APP - Pass Kennedy Care now!

There are about a million things that I could name a water dog that wouldn't remind me, or anybody else, of the night I killed a girl. That would not be seen as grossly crass and show a capacity to forget something that would haunt others for the rest of their lives.

There are more than a million places Nixon could have moved to that would not have reminded me or anyone else of WATERgate.
A Scout (a type of SUV) is an object, like "Splash" a simple noun. You have got to be desperate to defend his action to come up with these.

May I again, say the same about you and the name Splash. Now if it had been Glub, Glub, I would cal lit into question.
Ted Kennedy's nephew was killed when his airplane crashed into the WATER... Obviously he did not care about John Jr. because he later named his dog SPLASH....
Responding to an absurd argument with an equally absurd argument is a strong form of illistrating that the origional argument was absurd.

IMO, the man showed off his capacity to forget what others believe "haunted" him all his life by naming his dog something that would remind anybody with a brain of what is supposedly the "worst" moment of his life. He showed an inability to understand the grief such action could cause for others (the loved ones of Mary Jo) by joyfully announcing it on public airwaves, it is just one example of why I think the man only deserves the minimal amount of respect.

It is also one of the reasons that I believe that he cared about the means to gain power, and was good at convincing people that he "cared" in order to gain what he craved.

IMO, the man showed off his capacity to forget what others believe "haunted" him all his life by naming his dog something that would remind anybody with a brain of what is supposedly the "worst" moment of his life. He showed an inability to understand the grief such action could cause for others (the loved ones of Mary Jo) by joyfully announcing it on public airwaves, it is just one example of why I think the man only deserves the minimal amount of respect.

It is also one of the reasons that I believe that he cared about the means to gain power, and was good at convincing people that he "cared" in order to gain what he craved.

To me that is silly. You are grasping at straws on that one.
To me that is silly. You are grasping at straws on that one.
I think it reminded him of what happens when a water dog enters the water, but that is just my simple mind, I am not too good at giant leaps!
To me that is silly. You are grasping at straws on that one.
IMO, it is solely because of the "D" by his name. I believe that if anybody with an "R" showed the same incapacity for empathizing with others you would have been all over it like white on rice.
IMO, it is solely because of the "D" by his name. I believe that if anybody with an "R" showed the same incapacity for empathizing with others you would have been all over it like white on rice.

Nope, it is you who are doing this because Kennedy has a D by his name. You are grasping because of the D. If I did not have great respect for you due to the other 1000's of posts where you made brilliant remarks... Id take away a reputation point.
When Nixon died, I discussed many of the great things he did both while president and after. Certantly watergate will be a part of his legacy... just like Mary Jo will be of Kenendy's but those two events do not erase the good things both of them did.
that is the excuse for your ignorant comment?

again... your bulb is not very bright.

No silly, I made a simple mistake, they named the daughter for the grandmother not the mother. But my point was not for that purpose anyway, my point was to illistrate how silly Damo's argument was.
Nope, it is you who are doing this because Kennedy has a D by his name. You are grasping because of the D. If I did not have great respect for you due to the other 1000's of posts where you made brilliant remarks... Id take away a reputation point.
Again the "rubber/glue" argument, "Nuh-uh... it's you!" :rolleyes:
No silly, I made a simple mistake, they named the daughter for the grandmother not the mother. But my point was not for that purpose anyway, my point was to illistrate how silly Damo's argument was.

The point Jarod is that your point made no sense. It did not illustrate any such thing.

IMO, the man showed off his capacity to forget what others believe "haunted" him all his life by naming his dog something that would remind anybody with a brain of what is supposedly the "worst" moment of his life. He showed an inability to understand the grief such action could cause for others (the loved ones of Mary Jo) by joyfully announcing it on public airwaves, it is just one example of why I think the man only deserves the minimal amount of respect.

It is also one of the reasons that I believe that he cared about the means to gain power, and was good at convincing people that he "cared" in order to gain what he craved.

he named his dog after mary jo? wtf!
Plenty of things that are not bad are also not good.

well....its not
