Misconception about Obamacare...

well if they did vote for Obama, then they should want Obama care... cause it is free and will give them everything they could ever want... cause Obama told them so.

When did Obama tell people Obamacare would be free?
Did you not read your own OP?

You told her nothing would change for her. How do you know? Do you know if her plan meets Obamacare requirements? If it does she has no worries. If it doesn't (which is more likely) she is screwed.

The fact that you didn't even know to address that highlights your ignorance. You merely parroted Obama like a good goose stepper.

Is being a mind numbed robot for Obama a requirement for your sleeper cell?

She is going to be able to keep the set up she currently has.
For starters, this old sawhorse has been disproven numerous times. *yawn*

It was one article in a magazine a quarter century ago. Written by someone no one even cares about. Whatshizname? Was there ever a movement in the GOP to initiate it? No.

Secondly, I doubt you even read your own links. That Heritage article only mentioned the individual mandate... not the whole Obamacare monstrosity that currently exists.

And as for the individual mandate itself, Obama himself insisted during his debates with Hillary Clinton that it was unnecessary... until he got elected.

Lies, lies, and more lies.

The individul and employer mandates and aren't those the parts that Republicans, supposedly, hate the most?

What other parts are monsterous in your opinion?
What other parts are monsterous in your opinion?

Those would be the parts deliberately designed to drive private health insurers out of business. Specifically, mandating insurers accept anyone, causing rates to skyrocket, insurers to go out of business, people no longer being able to keep the insurance they like (as promised), and finally the coup de grace... we all wind up in a single payer system.
The IRS issued regulations last week announcing that the cheapest insurance plan under Obamacare will cost a family of five $20,000 per year by 2016.

That estimate is based on choosing the plan offering the least benefits, the bronze plan.

Government employees with their heavily subsidized healthcare and those who haven't been able to afford health insurance the last few years are in for a rude awakening when they realize how much health insurance for the private sector has increased over the last few years, especially due to Obamacare.

Low-income Americans making barely over minimum wage are bitterly discovering how much their premiums are increasing.

Many people voted for Obama because they thought Obamacare would give them free healthcare. Obama told voters in 2008 that they would not be required to pay for healthcare if they could not afford it, “If, in fact, we are not making healthcare affordable enough, which is what’s happening right now, and you mandate on families to buy health insurance that they can’t afford and if they don’t buy it you fine them or in some other way take money for them.”

He promised that healthcare would not be purchased without tax increases on middle class families.

He claimed that Obamacare would actually reduce premiums by 14% to 20%.

Instead, premiums are continuing to increase under Obama.

Over the past few years healthcare premiums for insurance through employers increased a whopping 600% more than wages.

The implementation of Obamacare began in 2010, after Obama signed it into law in March 2010.

In 2011, average healthcare premiums jumped up 9% to $15,073 per person annually, with employers generally paying two-thirds of that and workers responsible for one-third. This translates to about $400 monthly the average person must now pay out of pocket.

This is evidence that private insurance alternatives to Obamacare coverage are not going to be any cheaper. Healthcare companies across the country have been applying for and getting approval to increase their rates lately, in order to keep up with the new Obamacare mandates.

The reason healthcare premiums are rapidly increasing is simple. Obamacare requires health insurers to accept anyone who applies, regardless of their health problems, increasing the costs for all. This is terribly inefficient considering there are more cost-effective ways to insure those who incur high healthcare costs, such as risk pools. Most likely it was done purposely to increase the costs of private insurance so much that people choose government Obamacare instead.

Obamacare also includes numerous forced mandates that increase costs for healthcare insurance providers, such as requiring them to provide birth control. It would be cheaper to decouple birth control from insurance and deregulate it, so adults can purchase it without a prescription or health insurance. It is so inexpensive and safe nowadays ($9 per month from Wal-Mart) that it is absurd to continue requiring basic birth control to be approved by doctors and health insurance companies, adding up administrative costs needlessly.

Furthermore, why is birth control covered under Obamacare yet something as basic and important as dental care is not? Obamacare is all about picking winners and losers, rewarding feminists and cronies in the healthcare industries. It is not about really fixing healthcare.

