New Kinds of Stupid

why do you care?
That's a stupid question. Bad science, bad medicine can, has and will affect you one way or the other during your lifetime. Just look at the constant recall of pharmaceuticals by various companies. There actually had to be a law passed in my lifetime to get all those nifty little notes attached to your prescriptions that tell you all the possible side effects and such. Hell, if you're old enough remember the little debacle about Merck and the drug vytorin. Some quack once prescribed that for me. Thank God I do my homework as much as possible when I get a prescription. Paying attention extended the lives of my elderly parents, as doctors dispensed the status quo drugs that were more detrimental than helpful. And brother, if it weren't for Ivermectin along with vitamin & mineral supplements, I wouldn't be here (remdesivir and baricitinib}. The late Dr. Mullis and the current Dr. Deussberg had Fauci's number years ago. He's akin to a political climber in the medical much more to pity for the general public.
Yes, but he is NOT the all round expert that he has been touted to be all these years. Think of him as a climbing politician in the medical science field. Better yet, get and read the book "Inventing the AIDS Virus" by Dr. Peter Deussberg. Or, google videos of the late Dr. Kary Mullis on his opinion on Fauci. You'll get my point.
Fauci's job was to head up an agency dealing with outbreaks of contagious disease, inform the public and health authorities, and try to stem transmission. This is in no way a political position; it's a public health position. It was politicized by the MAGATs and Trump. Fauci served in this job through multiple administrations, and did so credibly -- until Trump, Fox, and the Reichwing Idiot Machine tried to make him the target of public derision in order to deflect same from their own failure.
That's a stupid question. Bad science, bad medicine can, has and will affect you one way or the other during your lifetime. Just look at the constant recall of pharmaceuticals by various companies. There actually had to be a law passed in my lifetime to get all those nifty little notes attached to your prescriptions that tell you all the possible side effects and such. Hell, if you're old enough remember the little debacle about Merck and the drug vytorin. Some quack once prescribed that for me. Thank God I do my homework as much as possible when I get a prescription. Paying attention extended the lives of my elderly parents, as doctors dispensed the status quo drugs that were more detrimental than helpful. And brother, if it weren't for Ivermectin along with vitamin & mineral supplements, I wouldn't be here (remdesivir and baricitinib}. The late Dr. Mullis and the current Dr. Deussberg had Fauci's number years ago. He's akin to a political climber in the medical much more to pity for the general public.
not a stupid question
Fauci's job was to head up an agency dealing with outbreaks of contagious disease, inform the public and health authorities, and try to stem transmission. This is in no way a political position; it's a public health position. It was politicized by the MAGATs and Trump. Fauci served in this job through multiple administrations, and did so credibly -- until Trump, Fox, and the Reichwing Idiot Machine tried to make him the target of public derision in order to deflect same from their own failure.
I aware of his position and his duties....doesn't change the FACT that he STILL used the same methodology that was DISPROVED by Mullis and Deussberg nearly 40 years ago! Big Pharma and any medical researcher, doctor that went along with the party line GOT RICH OR MOVED UP THE LADDER. The MAGA mooks to a small extent were right in their criticisms, as Fauci was publicly caught in dubious statements. They just were more concerned about their fringe anti-gov't mantras than staying on point ( I call it the broken clock syndrome). Again, go watch the Mullis videos, read Deussberg's book to understand just what's up with the good Dr. Fauci.
I aware of his position and his duties....doesn't change the FACT that he STILL used the same methodology that was DISPROVED by Mullis and Deussberg nearly 40 years ago! Big Pharma and any medical researcher, doctor that went along with the party line GOT RICH OR MOVED UP THE LADDER. The MAGA mooks to a small extent were right in their criticisms, as Fauci was publicly caught in dubious statements. They just were more concerned about their fringe anti-gov't mantras than staying on point ( I call it the broken clock syndrome). Again, go watch the Mullis videos, read Deussberg's book to understand just what's up with the good Dr. Fauci.
I'm simpatico for the most part with your political views which align with mine. We've butted heads before on COVID and the mRNA COVID vaccines. I reject your conspiracy theory beliefs when it comes to the pandemic, how it was handled, the vaccines, and Fauci's role. He's retired now. He is no "threat" to anyone. Why does he still bother you so?
I'm simpatico for the most part with your political views which align with mine. We've butted heads before on COVID and the mRNA COVID vaccines. I reject your conspiracy theory beliefs when it comes to the pandemic, how it was handled, the vaccines, and Fauci's role. He's retired now. He is no "threat" to anyone. Why does he still bother you so?
He’s infatuated with a single doctor’s criticism but unimpressed apparently by the many doctors who have praised him. Having of course no credentials of his own.
I'm simpatico for the most part with your political views which align with mine. We've butted heads before on COVID and the mRNA COVID vaccines. I reject your conspiracy theory beliefs when it comes to the pandemic, how it was handled, the vaccines, and Fauci's role. He's retired now. He is no "threat" to anyone. Why does he still bother you so?
GMAFB! This isn't about politics! It's a about a comprehensive look at the science. THE FACTS, NOT A CONSPIRACY. To recap: Fauci was the lead scientist regarding HIV relating AIDS. The internationally renowned virologist who co-discovered the HIV anti-body, Dr. Deusberg, furthered his research to conclude that HIV was NOT the cause of AIDS. He details in his book "Inventing the AIDS Virus" as to why Fauci and all who followed him were WRONG in their conclusions. Then the technique used to detect the HIV virus, the PCR test, was developed by the late Dr. Kary Mullis (won a Nobel prize for it). He stated in peer reviewed journals, in interview and in videoed speeches and lectures, that his process DOES NOT DIAGNOSE WHAT IS MAKING YOU SICK. He also vilified Fauci as a medical version of a political hack or climber only interested in prestige and accolades. He challenged Fauci to a debate in a peer reviewed environment. Fauci refused.

