One time they showed us a movie, I was about six years old, about the "End Times". The movie had kids who were "Left Behind" as they weren't believers, their parents had been taken up in the "Rapture". About when I was 8 or so, I knew then that I didn't believe in this stuff, I came home. All the lights were on, the water in the kitchen was running, the stove was open, the front door was open, nobody was home.
Can you imagine what it felt like?
I later discovered that they had shut off all the power and water in the area to fix an issue with underground cabling and water, my mother had gone over to a neighbors for a conversation (probably about her 'walk with God') had shut the door, but not quite all the way and it had blown open as a door often does when not latched correctly.
She had been cleaning the oven when the lights and water went out, and didn't turn off the sink in the kitchen because she didn't realize that she had left the faucet open.
It didn't change the effect that had on me.
Damn that would be sad. When did you deside the rapture was not believable for you after you found your Mom or during the movie?
The first momment I quetioned was hearing the story of Abraham and his son.
I was like five years old an thought that was not the actions of a just God.
From that momment on I kept seeing reasons why the Ideas of religions did not comport with reality for me.