbalv4

No Bravo. There are people who only want legislation passed that benefits them and want to rescind anything that doesn't regardless of how much it benefits someone else. But you're projecting that onto everyone with your universal "you".

People who think like that, only of themselves and get twisted in the face when someone else is helped, are called conservatives. So yeah that's "you" as in Bravo, sitting there collecting your SS and going to get your weekly rabies shots on Medicare, and screw everyone else, but it's not me.