Now it's getting pitiful, can you say "Temper Tantrum", now it's the Ocean?

How can you lose with razor sharp ripostes like that!! If all else fails you can always get your super intelligent friend Rootbeer to help you.

He is certainly smarter than you, and the truth doesn't need to be witty, just true. A bit queer though, don't you think, you questioning ANYONE else's sense of humor?
He is certainly smarter than you, and the truth doesn't need to be witty, just true. A bit queer though, don't you think, you questioning ANYONE else's sense of humor?

As you say the truth doesn't have to be funny, so who's laughing when I say that you are a sycophant, camp follower and devoid of originality. I would also question how smart you have to be impress somebody like you, not very.
As you say the truth doesn't have to be funny, so who's laughing when I say that you are a sycophant, camp follower and devoid of originality. I would also question how smart you have to be impress somebody like you, not very.

I am a sycophant because I can handle knowing that a woman prevailed against the best men this forum had to put up against her?
I am devoid of originality? My patrons don't seem to think so.

Since we are just throwing random insults meaninglessly, I will add that you are a typical misogynist, which explains why you are so alarmed by Darla's success. Too bad she wasn't one of those Asian woman who know their place, huh Tom? You know, the only race of women susceptible to your "charms".

Lord Obama, Master of the Seas.


i really don't know why we can't piecemeal funding together, at least the mini appropriations. we'd stil have to have negotiations, but at least do what we can

The Republicans have tried this; but the petulant child running the Senate and the buffoon in the White House told Repubkicans to pound sand. In their small partisan brains, they delight in the misery this causes for political gain. They are counting on the Sheeple, assisted by a media practicing malfeasance, to give them majority victories in 2014 so they do not any opposition to expand their moronic tax and spending schemes.
Where are the good jobs for the jobless that the God King promised?

He made the rise of the oceans slow and the planet heal, didn't he?

Hear him:

What are the Republicans going to claim today about Obama..

He wants to close access to Oxygen?
What are the Republicans going to claim today about Obama..

He wants to close access to Oxygen?

No, it is the GOP that wants to tax air, but only those who don't pay their share, you know, the 47% that didn't vote for Romney.
Maybe they'll claim he promised good jobs for the jobless, slowing the rise of the oceans and healing the planet.

You are too funny in this incarnation.

You know damn well that Dung Heap is smarter than Truth Deflector by an order of magnitude, yet you thank Truth Deflector's nonsense to stay in character.
It really makes you look like an idiot.