New Recruit

Oh no, you seem to be doing your classic two step Southern Man dance.

Step one: Make a claim with no evidence whatsoever to back it up
Step two: Lie about everything.

John F. Kerry was a pussy and he joined the Navy to be on a small boat because he was told it would be stationed off shore, and ferry marines from larger craft to shore. He shat his pants when they changed the mission to go up river.

Maineman who used to post here and was banned joined the navy and never saw combat, and he's the biggest pussy that I know.

I have a good friend who is in the Navy, know some cool dudes from HS who went Navy, and there's some ex-sailors at my unit who are cool dudes (one of which was my chief for several years and is now a contractor), so I can personally vouch that not ALL sailors are gay. Billy was a Marine, so maybe he can vouch for a few more. :cool:
Umm, Captain Klumpz....
Yes, Malarkey?
The men haven't eaten in days, sir.
Yes Malarkey.
Captain, I don't think you fully understand. I said the men have not eaten in days now.
I heard you, Malarkey, thank you.
Captain, you've gone quite mad. I'm telling you for the last time, the men have not eaten in days!
Well, force them! You've plenty of men, haven't you?
Plenty, sir.
Plenty of what, sir?
Men, sir!
Men! Men! MEN! Men!

Men, Men, Men, Men
Men, Men, Men, Men
Men, Men, Men, Men
Men, Men, Men, Men

It's great to be on a ship with men and sail across the sea-o,
We don't know where we'll land or when, but it's great to be with men
It's great to be with men

'Cause men can sweat and men can stink and no one seems to care-o,
We'll throw the dishes in the sink and clog the drain with hair-o,
(Clog the drain with hair-o)

Men, men, men.
It's a ship all filled with men.
So batten down the ladies room; there's no one here but men
Men, Men, Men, Men
Men, Men, Men, Men

There's men above, there's men below, there's men down in the galley,
There's Butch and Spike And Buzz and Biff
And one guy we call Sally
(And one guy we call Sally)

Men, men, men.
It's a ship all filled with men.
You'll never have to lift the seat; there's no one here but men
Men, Men, Men, Men
Men, Men, Men, Men

We're men and friends until the end and none of us are sissies,
At night we sleep in separate beds and blow each other kissies
(And blow each other kissies)

Men, men, men.
It's a ship all filled with men.
So throw your rubbers overboard; there's no one here but men
Ahhhhhhhhh, Mennnnn.
Typical SM style. Too cowardly to volunteer himself, but perfectly willing to ridicule those who did.
No, just the queer ones and their enablers.

No, that song and dance doesn't work anymore, asshole. You have been pegged by people all over this board for what you are.

I must say, its been amusing to watch.
John F. Kerry was a pussy and he joined the Navy to be on a small boat because he was told it would be stationed off shore, and ferry marines from larger craft to shore. He shat his pants when they changed the mission to go up river.

Maineman who used to post here and was banned joined the navy and never saw combat, and he's the biggest pussy that I know.

Pretty hypocritical words for someone who has neither served nor gone into harms way. I don't care what the fucking circumstances are. If you go into combat for your nation that deserves a mountain of respect. The real pussies are you chicken hawk swift boaters.
Pretty hypocritical words for someone who has neither served nor gone into harms way. I don't care what the fucking circumstances are. If you go into combat for your nation that deserves a mountain of respect. The real pussies are you chicken hawk swift boaters.
Not at all. I chose not to serve since there wasn't a war when I was of the age to make that choice.

The hypocrite here is Kerry, who wanted military service on his resume for his future political career. You can't dispute that he chose this specific commission because it was the least likely to get him into actual combat. You also can't dispute that once he found himself in country, he did whatever he could to keep himself out of it, culminating in at least two bogus Purple Hearts in order to get three then bug-out after four months.
Not at all. I chose not to serve since there wasn't a war when I was of the age to make that choice.

The hypocrite here is Kerry, who wanted military service on his resume for his future political career. You can't dispute that he chose this specific commission because it was the least likely to get him into actual combat. You also can't dispute that once he found himself in country, he did whatever he could to keep himself out of it, culminating in at least two bogus Purple Hearts in order to get three then bug-out after four months.

Yeah yeah yeah, you have tried these excuses before. But you turn around and try to ridicule those who did serve but were not in combat. Can you say "hypocrite"?

You didn't volunteer because you lack the balls to do so. You were afraid you might end up showing everyone how afraid you actually are.
If you had balls you would have joined a branch were you may have seen combat.

:rofl: You are calling me a coward because of which branch I joined? Even for you, that is hilarious.

I was in the force that took Grenada, in the Gulf of Sidra when Kaddfi was threatening us, and online when the hostages in Iraq were taken and rescued.

Meanwhile, you were threatened......hmmm......thats right, you were back here enjoying the liberty I was putting my life on the line to preserve.
In other words, you were safely offshore. :cof1:

Lets see, I was there (offshore) and you were back here safe and sound in the USA. So who was it that stepped up and who was it that showed their yellow streak? I stepped up and volunteered. couldn't be bothered by something as trivial as service to your country.

In other words, I was far closer than you were.