Nature, beer, the coming holidays, or whatever.

It's a little more rural yeah. The town we live in now is like 35k people. That land is like half hour away and ten minutes from a town with like a thousand people.

All in all everything looks like it's going to work out. I'm ready to kinda retire.

Retirement is awesome. Are you going to build a cabin/house yourself on the property?
Beer's pretty good, wine is better. ;~)

Nature: This year our mast (acorn production) was really low. As a result, the deer ate almost all of our landscaping that was untouched last year. They even jumped over the six-foot fence into the garden and chomped the few things that were left, including my sweet grass <sob>. Poor things are starving. So we started buying them giant sacks of alfalfa and apples; I put out some in separate piles every day. Apparently that's not enough; they've taken to opening the bags themselves! Last winter we didn't start feeding them till after Permanent Snow, which was the beginning of December. But last year we had a huge mast too.

Opening season/deer camp is tomorrow. I hope our dear little herd will fare well. We have at least two small bucks now, many mamas with singles and twins, and yearlings who were fawns last year. Yesterday at dusk we had 11 hungry ruminants looking for chow. Here's one little family.

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No doubt wine is better. I just picked up a case of Dornfelder which I describe as “liquid panty remover” and the best part is my wife likes it even better. :)
We splurged on our diet and had a steak, baked potato with butter and sour cream, and a salad full of goodness, spinach, romaine, cabbage, celery, radishes, cucumber, tomato, and carrot, plus a crust full grain bread. I am in a good
comma, now I am taking my beer and going to sit in my spa. I walked around for six hours at the Nutcracker Bazaar on Sunday and my calves are screaming!
I have a cast iron skillet that I only use for steak and burgers. After 20 years of seasoning it cooks a great steak.
Retirement is awesome. Are you going to build a cabin/house yourself on the property?

Im not going to build it myself. I'm handy. But not build a house handy.

It's not going to be anything spectacular. Two or three bed two bath with a nice basement and a detached shop.

If this new component works out I'll be semi-retiring within the next year. If not then I'll wait till I can harvest those trees. By then the boys will probably be out of the house or close to it.

I'll probably never fully retire. But I don't want to be working a job for someone else.
Im not going to build it myself. I'm handy. But not build a house handy.
It's not going to be anything spectacular. Two or three bed two bath with a nice basement and a detached shop.
If this new component works out I'll be semi-retiring within the next year. If not then I'll wait till I can harvest those trees. By then the boys will probably be out of the house or close to it.
I'll probably never fully retire. But I don't want to be working a job for someone else.

I wish you much luck. What do you see yourself doing in retirement, on your homestead?
I wish you much luck. What do you see yourself doing in retirement, on your homestead?

Other than your typical hunt garden and what not? I'll probably build a few bikes from time to time. And may on occasion go do some industrial start up jobs when I get bored. That is if we decide to go with a property manager to handle our rental properties instead of doing it ourselves.

If I wait until we cut those trees to retire I'll only be 44 or 45. So I'll probably need to do some work from time to time.
I have a cast iron skillet that I only use for steak and burgers. After 20 years of seasoning it cooks a great steak.

Almost as good as an outdoors grill, eh? My favorite CI skillet (I've got four) belonged to my late husband's grandmother. Pretty sure it's close to 100 years old if not older. Amazing cookware, that CI.
Other than your typical hunt garden and what not? I'll probably build a few bikes from time to time. And may on occasion go do some industrial start up jobs when I get bored. That is if we decide to go with a property manager to handle our rental properties instead of doing it ourselves.

If I wait until we cut those trees to retire I'll only be 44 or 45. So I'll probably need to do some work from time to time.

Wow, so young... so many years left to live your life out from under the man's foot. Wishing you much much luck!
You said build bikes.... bicycle bikes, motor bikes?
Wow, so young... so many years left to live your life out from under the man's foot. Wishing you much much luck!
You said build bikes.... bicycle bikes, motor bikes?

Motorcycles. In the past I've done a couple bobber builds, but have never built a bike from the ground up.

And thanks.

My wife and I have also talked about replanting after they've been cut. Being able to harvest the nuts pruned branches and culled trees would help money wise while we are retired. And it would leave a nest egg for the kids when we do eventually pass away.
Motorcycles. In the past I've done a couple bobber builds, but have never built a bike from the ground up.

And thanks.

My wife and I have also talked about replanting after they've been cut. Being able to harvest the nuts pruned branches and culled trees would help money wise while we are retired. And it would leave a nest egg for the kids when we do eventually pass away.

Always replant.
My ebay selling is going good. Hopefully I'll sell enough to get some good money for next years trip. I also hope to be rid of these kidney stones before then. One thing with it is, that it helps my diet a little bit, because I don't feel like eating that much.
My ebay selling is going good. Hopefully I'll sell enough to get some good money for next years trip. I also hope to be rid of these kidney stones before then. One thing with it is, that it helps my diet a little bit, because I don't feel like eating that much.

Are you on some kind of treatment?
Are you on some kind of treatment?

Pain killers, hoping they pass on their own, and diet restrictions. I feel pretty good; at least while I'm laying in bed anyway. When I get up out of bed, and walk to the living room, I occasionally show my unity by also taking a knee.
Making Some roast beef in the oven for supper. Marinating it with some red wine, and rosemary right now.