Nature, beer, the coming holidays, or whatever.

So here's an idea. We Amazonites don't know much about the JPP folks who we invaded. Anyone want to introduce themselves, say a little bit about yourself, and/or post any pics or music videos you like, or something?

Gods, I sound like a desperate person on an Internet-arranged first date. LOL
I see JD has been here long enough to start a pretty good group for thread bans.
Sure. I’ll start. I’m Mott “The” Hoople. I’m a centrist Democrat who was a centrist Republican until the KKKonservatives left the Democratic Party and became Republicans.

I’ve been a member of JPP pretty much since Damo started it in 2006. I’m widely perceived by the right wing members as a bleeding heart commie pinko liberal where as those on the far left view me as a brown shirted, jack booted storm trooping Nazi and almost everyone thinks I’m a pseudo intellectual horses ass. Truth be known I’m pretty much a garden variety asshole.

I’m from the Great Buckeye State and don’t have a high opinion of backward under developed third world countries like michigan and Texas. I believe Baseball is the greatest team sport ever invented and New York Yankees fans are wholly evil. I think Mary Ann is hotter than Ginger and that people who don’t slurp their soup are sickos. Gun fetishist give me the same creepy feeling as old guys in trench coats at the movie theaters do.

My idea of fun is to snuggle under a pile of blankets on a cold winter day with my lovely bride and writing Gay love letters in my bosses name to prison inmates.

Nice to meet you. :)
Can you speak louder...I don't think I heard you :)
The sun was cutting a path through the frost the other morning as I was leaving for work. Thought it looked cool enough to stop and snap a couple of pics.


The sun was cutting a path through the frost the other morning as I was leaving for work. Thought it looked cool enough to stop and snap a couple of pics.

How beautiful! Mind if I ask where this is, in the U.S.? Thanks for sharing. Glad we can post pics here.
We've had a bit of snow here off and on since the end of October. Mother Nature gave us a treat on Halloween morn:

The sun was cutting a path through the frost the other morning as I was leaving for work. Thought it looked cool enough to stop and snap a couple of pics.

How beautiful! Mind if I ask where this is, in the U.S.? Thanks for sharing. Glad we can post pics here.
We've had a bit of snow here off and on since the end of October. Mother Nature gave us a treat on Halloween morn:

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