Nature, beer, the coming holidays, or whatever.

We've been thinking about getting one of those tiny cameras that let you look in on things at home, like a "Nanny-cam."

In other news, ran across this and thought of you. :)

I just got done joking about that with Mom. Only thing is, it's not the stones bothering me as much as it is infectious symptoms, without testing positive for one. The one doctor didn't even send it in to be cultured. I've tested negative, but got a positive result when it was sent in before. I hope the other two actually sent them in. I don't want to get TMI with things so I'll leave it at that.
Apparently they have quotas to meet or something. My youngest chick graduated h.s. in 2005. I was appalled to learn that federal law requires that public schools provide personal information on their students to the military recruiters. Apparently that includes their GPA and if they are taking college-credit courses while still in h.s. Both of my girls were. The constant phone calls at home were bad enough, but they even had recruiters waiting for them when school ended for the day. I guess there was an extra quota bonus for females with an IQ or something. I repeatedly asked the phone recruiters to stop calling. Finally I had to find their nest and stomp inside and speak to the commanding officer guy to get them to lay off.

Military service is an honorable thing... particularly when our country most needs to be defended. But sending my chicks off to fight some rich fuck's war? Not going to happen. When Trump, Obama, Bush, etc. send their kids.... then I'll think about it.

I was lucky enough to avoid recruiting duty when I was in. But I believe their quotas are quarterly.
I was lucky enough to avoid recruiting duty when I was in. But I believe their quotas are quarterly.

Question: If a young man just out of h.s was to sign up for two year gig in the Army, what would he expect to get out of his service once he was out? Our hypothetical young man will be a h.s. grad but also a person who has struggled with academic subjects and had special ed status assistance during his school years. His strengths are in the industrial arts world, not academics. Edited to add: He is thinking of law enforcement.
The biggest thing that I took away from my time in the Corps was learning to thrive in any environment. With that I developed a mental toughness that really helped me when I did eventually have to get out. I don't even know If there still are 2 year enlistments. If there are he would be limited to an MOS that has limited training. Wouldn't make much sense to let someone in for 2 years if their school is 14 months long. I also don't know what their requirements would be given his special ed status.

All the branches have places for welders and what not. But by and large, atleast in the Corps, those folks spend very little time actually doing their jobs. If I had been smart when i was enlisting I would have gone into the Navy as a machinist or a nuke. Scored high enough to pick any job. But no. I wanted to be a bullet sponge.

He might be better off doing a full 4 or at the least enter the reserves so he could have a wider choice of jobs.
The biggest thing that I took away from my time in the Corps was learning to thrive in any environment. With that I developed a mental toughness that really helped me when I did eventually have to get out. I don't even know If there still are 2 year enlistments. If there are he would be limited to an MOS that has limited training. Wouldn't make much sense to let someone in for 2 years if their school is 14 months long. I also don't know what their requirements would be given his special ed status.

All the branches have places for welders and what not. But by and large, atleast in the Corps, those folks spend very little time actually doing their jobs. If I had been smart when i was enlisting I would have gone into the Navy as a machinist or a nuke. Scored high enough to pick any job. But no. I wanted to be a bullet sponge.

He might be better off doing a full 4 or at the least enter the reserves so he could have a wider choice of jobs.

Got some Thanksgiving reservations at a local resort. Anyone else got some yummy meal plans?
We are going light, probably making enchiladas, we leave the next day for Florida. I got a free turkey, will make that when we get home. I love turkey, especially, turkey sandwiches with cranberry and Swiss cheese,
Fall colors are disappearing here in the Northeast, Fall may even beat Spring colors? Soon though gray will dominate. Micro breweries are everywhere, our sons are constantly trying different blends but few appeal to me, red wine and good whiskey neat are my taboos. Our family holidays growing up were hand me downs or stuff neighbors would leave on our porch. Makes me laugh thinking about it. I've never understood resentment. Today our grandkids have so much, but still are good kids. Holidays often are times you have to meet family or friends and pretend as much as possible the nonsense they believe is OK nonsense. But they think the same of you. LOL 'Whatever' is harder to cover.

"Thanksgiving, man. Not a good day to be my pants." Kevin James

"My mother won't celebrate Thanksgiving. She says it represents the white man stealing our land. But she's not angry, she figures, 'What the hell, we're taking it back one casino at a time.'" Larry Omaha

"My cooking is so bad my kids thought Thanksgiving was to commemorate Pearl Harbor." Phyllis Diller

PS while I'd never ban anyone I found your comment interesting.
We are going light, probably making enchiladas, we leave the next day for Florida. I got a free turkey, will make that when we get home. I love turkey, especially, turkey sandwiches with cranberry and Swiss cheese,

capriottis ( a sub shop that is in Vegas and so cal) makes a sub called the bobby

oh man

its thanksgiving on a roll

dressing, cranberry, turkey, cheese on a huge foot long deli roll

Fall colors are disappearing here in the Northeast, Fall may even beat Spring colors? Soon though gray will dominate. Micro breweries are everywhere, our sons are constantly trying different blends but few appeal to me, red wine and good whiskey neat are my taboos. Our family holidays growing up were hand me downs or stuff neighbors would leave on our porch. Makes me laugh thinking about it. I've never understood resentment. Today our grandkids have so much, but still are good kids. Holidays often are times you have to meet family or friends and pretend as much as possible the nonsense they believe is OK nonsense. But they think the same of you. LOL 'Whatever' is harder to cover.

"Thanksgiving, man. Not a good day to be my pants." Kevin James

"My mother won't celebrate Thanksgiving. She says it represents the white man stealing our land. But she's not angry, she figures, 'What the hell, we're taking it back one casino at a time.'" Larry Omaha

"My cooking is so bad my kids thought Thanksgiving was to commemorate Pearl Harbor." Phyllis Diller

PS while I'd never ban anyone I found your comment interesting.

Hi Midcan, nice to meet you! Where are you in the Northeast? I have two daughters who live in VT.