Employees of Wal-Mart, many who make barely above minimum wage, saw their premiums increase last fall by up to 36%. Only Americans who make less than $15,302 annually, or $31,155 for a family of four, will be eligible for Medicaid to pay for Obamacare.

That means unless you are making $7.35 an hour or less, you are likely going to be paying something for Obamacare. Many states have higher minimum wages than $7.35, so someone making $9 an hour doesn’t even have the option to take a slightly lower-paying job in order to get their health insurance completely paid for.

Premium subsides will supposedly be available for individuals making up to $46,021 and families making up to $93,700, but it is not clear how much or how it will work.

Subsidies for out-of-pocket costs will be available for individuals making up to $28,763 and families of four making up to $58,564, but again, it is not clear how or if the subsidies will ever really materialize for most people.

Most likely there will suddenly – surprisingly of course - be no money available anymore by the time low wage workers apply for the subsidies. The states with the most efficiently run healthcare industries will be hit the hardest. Those workers who currently pay the lowest premiums will see the steepest increases, between 65% and 100%.

Almost half the states have valiantly announced they will not implement Obamacare insurance exchanges, but this just means a federally administered insurance exchange will be utilized in those states instead.

Beginning in 2014, families that do not purchase healthcare insurance will be taxed (the IRS calls it a “penalty”) annually either $2,085 or 2.5% of their income.

By 2016, the minimum annual penalty per person will be $695 per person. This is cruel, considering many people do not have healthcare because they cannot afford it. It also goes against principles of freedom, to force someone to buy something they do not want.

Obama promised free healthcare in order to get reelected. He knew free healthcare was impossible, but most people have short attention spans, do not remember history, and do not pay enough attention to politics to figure out that it was a lie.

The next time someone complains about their insurance premiums going up, your response should be to ask them if they voted for Obama.

Really...you don't know anyone who who had problems with what you claim?

How about all those REPUBLICAN CONGRESSMEN trying to repeal ALL of ObamaCare? Including the part about pre-existing conditions and the age cutoff!

have you ever heard anyone say "I want to repeal the law that says insurance companies can't deny you for preexisting conditions"?......of course not....that's just a line Demwits use to detract from the real problems with Obamacare.......
<phone call>

"Hello Allstate? Yeah, I'd like to buy some home owner's insurance. Yeah, I know it's 3:00 a.m., it's just that my house just burned down and.... well yeah, I need coverage now to pay for this. Whattya mean you won't give me a policy to pay for it? Whattya mean my burned-up house is a pre-existing condition? Don't you know what friggin' insurance *IS*?"

Liberals is dingbats.
Those would be the parts deliberately designed to drive private health insurers out of business. Specifically, mandating insurers accept anyone, causing rates to skyrocket, insurers to go out of business, people no longer being able to keep the insurance they like (as promised), and finally the coup de grace... we all wind up in a single payer system.

Proof please, thank you.
Truly makes my stomach wretch. If it wouldn't hurt and outrage so many people once they discover they were taken in, I'd like to see it implemented just to witness how the supporters handle the fall-out. The CBO is reporting it will be twice as high as originally thought.
Piss off! I looked at what was coming in, and what was going out and understood that there was no money for the increased cost of healthcare, and was one of the few that wasn't let go.

Bush and the policies of the past several pres brought us to this point, and Obama has just accelerated everything. Not made things better.

After Clinton tried his/her vision of what is now the 'law of the land' not much was really happening. All discussions included that pre-existing conditions and uninsured needed to be addressed, other than that? Nada.

Obama turned writing over to Congress, the dems ran with it, taking no input from Republicans. They own this.


have you ever heard anyone say "I want to repeal the law that says insurance companies can't deny you for preexisting conditions"?......of course not....that's just a line Demwits use to detract from the real problems with Obamacare.......


When any congressman says he wants to repeal ObamaCare, he is saying he wants to repeal ALL of it INCLUDING the portion dealing with insuring those with pre-existing conditions.
<phone call>

"Hello Allstate? Yeah, I'd like to buy some home owner's insurance. Yeah, I know it's 3:00 a.m., it's just that my house just burned down and.... well yeah, I need coverage now to pay for this. Whattya mean you won't give me a policy to pay for it? Whattya mean my burned-up house is a pre-existing condition? Don't you know what friggin' insurance *IS*?"

Liberals is dingbats.

Very bad analogy.