Miss. Ranked Fattest State in Nation

I don't treat people like that, and no one has ever treated me that way either.

Your theory seems to be that I don't know I'm treating people like that and don't know other people are treating me "like shit" and telling me to go fuck myself all of the time, because I "take it as normal".

Give it a rest. WM is a 17 year old kid, when was he here? "Everyone" was treating a kid "like shit"? Wow. That, I haven't seen anywhere, have you?

Knock it off, the both of you look like two resentful, backwater hay seeds, it's embarrassing.

If it makes you feel any better I felt just as terrible in Texas.

I loved Tennessee and Florida, though. Planning on heading over to Cuba someday.
Truer words have never been said.

I've just got to take my redneck friend Steven's advice - never argue with a women. You will always lose.

lol. Well, I think I know what the problem with Cawacko is. He has this idea, which I believe is ideologically based, that east coasters are "elitists" and "arrogant". Well, the reason I said he sounds like george bush is because he is quoting george bush, and guess what? You get back what you put out. If you are putting out "Look at these elitists", you're not going to get anything nice back. But no matter where I have gone, i have found that people are strikingly similar! Give them a big, sincere, smile, and what do you get back? A smile! Put your hand out, and what happens? Someone shakes it! It's just amazing.

In your case Water, maybe you are still a bit shy, you might find you feel differently later in life, if you come back.
lol. Well, I think I know what the problem with Cawacko is. He has this idea, which I believe is ideologically based, that east coasters are "elitists" and "arrogant". Well, the reason I said he sounds like george bush is because he is quoting george bush, and guess what? You get back what you put out. If you are putting out "Look at these elitists", you're not going to get anything nice back. But no matter where I have gone, i have found that people are strikingly similar! Give them a big, sincere, smile, and what do you get back? A smile! Put your hand out, and what happens? Someone shakes it! It's just amazing.

In your case Water, maybe you are still a bit shy, you might find you feel differently later in life, if you come back.

I think I was just trying to agree with Caw. Most of the locals I talked to were OK, but I was with a group of like 100 and so we didn't talk to others much. I just disliked the city feel of all of it, how there was miles and miles of so much that was exactly the same and very little beauty in between.

I'd never really considered myself a naturalist up to that point.
I think I was just trying to agree with Caw. Most of the locals I talked to were OK, but I was with a group of like 100 and so we didn't talk to others much. I just disliked the city feel of all of it, how there was miles and miles of so much that was exactly the same and very little beauty in between.

I'd never really considered myself a naturalist up to that point.

Oh...that is different, and certainly valid. I crave the country side sometimes, or the mountains...the sea. I drive out to Montauk for everything, except for the mountains of course.
I have found people to be pleasant and helpful and even charming, no matter where I go. Whether it be in NYC, Boston, the West Coast, Virginia, or other parts of this country...or even out of the country.

It's really a shame that people seem to take such a dislike to yourself and Cawacko when you travel out of your hometowns.

I wonder who the problem might be, "everyone" else, or yourselves?

I agree. I've pretty much lived in every region of the country. And, while there are certain regional eccentricities, on balance, most people can be pretty nice face to face, assuming one has normal social skills.
I agree. I've pretty much lived in every region of the country. And, while there are certain regional eccentricities, on balance, most people can be pretty nice face to face, assuming one has normal social skills.

Southerners often think of themselves as being very polite. But it's easy to distinguish those who just put on a facade from those who really care about people. The thing about the south as that our "rude people" don't go out and say "Fuck you", but they do make you feel just as irrelevant all the same. It's the human race.
Yes. I've been upstate NY though, and it is very different, even the Eastern tip of LI is very different.

I guess I can't say much about my part of Mississippi. Pine trees and flat land for miles. The man-made beach on the coast is almost disgusting (though not as disgusting as the East River!). It is at least something, though. And travelling down the creeks and rivers is pretty cool.
Anyone ever get a strong desire to just head out and travel everywhere?

I was sitting in my college class today, and finally realized that this was about it. I was going to go get a degree in engineering and law and just sit around for the rest of my life in the same place. I felt kind of trapped, when I realized that there wasn't really any way out.
You have been out to LI usc? You must have been if you know of Islip!

Oh yes used to come to NYC, Brooklyn, queens,LI, etc on business a lot.
Mostly mid town manhatten, but sometimes I would fly into Islip or leave that way. I either drove there or got a limo, they were not much more than a cab.
and I was on expenses :)
I thought it was really strange that at night the cop cars were all gathered in the street in front of the various police stations. doughnut delivery I guess.

I was the expert of fiber obtics splicing for the US for a fiber optics company. Been down in the underbelly of NYC too, literally. darned big rats down there.
Anyone ever get a strong desire to just head out and travel everywhere?

I was sitting in my college class today, and finally realized that this was about it. I was going to go get a degree in engineering and law and just sit around for the rest of my life in the same place. I felt kind of trapped, when I realized that there wasn't really any way out.

A law degree can take you many places, you don't know where you'll go or end up. That's what makes life exciting.