Nature, beer, the coming holidays, or whatever.

Thank You!! I do, don't I!

Honey and Lucy get along fabulously and Honey and Jupiter are best buds.
Jupiter likes to chase Lucy so she does not like him one bit. She hisses and growls at him. But what's kind of funny is that when Luce is sleeping, Jupiter will lay real close to her and start grooming her. She barely tolerates it. LOL.

Hahahaha.... aren't they so funny to try to figure out? Have loved cats since I was a little kid. My dad hated them so we never had one. Have been slave to many of their people over the years, till the birds claimed me. When my younger daughters were still at home they had a cat named Smoky. They adopted him from a shelter. He spent his first few days hiding under their beds. When he finally ventured out, one of the macaws spied him and called (in a perfect replica of a human woman's voice but not MINE): "Here kitty kitty kitty!" Smoky came a-running, hoping I guess to be reunited with his former human. Much to his horror he rushed into a room with huge iron castles and giant feathered raptors, one of which proceeded to nip the end of his tail.... laughing evilly of course. He never walked through that room again, or got within 10 feet of any of the birds. Poor Smokes.
OMG those look amazing. Just made regular chocolate chip cookies this afternoon. I'll trade you. lol

I'm just drooling over the recipe, since I can't have those on my diet. Me, and my Mom did make a boxed brownie mix, and I had her replace most the oil with fat free Greek yogurt. It wasn't as fudgy without the fat, but it was still good. Next year for Christmas I'll get back to making goodies, but this year I'm resorting to homemade soap, and candles.
Hahahaha.... aren't they so funny to try to figure out? Have loved cats since I was a little kid. My dad hated them so we never had one. Have been slave to many of their people over the years, till the birds claimed me. When my younger daughters were still at home they had a cat named Smoky. They adopted him from a shelter. He spent his first few days hiding under their beds. When he finally ventured out, one of the macaws spied him and called (in a perfect replica of a human woman's voice but not MINE): "Here kitty kitty kitty!" Smoky came a-running, hoping I guess to be reunited with his former human. Much to his horror he rushed into a room with huge iron castles and giant feathered raptors, one of which proceeded to nip the end of his tail.... laughing evilly of course. He never walked through that room again, or got within 10 feet of any of the birds. Poor Smokes.

Ohhh, poor Smoky!!!!

It's so true that our fur and winged babies sure do own us. What would we ever do without them though. :D
They look good, that's for sure.

I can tell you they are good!

I have to make them every year, one for a co-worker and the other for my sister on their birthdays. And let's not forget that I have to make them for Christmas dessert every year too.

I forgot to add that I double the recipe when I make it.
Pissed off the Marine Corps recruiter today before I came to work. Went in there to donate some toys for their toys for tots program. Handed him crayolas ultimate box of crayons and begged him not to eat them.
Ohhh, poor Smoky!!!!
It's so true that our fur and winged babies sure do own us. What would we ever do without them though. :D

I sure don't know. Sometimes I do fantasize about being able to travel the world w/o having to worry about them and who will we get to take care of them, esp. since we moved last year and don't have a steady caretaker yet. But then I think of all the many years we've spent together and cannot even imagine re-homing them. These guys form the same pair bonds that we humans do, and disruption in those bonds causes the same horrible emotional distress that it does with us. Dash, the little green guy in his newspaper tent, wouldn't come out of his cage or interact with anyone after his human (my late husband) left one night never to return. For two long years. Then I met now-husband. Gradually Dash came to love him even more than he did his former human. Just like us, this winged ones are resilient survivors!

Dash snoozing on husband's knee a couple yrs. ago.
dash 11-3-15a.jpg
Pissed off the Marine Corps recruiter today before I came to work. Went in there to donate some toys for their toys for tots program. Handed him crayolas ultimate box of crayons and begged him not to eat them.

Yeah sure! But funny if true. lol
I sure don't know. Sometimes I do fantasize about being able to travel the world w/o having to worry about them and who will we get to take care of them, esp. since we moved last year and don't have a steady caretaker yet. But then I think of all the many years we've spent together and cannot even imagine re-homing them. These guys form the same pair bonds that we humans do, and disruption in those bonds causes the same horrible emotional distress that it does with us. Dash, the little green guy in his newspaper tent, wouldn't come out of his cage or interact with anyone after his human (my late husband) left one night never to return. For two long years. Then I met now-husband. Gradually Dash came to love him even more than he did his former human. Just like us, this winged ones are resilient survivors!

Dash snoozing on husband's knee a couple yrs. ago.
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We have a stay in home sitter for Hazel next year when we go on our trip. As long as she's at home, and gets used to the person beforehand, it should be fine. It won't stop the mind from worrying though, or missing their company. It would be near impossible, and even cruel to try and drag Hazel along cross country.
So here's an idea. We Amazonites don't know much about the JPP folks who we invaded. Anyone want to introduce themselves, say a little bit about yourself, and/or post any pics or music videos you like, or something?

Gods, I sound like a desperate person on an Internet-arranged first date. LOL

why certainly,

I was born in Kansas City, Missouri

My family lived on the Kansas side but the hospital was acrossed the river

my family moved to California when I was two years old

piled into a station wagon with Mom, Dad and six kids and a dog

I dont remember living in Kansas

My dad worked construction and he moved us all over Southern California chasing work.

I refer to the family as So Cal gypsys

went to highschool by the beach

college in the inland empire

and now live in town called Ontario California

just outside of LA county

I love animals

I have 4 dogs at the moment

I drink some beer

some wine

and mostly smoke the ganga for my fun.

Im addicted to politics as you might be able to tell

I have been posting here since Damocles started the site

I was at a site called with damo and some others here before that .

the person sold the site ( got some bucks too I think do to the name)

there are people here I have been posting with since 2002

when the Bush people started the march to war on lies.

I had to find a way to spread the turth.

truth is my dearest friend in life

lies ruin everything on the face of the earth.


truth sometimes hurts

but lies kill

I love music

almost as much as I love the truth

but then good music is truth
We have a stay in home sitter for Hazel next year when we go on our trip. As long as she's at home, and gets used to the person beforehand, it should be fine. It won't stop the mind from worrying though, or missing their company. It would be near impossible, and even cruel to try and drag Hazel along cross country.

We've been thinking about getting one of those tiny cameras that let you look in on things at home, like a "Nanny-cam."

In other news, ran across this and thought of you. :)
This is a discussion started by a former Amazon poster, but is for all that can behave. If your name is banned it's because you rarely behave. Talk about anything pleasant

Last night I took my SO to see the Tenors in a super groovy art deco theater in Beverley Hills.

Not a genre of music I generally would crank in my car....but a great experience for a date!

Yeah. That is true. But typically I only see them getting that way around graduation time.

Apparently they have quotas to meet or something. My youngest chick graduated h.s. in 2005. I was appalled to learn that federal law requires that public schools provide personal information on their students to the military recruiters. Apparently that includes their GPA and if they are taking college-credit courses while still in h.s. Both of my girls were. The constant phone calls at home were bad enough, but they even had recruiters waiting for them when school ended for the day. I guess there was an extra quota bonus for females with an IQ or something. I repeatedly asked the phone recruiters to stop calling. Finally I had to find their nest and stomp inside and speak to the commanding officer guy to get them to lay off.

Military service is an honorable thing... particularly when our country most needs to be defended. But sending my chicks off to fight some rich fuck's war? Not going to happen. When Trump, Obama, Bush, etc. send their kids.... then I'll think about it.