Fauci spearheads the response to Covid, utilizing PCR again.

Fact: over the last 40 years, you STILL have the pharma companies putting out all types of drugs to address the HIV in your body ... making Lord knows how much money. Research facilities and the scientist/doctors who have followed the HIV=AIDS dogma have benefitted grants, promotions, contracts. No cures, no "vaccines", just more of the SOS.

And now you have the same dubious mentality pushing vaccines and treatments for Covid, a machine that vilifies and denounces any and all question or viable alternative treatments. The MAGA fools hitched their idiotic mantras and agendas to a subject that could needed cooler, saner approaches. A "broken clock sydrome" that did more damage than good.

So now that he's retired, Fauci's "work" is suddenly inconsequential? Puh-leeze!
That's a stupid question. Bad science, bad medicine can, has and will affect you one way or the other during your lifetime. Just look at the constant recall of pharmaceuticals by various companies. There actually had to be a law passed in my lifetime to get all those nifty little notes attached to your prescriptions that tell you all the possible side effects and such. Hell, if you're old enough remember the little debacle about Merck and the drug vytorin. Some quack once prescribed that for me. Thank God I do my homework as much as possible when I get a prescription. Paying attention extended the lives of my elderly parents, as doctors dispensed the status quo drugs that were more detrimental than helpful. And brother, if it weren't for Ivermectin along with vitamin & mineral supplements, I wouldn't be here (remdesivir and baricitinib}. The late Dr. Mullis and the current Dr. Deussberg had Fauci's number years ago. He's akin to a political climber in the medical much more to pity for the general public.
You were hospitalized and so fucking sick because you DIDN’T get vaccinated. It cost you big bucks and substantial health problems because you made stupid decisions.
How aloof of you. Pity all the folk who will suffer the long term adverse effects of his vaccines won't have that luxury.
I have ZERO adverse effects, short or long term, after the initial vaccine and a couple boosters.

Now, tell everyone about your long term health problems after your hospitalization and ivermectin treatment.
He’s infatuated with a single doctor’s criticism but unimpressed apparently by the many doctors who have praised him. Having of course no credentials of his own.
No, I'm pointing out the FACTS that the leader of an agenda that is detrimental to many and how this society deals with medical emergencies was NOT right almost 40 years ago and used the very same tactics for Covid...which will continue after his recent retirement.
Pathetic you believe your unqualified review of one or two iconoclastic science papers has given you the path into “reality”.
How proudly ignorant you are! FYI: the late Dr. Mullis won the Nobel for inventing the PCR tests which was incorrectly used by Fauci to "diagnose" HIV as the cause of AIDS. Fauci used the same process for Covid .... Mullis had denounced Fauci in the 1980's, challenged him to a peer reviewed debate on the incorrect use of his process. Fauci declined. Then nearly 40 years later, he did it again with AIDS.

Deusberg was the co-discoverer of the HIV virus. He continued his research and concluded that HIV was NOT the cause of AIDS. His book "Inventing the AIDS Virus" details the who, what when, where, how and why....which includes Fauci's opportunistic and incorrect involvement.

You are no more "qualified" than I regarding scientific papers....the difference is that I can apply critical analysis using ALL information available. You obviously refuse to. Fear will do that to people. The use of medical marijuana has been proven to be better for and beneficial to cancer patients. That's why I was incredulous to the man's choice. Carry on.
You were hospitalized and so fucking sick because you DIDN’T get vaccinated. It cost you big bucks and substantial health problems because you made stupid decisions.
Tell me something, genius. You get any sexual satisfaction out of being willfully ignorant and having mental flatulence? Because there are VALID, DOCUMENTED RECORDS OF PEOPLE GETTING "so fucking sick" WHO DID GET THE FIRST ROUNDS OF JABS! If you don't believe me, look it up because I'm tired of doing real homework for trolls. The first vaccines got the bum's rush approval in December of 2020, I caught it in late November of 2021. Have 2 brothers who didn't get jabbed, got it at the same time and go over it in about 2 weeks. Got that genius? Now GTFU and deal with the facts that is not in the party mantra. Or in your case, don't.