Most Awesome City in the World, part deux

World's Most Awesome City

  • New York

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • San Francisco

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Paris

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Rome

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Sydney

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Rio

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hong Kong

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
You guys have not been to Bubba bar and grill in Brimingham , that is obvious :D
No better place to get drunk pinch some butt, get slapped , get in a fight and throw up , anywhere....Waylon and Willie blare from the band all night!

Then there was this place in Saigon....

LOL. You are right, I have not been there! But it sounds like a hell of a time.
Cypress, try using a map goofball... Since when are the great plains a mile above sea level? That is like calling most of the "mountains" in the east "plains". Also, as I mentioned, the mountains are closer than you seem to recall. Mount Evans is 30 minutes from my house... closer from downtown Denver. Mount Evans is a 14er. Numerous 10k plus peaks closer than that.

Probably need to understand what you consider hiking, but there are numerous places within 15 minutes where I can hike/mountain bike.

All that said, I do love the accessibility you have as well. We'll call it a tie based on individual preferences. You prefer to have ten-fifteen miles less to travel. I prefer real challenges. ;)

C'mon dude. You can't fool me. I lived in colorado. The eastern half of the state is nasty, prarie and flatlands. Denver is right on the western edge of the great plains. Next to the front range. But, denver itself is flat as a pancake. You guys are on the edge of the plains, not in the mountains. Vail is a mountain town. Denver is not.

But, I'm just giving you crap dude. Denver isn't a bad place to be for outdoor recreational opportunities. I'm just spoiled, I don't like having to drive an hour for recreation. ;)
You guys have not been to Bubba bar and grill in Brimingham , that is obvious :D
No better place to get drunk pinch some butt, get slapped , get in a fight and throw up , anywhere....Waylon and Willie blare from the band all night!

Is that where Dixie hangs out?

Hey, I used to live in the south. I've been to some of those honky tonks.
Cypress... again... MILE HIGH... Vail is 3k in elevation higher. You have "mountains" in CA listed at 5700 feet. No question the state east of Denver drops down into the plains and is quite barren and pathetic. The POINT though is that it does not take an hour to get to the mountains. They are RIGHT NEXT TO US. Friggin goofball.... ya need to come back out to refresh your "memory". :D
"Yosemite rules. "

I love it as well. One of my favorite national parks. The top of Half Dome was sweet. Sitting on top of our cabin watching bears tear into the cars of the dumbasses that don't pay attention to the rules... PRICELESS.

Went rafting on the Tualome (spelling) which was pretty decent for a level III??? Can't recall exactly.
"Hey, I used to live in the south. I've been to some of those honky tonks."

I am a fairly big guy and those places scare me. Ya never know when you'll hear "Hey Billy Bob, watch this... I'm gunna try sumthin"
Maybe that's why Dixie really high-tailed it...he might have pinched the wrong ass!

Naah it is just part of the game in those places. The pinch is used to try an pick up a gal or get in a fight , take your pick. Rednecks love both.
"Yosemite rules. "

I love it as well. One of my favorite national parks. The top of Half Dome was sweet. Sitting on top of our cabin watching bears tear into the cars of the dumbasses that don't pay attention to the rules... PRICELESS.

Went rafting on the Tualome (spelling) which was pretty decent for a level III??? Can't recall exactly.


There's different parts you can raft. I used to be a rafting guide, and we'd do the tuolumne canyon, which is class III to IV. Kinda gnarly, but not too bad.

I like that hike in yosemite up to the top of half dome. There's also a cool one (Nevada falls, I think), where you actually hike up under Nevada falls, and the water mist is spraying down on you. Way cool.
"Hey, I used to live in the south. I've been to some of those honky tonks."

I am a fairly big guy and those places scare me. Ya never know when you'll here "Hey Billy Bob, watch this... I'm gunna try sumthin"

I guess that is why when I was in NYC and they found out I was from Eastern KY, no one gave me crap.
I thought it pretty strange...
Me being a peacable sort of guy and all...
"Hey, I used to live in the south. I've been to some of those honky tonks."

I am a fairly big guy and those places scare me. Ya never know when you'll hear "Hey Billy Bob, watch this... I'm gunna try sumthin"

See, one thing I learned about the South is that some of those Hollywood "Deliverance" stereotypes are exaggerated.

Lots of nice folks down there. Lots of racists too. But, living there was a good experience for me. The south is more three dimensional, than the simplistic two-dimensional stereotype I grew up with.
"I like that hike in yosemite up to the top of half dome. There's also a cool one (Nevada falls, I think), where you actually hike up under Nevada falls, and the water mist is spraying down on you. Way cool."

I'll have to try it next time out. Thanks for the tip.
"See, one thing I learned about the South is that some of those Hollywood "Deliverance" stereotypes are exaggerated. "

Exagerated yes. I was kidding...kinda Plus... lived in Arkansas for 5 years.... enough said.
Cherry Hill and some other places. I don't remember them all. My fiance worked in the city, and we were looking for a house and considered Jersey. We ended up buying one on Long Island though. But, some of the towns we were in were very nice, very wooded and scenic even. Have you ever seen some of the houses you can get in the Poconos and other places in that part of PA, and for only a portion of what you pay in NY and NJ? Damn. But the commute is crazy.

I grew up around the Cherry Hill area in a town called Mount Laurel. I'd love to move back there. Cheaper homes, nicer surroundings, trendy shops, some of the best restaurants, 50 minutes from AC, 20 minutes from Center City Philly, 30 minutes from the airport and good school systems. I think my boyfriend and I are definitely going to move a little further south when we get more established and are able to command higher salaries.
It's hard to imagine a better night life than this country anyway. I've never seen it. But, I haven't been everywhere in this country. There are I would imagine, cities in Europe that can rival it.

I've partied in different parts of the world and nothing comes close to NYC. I'd say maybe some Spanish Cities would possibly come in at close second because their nightclubs clubs stay open until 9am - noon. But outside of clubbing, NYC nightlife is unparalleled in my opinion. Numerous Jazz clubs, no-name bands, comedy clubs, sex clubs, you name it you can probably do it at 2am. I've never been anywhere else where everything's possible at any time of night (well, except stuff like banking, and gov't registrations and stuff like that).